Printable Homework Charts for Teachers & Students

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Classroom Homework Charts Introduction

Inspire your students to complete and turn in their homework by using our printable Homework Charts in your classroom. These homework charts work especially well with students who are reluctant to do homework or have a tendency to forget to turn it in. You can also share special Homework Charts with parents to help them with the challenge of homework completion at home. Just share this link.

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Selecting a Homework Chart for Your Students

When selecting a Homework Chart, consider whether you want to track homework for one subject or many subjects. If you want to track homework for a single subject, use a Homework Chart that requires five repetitions, one for each day of the week Monday through Friday. If you want to track homework for several subject areas, choose one of the weekly Homework Charts which looks more like a calendar grid and has space for days of the week, as well as headings at the top for each subject area.

Using Our Printable Homework Charts

Using a Homework Chart can help take the stress out of the parental role of making sure homework is completed. When a child or teen understands what is expected and can see the chart posted as a reminder, it can provide a needed nudge. Others need more than a nudge(!) and will need expectations clearly outlined in order to receive an incentive reward.

Keep it Interesting

Watch for new opportunities to celebrate your students’ homework successes. Look for students who are making progress, even if there’s still a lot of room for improvement. Remember that baby steps are cause for celebration, too. Start with simple expectations and grow from there. Aim to keep things fresh, adjusting goals, using new incentives and selecting different charts from our collection.

Enjoy and Have Fun!

If you like using our Classroom Homework Charts, then please use our social share buttons to tell your friends and family about them.

Be sure to check out all of the other charts and printables we offer on our site by navigating our menu. We also suggest for you to follow us on Pinterest for more helpful goodies! We regularly post behavior charts and other useful behavioral tools to our followers.

If you have any ideas on new charts that you would like to see us offer, then please send us a note. We would love to hear from you!

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