Please Help: A Poll for PANDAS Families on Mother’s Blood Type
This poll on blood type has been closed. See the results here.
Original poll request:
Can you help? An anonymous poll has been developed, designed only for mothers with a biological child who has been diagnosed with PANDAS or PANS (or mothers who believe their biological child has PANDAS or PANS). Even if the child is now older and symptoms have subsided, we would appreciate if you would please complete the poll.
A member of the ACN Latitudes Forums “bobh” is the father of a youngster with PANS. He has expressed a special interest in having this poll and will oversee having the results properly analyzed and shared. He needs many participants to make it as useful as possible!
In order to control the integrity of the poll, it has been placed in our PANDAS/PANS forum. Anyone with a login to can access the poll. All you have to do is log into the Forum using your login details.
We hope mothers with a biological child with PANDAS or PANS will take the time to complete this, even if it means looking up your blood type!
Thank you to all who have already completed the poll.