Need Convincing About Dangers of Artificial Food Colors? (Premium)
After writing about natural diets for more than two decades, it’s easy for me to forget that many folks are just starting to think about this topic.
The fact that supermarket aisles in North America are still loaded with products containing artificial colors is a testament to the general public’s acceptance of these items. Often, families don’t get much support from their doctors even if they want to change their children’s diet. I recall when a major study in the UK made big headlines. It clearly showed that artificial colors (and preservatives) could cause hyperactivity, triggering a behavioral change even in so-called “normal” kids.
I was shocked when I later listened to a doctor discuss the above study on the radio. He advised that it would be better to let children eat what they want rather than make them feel “different” from their peers. Doesn’t this doctor know that kids who are hyper are already different? Doesn’t he know that there are other issues involved, especially since many children with ADHD end up on medications that could negatively impact their health? Unfortunately, he’s not the only physician who doesn’t realize that parents should be given encouragement and support to implement healthful dietary changes.
If you need help convincing a relative, friend, or even your doctor about the importance of avoiding artificial colors in foods and beverages, check this out: