The Criteria for a Diagnosis of ADHD
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has become so common that educators and parents (not to mention people standing in line at the grocery store!) often declare that a child is hyper or has ADHD. Yet, a […]
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has become so common that educators and parents (not to mention people standing in line at the grocery store!) often declare that a child is hyper or has ADHD. Yet, a […]
According to a study from the Harvard School of Public Health, a mother’s intake of linoleic acid, an essential polyunsaturated fatty acid (omega-6) resulted in significantly less risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in her children. A […]
There is no single cause for the widespread problem of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and no single solution to the problem. While it is human nature to want a quick fix, a “silver bullet” […]
RICKI LINKSMAN, MEd Ricki Linksman addresses common question on tips to improve reading scores. My son’s state reading test scores are low. When I listen to him read he stumbles over many words. How can […]
Hyperactive children are unique, fascinating, and often brilliant children, but they frequently end up in exceptional student education programming for learning or behavioral problems. Untreated, some children will outgrow the condition; others will become hyperactive […]
When obese children develop high blood pressure, one factor may be watching too much television. The American Journal of Preventive Medicine issued a news release on the subject in which researchers urged families and doctors […]
No More ADHD (updated) by Dr. Mary Ann Block, is loaded with stimulant-bashing facts and complaints that the educational system pushes “labels” and meds. Families are directed to aggressively seek out doctors who will investigate the […]
Helpful recommendations for families dealing with ADHD Turn off the TV and limit video games. This avoids excessive visual stimulation and increases the chance that your child will engage in normal, healthy activities that will […]