A Silent Pandemic: Industrial Chemicals and Brain Development
This sobering press release documents how fetal and early childhood exposures to industrial chemicals in the environment can damage the developing brain and can lead to neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs): autism, attention deficit disorder (ADHD), and […]
Luke’s Successful PANDAS Recovery
Luke’s determined mother wrote this account about PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infections) for ACN Latitudes. The family’s name is withheld on request. Luke was a typical, very good, happy baby. He […]
Mold Hide and Seek – 10 Places to Check (Premium)
There are tens of thousands of species of molds. It’s everywhere. We live with it, breathe it, everyday. Of course not all mold is evil; penicillin is derived from a mold. But for people who […]
Common Household Chemicals Affect Children’s Immunity
Editor: Research links a poor immune response to vaccines at ages 5 and 7 to the level of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in the mother’s blood during the final weeks of her pregnancy. PFCs, commonly used in many household […]
14 Signs that you’re Chemically Sensitive
This overview of chemical sensitivity by Dr. Lisa Nagy serves as a helpful introduction; symptoms that may be involved are included. Environmental toxins can cause medical problems that are difficult for the average doctor to […]
Diet Patterns May Keep Brain from Shrinking
PRESS RELEASE People with diets high in several vitamins or in omega 3 fatty acids are less likely to have the brain shrinkage associated with Alzheimer’s disease than people whose diets are not high in those nutrients, […]
Virus and Low Sunlight Raises Multiple Sclerosis Risk (Premium)
Low levels of sunlight coupled with glandular fever could increase the risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS), say researchers. There are many suspected risk factors for MS and the disease is known to be more […]
Seasonal Affective Depression
During the winter, the “blues” seem to catch up with many people, particularly in the cold climates. Classic theories have ranged from the stress of holiday demands to feeling lonesome or disappointed when holiday emotional […]
Dr. Block Tells it Like it is in “No More ADHD”
No More ADHD (updated) by Dr. Mary Ann Block, is loaded with stimulant-bashing facts and complaints that the educational system pushes “labels” and meds. Families are directed to aggressively seek out doctors who will investigate the […]
Free Autism Journal
You can sign up for the journal Molecular Autism free of charge. It includes studies into genetics, neuropathology, neuroimaging, biomarkers, and molecular neurobiology. The focus is on conditions in the autism spectrum (including Asperger syndrome), but the […]