7 Frightening Facts About ADHD Drugs (Infographic)
Everyone knows that way too many kids are being diagnosed with ADHD/ADD, and at increasingly younger ages. The majority of these kids are being prescribed drugs—drugs that are known to have dangerous potential side effects. Yet nothing is being done to stop this madness! We pulled together seven facts about these drugs that are downright disturbing. Each is based on research or information provided by the drug manufacturer:
- Side effects of the popular drug Vyvanse are decreased appetite, insomnia, diarrhea, dizziness, weight decrease, vomiting, headache, and upper abdominal pain. You can find more here. (Enjoy school, kids!)
- The FDA warns that ADHD drugs (both stimulants and non-stimulants) can result in prolonged and painful erections in boys of all ages. So sad. See here. It is described as rare. Yet are we imagine that kids and teens are going to run to their moms and tell them what has happened? There’s no way to know the real incidence. The fact that it can occur at all is shocking.
- Vyvanse is being tested for use with preschoolers! Check out a description of Vyvanse here which includes this warning: “Using this medication improperly can cause death or serious side effects on the heart.”
- Long-term safety of ADHD drugs on the heart and brain remain to be proven, even after 40 years.
- Loss of appetite, sleep problems, and mood swings are considered common—they hardly receive any notice.
- Long-term use of stimulants is associated with stunted growth as well as obesity.
- Preschoolers experience the worst side effects from the drugs.
It is critical that the medical profession put an end to the practice of drugging our kids without ever even examining them to find out what might be causing symptoms in the first place.