PANDAS/PANS: Prevention and Treatment
PANS including PANDAS are conditions that cry out for immediate treatment. While no consensus exists in the medical community on how to treat these conditions, if a parent were to wait for complete agreement, their child would not receive help.
That said, considerable progress has been made in treating youngsters with PANDAS, often with excellent results. Children differ in their needs, and a one-size-fits-all approach is not available.
Treatments focused on for use with PANDAS include:
- Antibiotics (short- or long-term), to eradicate the strep
- Short-term course of steroids, to reduce brain inflammation
- Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), to help modulate the immune response
- Plasmapheresis, to remove harmful antibodies from the bloodstream
Some physicians use long-term antibiotic therapy as a preventive measure. Doctors who employ a holistic approach to PANDAS also address factors that can affect the immune system, such as nutritional imbalances, allergic reactions, diet, underlying infections beyond strep, toxic exposures, and digestive imbalances (including the need to replenish good gut bacteria after antibiotic therapy).
Therapies for PANS are less well established due to the fact that it has only recently been defined (2012) and encompasses a wide range of suspected causative factors.
For more information see our e-book Your Child Has Changed. Should you Consider PANDAS? Let’s Talk

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