Cross Talk Between the Gut and the Brain
In this video presentation sponsored by the Autism Research Institute, Dr. Alessio Fasano focuses on autism spectrum disorders and “connects the dots” beween genes and the environment. Dr. Fasano founded the Center for Celiac Research, […]
Why Children and Microwave Radiation Are a Dangerous Mix (Premium)
A sobering journal article explores why children absorb more microwave radiation than adults. It also explains that the fetus is in even greater danger than children from exposure. This article should be a game-changer for […]
A Fun Approach for ADHD: Progressive Relaxation
MARCIA GOMEZ Many parents seek to avoid using standard drugs for ADHD in a child. It’s well known the medications have negative side effects, often causing more harm than good. Progressive relaxation offers a safe […]
Your World and You: Tips to Improve Your Family’s Health – Issue 14 (Premium)
Environmental and Nutritional Tips to Improve Your Family’s Health This feature highlights reports, studies, and feedback from families on efforts that can make a positive impact in our quest for health. Topics we cover in this […]
Our Helpful PANDAS and Behavior Chart Books Now Available for Kindle
We heard your requests! We are now offering both of our popular eBooks in the Amazon Kindle format. View our PANDAS eBook and our Behavior Chart eBook on Amazon’s website. With the Kindle version, you will have […]
Where Psychiatry Misses the Boat with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Premium)
Psychiatrists are well equipped to take notes while patients describe their symptoms, compare these symptoms to a checklist, and declare a diagnosis. But they fail to complete what could be the most important and helpful […]
Gain Control of Your Biochemistry with Dr. William Walsh
Take advantage of this fascinating 30-minute interview with William Walsh, PhD from Bulletproof Executive Radio, one of the top ranked Podcasts in Fitness and Nutrition on iTunes. Dr. Walsh describes his work in engineering human […]
The Bad News on SPLENDA® Just Keeps on Coming (Premium)
Check out these disturbing facts about sucralose ( SPLENDA® ), the most popular and widely used sweetener in the world. As you read them, keep this information from the manufacturer’s website in mind: “SPLENDA® Brand Sweetener is one […]
Rethinking Triggers for Tourette Syndrome
I had tics as a kid, but they were never diagnosed at the time. My mother simply called them “nervous habits,” which she and her mother also had. But mine were complex tics, mostly involving […]
Immune Function and Autism Spectrum Disorders
A half-day symposium on immunological factors, genes, and the environment focused on the potential benefit of medical treatments to address environmentally-triggered problems associated with autism spectrum disorders. The program was recorded on June 1, 2013 […]