Tics and Tourettes: Families Speak Out
For more than 18 years, families have shared experiences with natural and integrative approaches to tic disorders, including Tourette syndrome.
It is clear through interactions with families and ACN survey results that environmental factors play a large role in the condition of Tourette’s and tics. For decades people were told that tics were due to genetics and there was little that could be done for symptoms except the use of strong medications. We know differently! Research is just starting to focus on environmental issues that many families discovered on their own. Other complementary medicine approaches have also been useful.
Approaches include integrative measures such as dietary changes, nutritional supplementation, detoxification, body work, EEG biofeedback, homeopathy, hypnosis, and more. We hope you find these accounts useful.
If you have an experience to share for the benefit of others, please contact us and put Families Speak Out in the subject area.

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