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Everything posted by patty

  1. Faith, I hear you! I often think that to myself too! Tics takes a #@%!$!!! so i can take a break from time & money. This is what i would do Faith, remember i took you that my son is very sensitive? Even when he passed the NAET treatment, he still have a reaction. I was not convinced, so i collected the actual sample and put it in a glass jar. And guess what, he tested sensitive! Keep in mind, the NAET vials are energetic but are also generic imprints of things extracted. Our body is so specific, go directly to the cause. Regard HFCS, forget about the vial. Get a bottle from your grocery store and treat the actual sample. Treating the actual sample is most effective. I have been doing this w/my son for almost 4 years, i have discovered ways of treatment that my practitioner does not know. I have more to post about apple cider vinegar, but i need to run. Will do a separate post later and it is fascinating. I know it is expensive, but before stopping NAET, give HFSC a try since it is one of his BIG triggers and see if it makes a different. I have been doing this awhile, i can narrow down some of his specific tic triggers. EX. vocal tic is caused by fish oil, apple cider vinegar, and some trees, particularily the one with yellow pollens at his school... Pat
  2. Faith, I feel your frustration. How about making him soup? You can use any kind of meat, bones, vegetables, onion, garlic.... to make a clear stock and add his favorite pasta or beans to it. Most kids who are picky will drink soup and it is full of nutrients. We have soup often at our house because my dd is kind of picky and her weight is also off the chart, but she is healthy, so i am not too concern about her weight. My weight was also off the chart when i was young so i guess it runs in the family. Are you still using NAET to help w/his food sensitivities? Since corn is one of his big offenders, have you treat it? If so, did it raise his tolerance to it? NAET has been effective for us in treating my son's food sensitivities, now he can eat pretty much anything w/o a reaction. So an occassional junk like food colorings, perservatives... is OK. And is the chiropractic adjustment helping? Pat
  3. lele, if your son has food allergies, i would ask for a food sensitivity panel test. i always get this mix up, is either IgG or IgE. the test tests up to about 120 food items. at least this will give you a baseline & starting point on food elimination. if you can find an acunpuncturist, that may be helpful too. i tried it w/my son and it helped reduced his tics but he later developed a fear for needles. he was only 6 back then. i tried it again when he is 8 and still objected to it. both times i saw great tic reduction. i would also recommend craniosacral therapy for it is noninvasion and is great for kids. it helped my son's neck tic alot. you know, there are just so many options out there but you got to figure out which direction you want to take. also, everyone's tic triggers are different. start a journal to detail out what are some of the triggers for your son's tics, like time of day, event, food, environment..... and slowly build a case. it is difficult in the beginning, but a pattern will emergy over time. also, go slow w/ whatever you do and one thing at a time to get a clear picture. over the course of the last 4 years, i can pin point what causes certain tics. ie. cat dander is one of the causes for facial tics. i know you are heart broken and sad, but you will find some answers. just be open and keep looking, it will come to you. pat
  4. abby, the process of NAET is very easy. My practitioner just have my son hold the vial and go thru the pressure points so the body doesn't produce antibodies next time the body comes in contact w/ the allergens. the skill comes in muscle testing and protocol in treatment procedures. we have been doing this about 31/2 yrs off & on and have learned alot based on my son's results. things are not always what it seems. i read 2 of the founders books to have an understanding of what NAET is about and its capability. there were times things were treated and my son was still having problems. now, the practitioner would not know this because once the treated item test strong, she just assumed it is fine. you need to be a good observer and lead your practitioner. it is very much a partnership, esp in my son's case because he is not your typical population that respond to treatment. Luckily, my practitioner is very easy to work with and does not have a big ego. it is such a learning and think outside of the box processs. the success i get from NAET is largely attributed to detail record keeping and an keen eye for observation. doing one thing at a time is also very helpful. Also, it is important how you collect the sample and those are the things i learned from our own experience. good luck! is your dr. willing to teach you to do NAET? pat
  5. Abbe, you & i are on the same page. i found NAET so helpful, i looked into taking their classes. on their website, it says you have to be a medical professional. i was bummed but will call to confirm that. hope you find someone in your area. have you tried logging on the NAET website for referral? i believe is www.NAET.com pat
  6. I get the feeling that the family is in denial that her daughter has a tic. It is pretty obvious that she was not sneezing out from her nose. I can't believe all the dr. did not see that!!! I hope the girl gets some help & relieve! Yes, i also wonder if you had a recent flu shot or H1N1? Pat
  7. Abbe, NAET has helped w/my son's food & environmental allergies, asthma & tics, along w/ a comprehensive approach (clean diet, excercise....) and craniosacral therapy. I did not see an immediate tic reduction, it was a gradual process over the course of about a year then i start to see some moderate changes. As for CST, i start to see result after the 2nd OV for his neck tic. I started w/ a chirop who did CST and did not see much tic improvemt for about 7 mos (maybe a slight improvement). Then i went to a ND who teaches CST and she made a difference. So what i learned is that the therapy can only be helpful if one is good at it. Our first CST was a massage therapist and we did it for 4 mos and made absolutely no difference. Pat
  8. What do you mean by a "bad neck"? My son used to get neck pain as a result of a neck tic. Then later evolved to neck pain that triggered his neck tie. Pat
  9. lele, i understand your frustration. if your son's tics are triggered by food/airborne/chemical allergies, then look into NAET for allergy desentization. it has been very helpful for us. also, look into craniosacral therapy. it has helped a great deal w/my son's neck tic. both modalities i mention is noninvasive and has helped my son tremendously. in the meantime, clean up the diet, do the epsom bath & creme, and practice tummy breathing 3-5x a day, about 3 repetition each time. the breathing helps to relax & reset the nervous system. this is not a quick result technique. for us, it took about 3 weeks for us to see some results. before you try any supplements, it may be worth the while to work w/a practitioner who does muscle testing to see if the body is strong or weak to the substance ( if your child is super sensitive) to avoid aggravation. if you think allergies is the route you want to take, then i would start w/food, then move on to environmental issues later. i hope this info helps. pat
  10. Hi guys, I have been pretty quiet lately because i am alittle preoccupy with my son's teeth & OCD issues. In looking back, i think my son had some minor compulsions as a child, such as using his shirt to wipe his mouth, adjusting his shirt.... But those things have come & go. Lately, as he is older, i started to notice more of his compulsions and he is start to notice them & tell me about them. These compulsions are still fairly minor, like touching things, moving things, tapping things.... His ND is suggesting to do a stool test to find out about gut issues to deal w/allergies, tics and OCD. Is this the RIGHT direction? I am also afraid what we may find and need to take supplements and fear if the supplements may aggravate his current tics & OCD issues. I also have a consultation appt w/a cranio-facial orthodontist in about 2 weeks to address my son's underbite issues and hope that he can treat the tics & OCD via correcting the underbite. Any feedback is appreciated! I have been dealing w/my son's issues about 4 yrs now and i am practically brain dead!!! Pat
  11. CP, I am so proud of your son along w/you & your family & friends! Good for him that he doesn't see his TS stops him from what he wants to do. I think that is every parents' fear that TS would stop their child from growing. I believe that if your son does not see TS as a disability, others will too! Pat
  12. Chemar, I know you have said before your son doesn't have any known food/environmental allergies and w/ chemical sensitivities. Since allergies can be developed later in life, do you think food/environmental sensitivities may cause the OCD to flare? I have been poking around OCD info., and there is a food/environmtal connection. With sensitivity rather than allergy, the physical symptoms can be very mild & delay, so it can be hard to make a connection. Also, people w/deeper disease disturbance, the allergy symptoms do not manifest on the surface but rather manifest in the mind, coming out as OCD. Just a thought! Pat
  13. Stephen, I really enjoyed reading your blog. It helps me to see the light at the end of the tunnel. BTW, can you tell me more about how you cured your son's asthma & allergies? My son also has allergies & asthma. Any advise & tips are greatly appreciated. Pat
  14. Melissa, So sorry to hear that you are feeling this way and having a hard time. It all sounds so familiar as many of us here can relate. Just be assured that by making the necessary changes, implementing supplements and/or seeking other modalities, the tics can be manageable. Keep reading here, you will find something that can help your son. Pat
  15. My son has been having some compulsions off & on for the past years, but has always been very mild. But lately, his compulsion of touching things has been waxing. Any my son says it is annoying to him. And that's the only compulsion that he is aware of because the others are so mild & insignificant. Lately, i also noticed he had a couple of pimples on the face and he is going to 10 in a few mos., so i am wondering if the hormonal change may have its hand in the waxing of compulsion? Pat
  16. Sydsmom, What supplement is your dd on for OCD? Any what kind of diet restrictions? Thx for your help? Pat
  17. Many people can be doctors, but not many are healers! God bless him! Where is this doctor? Anywhere in N. California? Pat
  18. Thx Chemar for the info. Pat
  19. Thx Meg's mom for the book reference and named the therapy, so now i have something to research on. I have no idea what i am doing is call. It is just something that i started doing based on observations & experiment over time. I am ordering that book from Amazon. Thx! Pat
  20. I have been experimenting w/this to stop some of my son's tics/compulsions. Because tics/compulsions kind of feed into each other, i tried to eliminate the source of the compulsion if it is possible. For example, at one time, before my son takes a sip of water from his glass, he has to lift it up to make sure it doesn't have a lip mark on it. So i change his glass to a colored mug and he stopped doing it. I find that once the cycle is broken, he can use the glass cup w/o problem. I believe the compulsion can be eliminated faster, if you start to break the cycle as soon as possible. That's what i have found in my experience. Unfortunately, not all compulsions can be derailed, like smelling his fingers. Just wondering if anyone try this approach? With tics/compulsion, the more attention you draw to it, it makes them do it more, so i never tell them not to do something and am always looking for ways to distract the compulsion when possible. I have also try teaching my son to try to mentally focus on something else when the compulsion is not appropriate. One time he told me he wanted to touch the sharp edge of the knife and knew it would be dangerous. Pat
  21. Just read an interesting article re: dental deformities, such as malocclusion (bad bite) when the upper & lower teeth do not fit together properly which can cause cognitive, behavior, or other neuropsychiatric symptoms, incl ADD, ADHD, OCD, TS, Autism & Asperger's, Down Syndrome and autonomic failure, such as wight loss, hair loss motor & postural abnormalities, chronic joint & muscle pain. Following are contact info for dentist & orthodontist who specializes in the treatment of malocclusions & TMD (temporomandibular dysfunction), misalignment of the jaw joint, TMJ. The american Academy of Craniofacial Pain, www. aacfp.org Am Academy of Gnathological orthopedics, www.aago.com Am Asso of Functional Orthodontics, www.aafo.org Pat
  22. Both WholeFoods & Trader Joes carry natural candies. You can also get natural candies from YummyEarth.com (i think this is the web address). Pat
  23. I stopped the probiotics because he was taking too many medications and wanted to lessen the stress. I know my concern may be a stretch regarding the probiotics & apple cider vinegar but i can't rule things out. Just thought maybe i have missed something. I met a mom whose child has OCD and it is triggered by dairy. Since probiotic has a minute trace of it, i was concerned. Thank for your feedback faith. Just want to bounce off my concern with you guys as you guys are a wealth of info. Pat
  24. Hi all, I started probiotic this April w/my son because he came down w/strep & was on antibiotics. I have recently stopped the probiotic about a month ago due to his cold. After his cold cleared up i gave him apple cider vinegar w/raw honey & elderberry about 4X to boost his immune system because his sister was coming down w/a cold. After the 4th dose of ACV, that nite he had a mild vocal tic during dinner. Can ACV cause tics? His compulsion of "touching & moving things" & "smelling his fingers, food mostly and things" are slowing waxing since 2 mos ago. Can compulsion show up after 4 mos of probiotic buildup inside the body? My son's nasal allergy & itchy roof of his mouth is starting to bother him since i stopped the probiotic. I would like to get some of your opinions about probiotic before restarting it again. Thx! Pat
  25. Abbe, One of the reasons i like NAET is because it is very noninvasion. Before you start NAET, you may want to do a IGg & IGe food panel test as a baseline and reaffirmed it via muscle testing. IMO, i would hold off on the enzymes because you won't know if NAET is working or the enzymes are working. good luck. pls keep me post it on NAET as i am very interest in others who are using it. pat
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