Webinar: Tourette’s and Natural Therapies February 22, 2025
Webinar on Zoom Saturday, February 22, 2025
11:30 AM Eastern Standard Time
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85297015631
Meeting ID: 852 9701 5631
It was 32 years ago when Sheila DeMare’s son was healed of a serious case of Tourette syndrome. The only treatment his neurologist offered was strong medications with side effects that he warned “could be worse than the symptoms themselves.”
How did he heal? Through allergy desensitization, dietary changes, nutrients, and adjustments to his environment to avoid allergens and toxins.
He wasn’t the first with Tourette’s to improve with this type of approach, and thousands since then have benefitted as well.
After his recovery, Sheila started researching the literature on natural treatments for tics, conducting surveys, collecting feedback from physicians and families, and sharing hopeful findings to help the public.
Sheila accomplished this during the last three decades–first by mailing print newsletters, then digitally on the www.Latitudes.org website, through her books Natural Treatments for Tics and Tourette’s: A Patient and Family Guide and Stop Your Tics by Learning What Triggers Them, as well as numerous speaking events on webinars and at national conferences.
Don’t miss Sheila’s live presentation this weekend:
- Learn what you can do to identify symptom triggers
- Hear an important update on the value of food sensitivity testing
- Find out about the latest international interest in natural therapies for tics and why the USA lags behind
- Get tips for starting on your own health journey
Saturday December 22, 2025; 11:30 AM EST.
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85297015631
Meeting ID: 852 9701 5631