Top 10 Things to Teach Kids about Cell Phone Manners
We have all been there. We try to get the attention of a friend but they are tied up checking news on the internet. We have to listen to loud phone calls others are making […]
Sheila Rogers DeMare, MS, Founder and Director of the nonprofit Association for Comprehensive NeuroTherapy (ACN), is a leader in the field of integrative therapies for neuropsychiatric and behavioral disorders. She is a certified school psychologist and is a national speaker on Tourette syndrome.
We have all been there. We try to get the attention of a friend but they are tied up checking news on the internet. We have to listen to loud phone calls others are making […]
At some point we all have moments when our mortality hits home. Maybe a friend or relative passes. Perhaps we face a health crisis, or enjoy a glimpse of spiritual awakening. A fresh awareness of […]
Sign up for free now if you want to take advantage of this professionally produced series on “broken brains.” It begins today, January 17, 2018 and continues with different topics for eight days. (You can […]
Environmental and Nutritional Tips to Improve Your Family’s Health This feature highlights reports, studies, and feedback on efforts that can make a positive impact in our quest for health. Topics we cover in this issue are included […]
Botulinum toxin (Botox) as a therapy for tics is not FDA-approved. Still, it is considered by physicians at times, especially for single tics, because conventional medications are often not effective and have the potential for […]
My sister and I remember the night our father woke us up to tell us the house was on fire. Well, he didn’t exactly do that. Dad walked to the doorway of our bedroom and […]
In this article, a mother wrote to describe challenges in helping her son reduce his tics. Some suggestions are offered at the conclusion, and readers are invited to do the same in the comment section. […]
Environmental and Nutritional Tips to Improve Your Family’s Health This feature highlights reports, studies, and feedback on efforts that can make a positive impact in our quest for health. Topics we cover in this issue are included […]