Triggers for Tics: Did you Check the Car?
Updated January 2, 2014. If you’ve noticed a symptom change with conditions such as OCD, anxiety, tics, mood swings, or ADHD when riding in vehicles, please let us know so we can share the information. […]
Sheila Rogers DeMare, MS, Founder and Director of the nonprofit Association for Comprehensive NeuroTherapy (ACN), is a leader in the field of integrative therapies for neuropsychiatric and behavioral disorders. She is a certified school psychologist and is a national speaker on Tourette syndrome.
Updated January 2, 2014. If you’ve noticed a symptom change with conditions such as OCD, anxiety, tics, mood swings, or ADHD when riding in vehicles, please let us know so we can share the information. […]
Hannah Hickey Press release The same University of Washington researcher who used chemical sleuthing to deduce what’s in fragranced consumer products now has turned her attention to the scented air wafting from household laundry vents. […]
Start here for useful tips on how to find alternative therapies and treatments for tics and Tourette syndrome, PANDAS / PANS, anxiety, autism, ADHD, depression, OCD, learning disabilities, and other neurological disorders. You will also learn about our free printable behavior charts and our popular forum discussion board.
It’s pretty crazy that ticks can cause tics, but they can. Deer ticks have been on my mind since my husband retired in May and we moved to our home town of Grosse Ile, Michigan […]
Even twenty years after PANDAS (pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections) was recognized, after numerous studies have added to evidence in support of the condition, a debate continues over whether PANDAS actually exists. The […]
Editor: This study found that those with less education were more affected than others by the same amount of exposure to solvents. Among the less-educated, those who were highly exposed to chlorinated and petroleum solvents, benzene, […]
Since there is no medical test to determine a diagnosis of ADHD, professionals should be careful to rule out environmental and physical factors that may be playing a role. Parents can also explore possible causes […]
This letter from Sheila Rogers on behalf of the Association for Comprehensive NeuroTherapy was written in 1996 and is being reposted. The situation, unfortunately, has not improved. The letter: To date, the Tourette Syndrome Association […]