Another Reason to Ditch Artificial Sweeteners (Premium)
Impaired gut function can directly affect the immune system and cause havoc in the brain. And, more studies than ever are exploring the gut-brain connection. Efforts to maintain a healthy digestive tract through the use of probiotic products throughout life is now a big business.
An even bigger business is the production and sale of artificial sweeteners. Whether you turn to them for weight loss or blood-sugar control, millions spoon, sprinkle or drip these concoctions into their foods and beverages every day thinking that it’s smarter than sugar.
Some may also be thinking that avoiding natural sugars will help prevent or control a yeast imbalance in the digestive tract. Sugars such as cane sugar, corn syrup, honey, and agave can “feed” Candida albicans and cause it to get out of control in the gut and body. While we all have candida yeast, problems arise when there is an overgrowth.
Their solution? Skip the sugars and turn to artificial sweeteners. Whoa. Big mistake!