OCD: Families Speak Out
Millions of families struggle with trying to help their children who exhibit symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Adults also face the challenges of living with OCD. Conventional medication and behavioral interventions are not always successful, and concern over potential drug side-effects adds to the motivation to seek alternative approaches.
ACN Latitudes often hears from readers who wish to share their success in finding natural approaches to OCD. Efforts include integrative measures such as dietary changes, nutritional supplementation, detoxification, body work, EEG biofeedback, homeopathy, and more. We have posted some of these accounts below and hope you find them useful.
If you have an experience to share for the benefit of others, please contact us and put Families Speak Out in the subject area.

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ANDY’S MOM Editor: We are reprinting one of our popular posts about a teenager who had a frightening experience while taking conventional medications for his Tourette’s, OCD, and ADHD—and how the parents intervened successfully with […]
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Thomas’s mother Thank you for the help offered in ACN’s wonderful book, Natural Treatments for Tics and Tourettes. Some of the suggestions were instrumental in my son Thomas’s recovery. Knowing the desperate feeling of looking […]
By Ellen, mother of Tina Editor: Ellen’s story is shared to convey the serious symptoms and struggles that can occur with an infection-triggered neurological disorder, as well as the determination often needed to find help. […]
When I unplugged our cordless phone system, I had no idea what a difference it would make in our lives. My reason for unplugging it was that within one year, two of my friends were […]
We have an 8-year-old child who has a combination of Tourette syndrome and mild obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Through nutrition, cleansing, and supplements over the past year, we have seen some dramatic improvements. A couple […]
By Ian’s mother, Nancy After our son had spent a few exceptionally stressful days in 1st grade, my husband and I noticed his little hands were red and raw. A quick phone consult with his […]
Reader Posts These letters were received from readers who wanted to share their success with dietary and environmental changes for obsessive compulsive disorder. Nutrients helped my OCD and tics I heard about Latitudes from the […]