Look What These Families Did for Their Kids’ Tics (Premium)
Parent #1
I’m sharing something that I hope will help your readers. Even though it has been many years since my son’s Tourette syndrome was brought under control, it still makes me angry that I did not know to look for this.
When Charlie was 11, he had a lot of tics, mostly around his eyes, head and shoulders, but sometimes he had full-body tics. It was stressing him out and hurting his school work and social life. Things had to be “just so” or he would get very upset. He was diagnosed with Tourette’s by a neurologist.
Charlie sweated a lot at night, and was also very fatigued and emotional. I heard from another mother that there could be an allergy connection. Fast-forward, we learned he had severe dust allergies along with other allergies. He didn’t have itchy eyes or hayfever. How would I have known? I got going on making his bed dust-free, I found good ideas on the internet plus my doctor had suggestions. This made a big difference in reducing tics. Now that I think about it, the poor kid was being exposed to dust all night long.
We were renting and I couldn’t do much about the old carpeting except keep it clean. I did my best with the whole house. And we got a good air filter for his bedroom. Once that was out of the way, I focused on food. These changes caused a complete turnaround. I am still in awe, and the only way I learned about it was from a parent.
Parent #2
I have a son who was normal until the age of 11. One day, he started heavy eye-blinking. Side mouth-twitching soon developed, then more serious tics, such as bending his head way to the side, and extreme shoulder shrugging. He later began making repeating negative statements, over and over, and became high strung.
These symptoms continued for one year. At this point we decided medication would be better than the psychological damage he was experiencing. So, he began taking Clonidine. His tics diminished, but they were still enough for his peers to notice, and they interrupted his social life.
In desperation, I began reading books on natural healing and allergies. My son is very allergic to dust mites. I covered his mattress and pillow, and removed dust from his bedroom. I began giving him lecithin and vitamin E, B vitamins, and vitamin C. His condition showed clear improvement with these changes, and he was able to reduce his Clonidine.
It has been a year, and he now has only occasional vocal tics (not in public), and 95% of the physical tics are gone. I feel that allergy plays a role in Tourette syndrome and that supplements can be helpful.
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