Using Your Premium Membership Perk on Behavior Charts
Don’t forget that as a premium member, you are able to download our behavior charts and type your information into embedded fields to save handwriting the goals or rewards.
For teachers, this is a real time-saver and ensures a neat presentation to parents.
Families also enjoy the convenience of typing on a chart and printing several copies at once rather than having to complete a fresh one each time. Some like to let their child do the typing.
(If you have any difficulty, first save the chart and open in Adobe Acrobat Reader.)
Our e-book Behavior Charts to the Rescue, a 37-page guide on how to get the most from our charts, has “rescued” teachers and parents just like you! Also, as a premium member, you can use your special coupon code to receive a discount on your e-book purchase!
Most of our charts are on this page, while three of our latest are here: