Antidepressants Can Increase Breast and Ovarian Cancers
With almost 30 million people in America taking antidepressants, special attention should be paid to a new comprehensive review of studies on antidepressants and their potential role in the development of breast and ovarian cancer. A […]
10 Natural Tips to Help Improve ADHD in Children
Helpful recommendations for families dealing with ADHD Turn off the TV and limit video games. This avoids excessive visual stimulation and increases the chance that your child will engage in normal, healthy activities that will […]
What the Zyprexa Drug Company Doesn’t Want You to Know
Eli Lilly says it didn’t break any laws in marketing its most popular drug, Zyprexa (olanzapine) for medical conditions for which it is not approved. Yet, the company is considering a one billion dollar settlement […]
A Landmark Work on Clinical Nutrition
An interview with Alan Gaby, MD by Daniel Redwood, DC. Dr. Gaby s past-president of the American Holistic Medical Association. He has been contributing medical editor for the Townsend Letter for Doctors since 1985, and contributing […]
Dust a Troublesome Trigger, from Brain Fog to Tics
Sheila Rogers, MS Our ACN Survey on triggers for tics, completed by close to 1800 people, ranked dust among the top 20 offenders. It may often be just one of many factors affecting the allergic […]
Homeopathy and Diet Changes Help my Tourette Syndrome
I am in my mid-fifties and have just been diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome, for which I am pursuing homeopathic treatment. My homeopath has recommended a remedy intended to address the tics as well as the […]
5 Food and Drink Ingredients that Influence Tics
The influence of different food and drink on tics in Tourette syndrome This study came out a few years ago and bears review since there is so little published research on TS and diet. At the Hannover […]
Is a Daily Multivitamin Dangerous?
Robert G. Smith, PhD Robert G. Smith is Research Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania Department of Neuroscience. He is a member of the Institute for Neurological Sciences and the author of several dozen scientific papers […]
35 Helpful Ways to Lift or Avoid Depression
Depression affects more than 21 million children and adults in the U.S. each year. By understanding the potential causes of depression and approaches beyond standard medications, we can impact the prevention and treatment of this […]
Moving Ahead without ACN’s Closest Mentor
It’s been more than 20 years since I walked into the office of Dr. Albert Robbins in Boca Raton, Florida. I’d never been anywhere quite like it. As directed by office staff, I had used […]