Printable Behavior Charts for Kids


Behavior Charts Introduction

Behavior Charts are a simple but powerful concept. Their use is truly unlimited, from potty training, to discipline, to routines and chores, to homework—and so much more. You can enjoy enjoy the positive habits you’re looking in your child without the constant nagging. (And we know nagging doesn’t really work anyway, right?) See special tips on using the charts at the end of this page. And meanwhile, scroll through 100+ of our Behavior Charts and see what’s a good fit for your situation!

Our free printable behavior charts are a terrific resource that’s at your fingertips. With them, you can inspire children to behave better by tracking their progress and giving them an incentive to reach their goal. They will feel a sense of accomplishment, and so will you!

Click to See Hundreds of Other Parenting Printables

Chore charts, behavior charts, potty charts, and much more

Click to See Hundreds of Other Classroom Printables

Behavior charts, award certificates, feelings charts, and much more

Behavior Chart Benefits

It’s been proven that when we measure and track efforts, the behavior of children will improve. So whether you want your kids to do their chores, eat their meals, perform better in school, or be nicer to a sibling or friend, our free kids printable behavior charts are a great way to support your children in developing new habits. Keep in mind that behavior charts work very effectively with kids to increase their motivation and productivity.

Our free behavior charts are great for setting clear expectations with children and they help to motivate kids to improve their behaviors through positive incentives and rewards. The charts can be used alone or as a supplement to conventional behavior therapy and other behavior modification approaches.

Selecting a Behavior Chart for your Kids

In each category of our behavior charts for parents to use, we provide tips and suggestions for on how to select the appropriate chart. It’s often a good idea to involve your son or daughter in this process. The more buy-in you can have, the better!

Please also be sure to check out our popular  Behavior Charts to the Rescue eBook, which is packed full with a lot of helpful tips and tricks on using our free printable kids reward charts and behavior charts with your child or student. It is the perfect companion to make sure you are using the charts effectively and to ensure a successful outcome.

Using Our Printable Behavior Charts

We want our incentive charts to be: 1)  Simple to use; 2)  Appealing to different ages; and 3)  Super helpful!

The feedback we get tells us we’re doing a good job of reaching these goals. That really means the world to us, and inspires us to keep coming up with more behavior reward charts!

Keep it Interesting

We suggest changing the behavior chart on a weekly basis to help keep your child excited.  This works especially well if you hang their completed charts somewhere prominent and visible in your house. We also suggest changing the stickers or using different colored crayons and markers periodically.

Enjoy and Have Fun!

If you like using our Behavior Charts, please use our social share buttons to tell your friends and family about them.

Be sure to check out all of the other charts and printables we offer on our site by navigating our menu on the right. We also suggest that you follow us on Pinterest for more helpful goodies! We regularly post incentive charts and other useful behavioral tools to our followers.

If you have any ideas on new behavior charts that you would like to see us offer, then please send us a note. We would love to hear from you!

Behavior Charts Pinterest
