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Everything posted by patty

  1. Lele, So sorry you are feeling this way. Since he has food allergies, have you been staying away fr those food? Any difference? If stress is one of his tic triggers, he may be ticcing more due to picking up your stress. I know is hard but maybe try to relax and stop the dr. appts for awhile and see if that may take some of the pressure off of you & son. Have you tried acunpuncture? It helped my son's tics pretty immediately. Pat
  2. Stace, Glad to hear that you found relieve from OPC3. About 2 week before my son's sudden onset of tics, he was taking OPC3 & the digestive enzymes for his allergies & asthma. I don't know if it was a coincidence, but his tics started and that was the only thing that we were doing at the time. This may be just our experience but i want to let you know. In looking back, the enzymes & the OPC3 ingredients may have caused a die off effect that started his sudden onset of tics. Pat
  3. Tracy, Could it be hormonal changes? Any teeth issues like jaw misalignment? Pat
  4. ilovedogs, sorry to hear that you & your son are sick. this is what we do on the first onset of illness. 1. frequent low dose of vit C ( 500mg - 1000 mg depend on age ), 2/3 hours apart 2. frequent low dose of elderberry extract for viral issues (3/4X a day) 3. garggle w/warm salt water and drink a couple of gulps (3X a day), helps w/bacterial & virals issues 4. take probiotic 2 or 3X a day Once symptoms start to get better, then i gradually tapper off the frequency of above supplements, and cont w/the regiment for 2/3 days after recovery to support the body. In the meantime, eat lite, plenty of fluid and rest. Hope you feel better soon. Pat
  5. Michael, Thx for your feedback. My son was treated for adrenaline on Sat via NAET. The 2 compulsions that intensified are turning on/off the left & right faucet after washing his hands and lifting & closing the toilet lid and seat after using it. After treating via NAET, he only needed to do the compulsion mostly once or twice, but last nite he did them 6/8 times. And when he tried to leave after the the faucet compulsion, he had to actually walked back from another room to do it again. He repeated it about 3 times yesterday. After NAET, my son's symptoms sometimes aggravate. For example, we treated various things for his asthma and ezcema came back and lasted a good couple of months. With the mouth retainer, i am not sure what to expect. The orthodontist said my son may experience aggravations, if so, by adjusting the retainer it may take away the symptoms. Also, he talks alot about substance P. The retainer will decrease the production of sub P, thereby reducing my son's allergic reaction to help w/food & environmental allergies and asthma and reducing his overall sensitivities to help w/tics, sensory issues, OCD.... Since my son has a severe underbite, the misalignment of the jaws casues havoc on his nervous system. I do hope that the jaw misalignment is one of the missing piece to his tics & OCD, besides correcting the underbite and speech problem. One interesting observation. When my son was wearing the retainer at the orthod office that was not adjusted exactly right, it actually spiked his facial tics involving the eyes, nose & mouth. And the tics stopped when the retainer is removed almost instanteously. So i am thinking there is a connection between his tics & jaws. Do you mind me ask you why & what emotion vials you were treated for? And did you resolve your issues after the NAET emotion treatments? Our practitioner has not treated anyone w/OCD before but she has treated others w/emotional issues. I am thinking about using some of the emotion vials to treat my son's tics that have OCD tendency. What do you think? Pat
  6. Michael, We started w/the OCD vial, and my son had to treat it 3 times and still did not pass. However, he was not as weak to it. So our practitioner decided to move on to other emotion vials, like frustration, anxiety.... While my son is holding the vial, she had him talk about the various OCDs that bother him at the same time she is going thru the various pressure points to clear his meridians. I speculate that some of the OCD issues that did not resolved because they are tics. One of my son's compulsions is smelling his fingers and after treating it via the OCD vial, it did not have any improvement. My son started wearing his retainer to correct his bite this Friday and he had a NAET treatment this Sat., and tonite 2 compulsions increased. Michael, since you are familiar w/NAET & bite adjustment retainer. Do you think the spike in the compulsions may be due to the retainer? Thx for your feedback. Pat
  7. CSP, Hi! It has been awhile since we chatted. I have been busy treating my son w/his returned asthma, tics and OCDs. My latest project is correcting his bite issue. I have read alot about tics & bite misalignment connection from this forum and have recently found an ortho in my area who is familiar w/Dr Sims & Stack's work. My son just got his appliance in his mouth today. I will observe and report back to the forum w/result. I hope it all goes well. I am still dealing w/insomia and chronic pain but happy to say i am better. I am on a homeopathic remedy and i believe it has helped alleviate some pain, worry & anxiety, and finally start to find some balance in my life. I have also started weight training for my pain and it has been helping too. It has been a long 4 years for me and i am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I hope all our kids here will outgrow this after adolescent years. And how are you doing? I don't see you on the broad as often. Pat
  8. lele, NAET is an energetic modality for allergy desensitization. It works for food, environmental, vitamin, mineral.... I like this modality esp for kids because it is noninvasive & gentle. You hold the allergen in your hand while the NAET practitioner go thru the various acunpressure points to desensitze the body from the allergen. You can get more info, see www.NAET.com. Pat
  9. mamap, my son has always had minor compulsion since he was little, but it has always been 1 OCD at a time and was easily stopped via CBT. Also, he has mind stuck. Once he is into something, that's all he thinks and talks about. he was also very negative and couldn't get pass hurt feeling. i have to say CBT has helped alot for his negative emotion. he is much more happy and outgoging now that he is 10. However, last summer, he started at least 10 different OCDs, like switch the lite switch off & on, locking the doors repeatedly, moving cups and checking for cracks, handwritting must be on the line otherwise it has to been done repeatedly.... After treating his OCDs via NAET for about 2 months. Some tics are gone and most are not bothersome at this time. Pat
  10. Using the "bucket" theory, yes, when one's body is more in balance, one has a higher threshold to diet cheating w/o ticcing. This is true for my son. pat
  11. bev, i would continue w/what you are doing and take the "wait & see" approach before adding anything else. also, before you add any add'l supplements, decide what your son is deficient in (vit or minerals). there is no benefit in giving something what the body doesn't need. in the meantime, eat a clean diet and stay away from any food/environmental triggers can make a big different on one's tics. good luck! pat
  12. Just want to let you know that my son is finding relief from his OCD from NAET. We started about couple months ago. Some OCDs have gone away completely, while some have decreased in frequency & repetition to the point that is not bothersome. I am also teaching him cognitive behavior modification, and working on each OCD one at a time. I should point out that his OCD is fairly mild. And i believe NAET worked because we started treatment early before the brain sets its way. pat
  13. Thanks all for sharing and i feel exactly the way you do. I can't wait till my kids are adults. I enjoy my kids but all the worrying has been taking a toll on my health. Pat
  14. lele, i don't remember your son's history, but if he has allergies and/or asthma, allegy may be the trigger for his tics. my son has had success w/NAET, an energetic allergy desensitization modality. It didn't work over nite but was a gradual process along w/lifestyle modification. hope this is helpful. pat
  15. Lovemyboyz, So sorry that you are dealing w/this. My child has had success using craniosacral for the breathing tic. Also, NAET has been helpful w/my child's tics & OCD. Our NP dr. are in Palo Alto, Ca and Burlingame, Ca. If you are interested, pls privately email me and i will forward their names & numbers. Pls take care of yourself in the meantime. I totally understand your concern & stress. Pat
  16. Sorry to hear about the return of your son's tics. How old is he? i am wondering if it has to do w/his hormonal changes. And how is his bite (teeth)? Bite misalignment in the jaw area can effect the trigeminal nerves which may have an effect on tics. We have had success using craniosacral for the breathing tic. Hope things settle. Perhaps epsom bath and magnesium may be helpful for now. Pat
  17. caryn, thx for posting such important & detail information on pyroluria. i have been thinking about it lately again. pat
  18. worrywort, sorry to hear about your son's tics. and welcome. Just want to add that my son also had the open mouth/jaw motor tic and it has come & go in the past. He started ticcing shorting turning 6, so he was not aware some of his tics or able to express why he did them. as he is older, he describes it as he "needs to" do a certain thing to relief the urge. also, "pain sensation" is another trigger". Hang in there. there are options besides using medication. acunpuncture, NAET & craniosacral has helped my son's tics. my son also has an underbite, it may also be one of the reasons that he tics. Pat
  19. deagar, i have not been very active on the board recently, as i have been busy treating my son for his OCD, teeth and bite issues. i totally understand what you are going thru, as i too have a very inactive hs who didn't think our son's tic was a problem, even tho my son was in pain, nor did he take any interest in our diet modification or educate himself about tics, ts, and any comorbid conditions that comes w/it. he does however, support my decision in all the changes and my taking my son to different drs as long as he does not have any involvement. my advise is to seek support elsewhere, like this forum. parents here understand and has much to offer. or support from trusted friends. it has carried me thru the last four years. educating myself was also very helpful becuz then i don't need to talk to my hs about my decisions. i get frustrated talking to him because he understand so little that he can't even carry on a discussion. sorry that i sound so bitter and even angry. i feel like i am the only one here w/ a nonsupportive spouse!!! i understand your frustration about going at it alone. i am esp sympathic to your son. as a mom, i know how hard it is to feel helpless. i do hope that your son will get better as he gets older. i don't know your son's background info, but i can tell you what modalities has helped my son, acupuncture, craniosacral and NAET along w/a comprehensive lifestyle change. if you are interested in any the modalities that work for us, just ask, i would be glad to answer any questions. i know things may be rough right now w/your son, but i can tell you when you find the right modality or tic trigger the tics will get better and so much better. pat
  20. We saw pretty immediate result using Epsom bath & Epsom creme. Also, acunpuncture & craniosacral yielded pretty quick result for my son. Worth trying that before trying medication. pat
  21. guy123, No, the vocal didn't go away until he was treated w/NAET. Chemar, Thx for the tip. I will follow up w/it. Pat
  22. I also want to add that i am very thankful for Chemar to maintain this forum so people like myself can find help, information and support. This forum has been my lifeline when i had no where to turn. Also, i am thankful to all who have answered my numerous posts and people who post important information they have discovered along the way. I am forever grateful to this forum and will continue to check in from time to time and share with others what has worked for my son. Chemar, you are an inspiration to me. I am sorry about your husband's health. My thoughts will be with you for a speedy recovery. Pat
  23. Thx for sharing your tip. How did you figure it was sugar that cause your tics? Do you have any compulsions or obsessions? Pat
  24. Hi all, My son's vocal came back recently and the only new thing i gave him was a tsp of apple cider vinegar w/raw honey for better digestion and immunity. After the 6th dose spreaded out over the course of 3 weeks, he started a vocal tic. I had post about ACV & vocal tic on the forum but no one seem to have this experience. After my son was treated for ACV via NAET his vocal tic is gone! I would never thought something like ACV can effect him but it did! ACV has traced minerals, bacterias and enzymes, so now i am zero in on these items for testing on our next office visit. Pat
  25. Yes CP ACV is one of my son's vocal trigger!! I will do a separate post later to explain. Got to do something right now. Pat
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