ADHD: Prevention and Treatment
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is considered to be a condition resulting from a combination of lifestyle and environmental factors combined with a genetic predisposition.
Studies show that maternal factors such as smoking, alcohol use, nutritional deficits, a C-section, and a family history of ADHD can increase the risk of ADHD in a child. Childhood nutritional imbalances, dietary factors, brain injury, exposure to toxins (i.e. lead; pesticides), excessive television viewing, and allergens are some of the environmental or lifestyle factors that have been associated with the condition.
Standard treatment focuses on stimulant medications, non-stimulants that affect neurotransmitters, and antidepressants. Each has the potential for significant side-effects. See “ADHD Treatment: Taking the Road Most Travelled” for a summary of typical conventional treatments.
Due to concern over medication side-effects and lack of drug effectiveness for some children and adults, many people seek natural and integrative approaches to ADHD. Our article “Natural and Integrative Treatments for ADHD” describes some of the key interventions that are currently used.

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