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  1. Hi! im New here. My 9 yo son was diagnosed with minor tics a few weeks ago. It started in November. Head twitch and throat clearing. This week face grimace added. Neurologist said he would probably grow out of it. Went to ND and did a food sensitivities test. We are waiting on results. Have started GF diet for now but hoping for more info when get food sensitivities test back. Did Epsom salt bath this week but 2nd day he had a bit of a rash on his back so stopped that. Will try Nature Calm this weekend. I started charting food this week. I’m feeling overwhelmed and saddened that in the last week it’s not getting better with the GF changes. Do most people eventually find something that works to help with the tics? When the changes occur, do they stay? I just need some hope. Thanks in advance.
  2. Looking for a doctor for my son with tics who is 11. I KNOW it can be controlled with diet and sleep, but my husband does not believe me. I have stopped my son's tics 4 different times over the last 4 years when I was able to help him eat clean and get solid sleep. Looking for a doctor to confirm and do food intolerance testing if possible to show my husband proof. Also, just need a professional that has worked with this, so my husband will believe that it is true and not something that is just made up. Thank you! Anyone else having trouble convincing a spouse? Any suggestions?
  3. For those of you who have tried LDI for strep - what has been your post LDI experience - does your child still get strep infections? if yes, how do they react to these infections - do they get regular strep symptoms (minus flare)? Do you see their immune system fighting these infections? My worry is that if i get my child "sensitized" to strep, his body is going to ignore strep as an antigen - his defenses are going to be lowered as a result of the sensitization. Hope this makes sense.
  4. Hi, I am new to this forum and looking for some guidance and support in regards to my 8-year old son. About 2 years ago (Fall 2012) my son had his adenoids removed (because of constant sinus infections). It helped tremendously. But a few weeks after his surgery, he started clearing his throat quite often. I attributed it to residual irritation from the surgery and the ENT told me that was probably the case. The throat clearing stopped after about 3 months. Then he started with what I can best describe as eye-widening for no reason. I actually called the ENT and asked if that was normal after adenoid removal and he said he never heard of it. But it stopped after a month or two, so I let it go. Then he started with "hand waving." Everything he does, whether it is reading or playing with LEGO or eating, he subtly waves his hand over the food, toy, book, etc. It almost looks like he is casting a spell. That decreased in frequency after a month or two, but still happened on occasion. Then the eye-widening came back in Fall 2013. I took him to his pediatrician and she said neurologically he looked fine, but to see an opthamologist if I was concerned. So I did. He was totally fine. So I went with my instinct and took him to a pediatric neurologist, who told me the eye-widening sounded like a transient tic. We did an EEG to rule out anything else and it came back totally normal. But now the past few weeks, he has had many new tics develop. The eye-widening has almost entirely gone away, but now he is darting his eyes around a lot, like he is overly distracted. The hand-waving is frequent again. He was making a grunting laughing sound for about a week. When that stopped, he started making a grimacing, eye-squinting face. And just the other day he started nodding his head for no reason. It is very upsetting to me to see him do these things. Most people around us (friends, family) don't notice these tics or just attribute them to his "goofy" behavior. But I notice. I am taking him back to the pediatric neurologist this week to discuss my concerns. I worry that this is a sign of Tourettes or something much more serious. In terms of environmental factors, we have been working on a massive home renovation project the past 6 weeks, so I am not sure if that would trigger this new wave of tics. Allergy season is in full swing in our area (although he isn't showing any typical allergy symptoms)--last night I put our HEPA filter into his bedroom to see if that will help. Myself and my daughter have Celiac disease, so he eats 99% gluten free and relatively healthy (no dyes, overly processed foods, etc.). He takes a multivitamin, a probiotic, Vitamin D, calcium and magnesium just about every day. I even tried Epsom salt baths a few times a week for a boost in magnesium, but didn't notice any change. I am going to try and stop screen time for a week or so. Now that the weather is warmer, he will definitely get outside more and increase his activity level. Does anyone have experience with this type of situation, where mild tics occurred on and off then suddenly seemed in increase in variety? I would not consider it a "drastic" increase or affecting his school performance (yet), but it's enough that I notice it and it's worrying me terribly. Thanks.
  5. Hello - have you all heard of and considered Low Dose Immunotherapy (LDI) for your children. There is a very nice YouTube video of Dr Ty explaining the use of LDI for lyme/pandas. He is a very convincing speaker and we are going to talk to him. Wanted to know if you have any feedback for us.
  6. Hi! I'm so, so happy that I found this forum. Just picked up the Natural Treatment for Tics & Tourettes book a few days ago and I'm so glad I did. I am the mother of a 15 month girl, and absolutely frightened because she is exhibiting multiple motor tics. This all started on January 29th, the same day she learned to walk. I was video taping her to show my folks that she was eating with her fork and noticed she did a few odd head jerks. I caught it on video and showed my parents and husband that day but all anyone was focused on was the amazing miracle of our little one walking on her own. I brushed it off, but had a bad feeling about it. I'm with her 24/7 since I took postpartum time off and now I work from home and take care of her, so I feel like I have a very good grasp of her personality and eccentricities. The head jerk tic continued, and she did it while walking as well, almost as if she was trying to balance herself. It continued, so I made an appointment with her pediatrician for Feb 6th. Her doctor viewed the video and said it was a tic, but nothing to be concerned about, that I should cut out all TV time for a week to be safe. Our daughter doesn't really even watch that much TV. 10 minutes tops a day while I change her diaper or clip her nails. This was when she only had one tic. Still, I did what she said, but more tics started to develop, even with zero screen time. She went through several days of very odd long eye blinks which almost seemed to disorient her for a moment while she either ate or walked. She had a head flailing movement which leaned for left. Others came and seem to go since her first tic Jan 29th. I told our pediatrician via a phone call about all of this on the following Tuesday, and mentioned that I had / have OCD (not as bad as when I was between 4-10 years old). The doctor then quickly made a referral. I was referred to CHLA to see the neurologists there and we went Feb 19th. The two neurologist there (very nice, but sadly not helpful), were really surprised that someone this young was indeed exhibiting tics, but had little advice or ideas as to what to do, other than "wait it out." I also showed them a video of my daughter when she was about 7 months old. We had to get an EEG for her because we thought she might be exhibiting seizures, her head was nodding forward almost like she was about to fall asleep, but with her eyes open. Now the neurologists felt like those were actually tics, at 7 months! Our daughter also fell out of our bed January 11th. It was terrifying and she busted open her nose/mouth, we rushed her to the ER. Everyone there reassured us that there was no need to do any scans, and that the best place for her to fall with on her face. Thank goodness she healed quickly. I asked them about Magnesium supplementation and was told that it's a fairly recent topic in their radar. I told them about her ticcing in her sleep. We bedshare, and now are too scared to sleep train out of fear that it will make her tics much worse. I also told them about her terrible sleep since birth, the fact that she's teething with 5-7 teeth coming in (4 of which are molars), and about her HORRIBLE digestive issues. Our daughter is chronically constipated, no matter how organic and well we feed her. She has a good high fiber diet. None of this seemed to worry them, or seem like read flags. I've read about the potential of Dysbiosis, her possibly being allergic to gluten (so we have cut it out but still haven't seen much of a difference), switched to goat milk which she didn't really like, and stopped all her organic pouch foods that have preservatives. Now we only do cold pressed pouch food which we rarely feed her but they at least have zero preservatives. I'm so sorry to post such a long letter, but I'm very worried. I'm just not sure what the next steps for my daughter should be, should we really wait it out?? I am asking specifically if 15 months is way too early to be exhibiting tics (since 3yo seems to be when the are detected earliest), and does this mean that she has a much higher chance of having Tourettes? Does this mean her chances of these tics becoming chronic higher? I can't find anything in the forums here, or anywhere online about a child this young. We have an appointment with an allergist this following Monday and was hoping I can have some help figuring out which tests specifically he should run. Lastly, are there any Naturopathic/holistic doctors or pediatric nutritionists in the Los Angeles area I can be recommended? THANK YOU so so much, and am so happy to find this forum / the incredible books. It seems like tics/tourettes are so under documented and reported and most doctors just don't know much about it. I can't believe that "wait and see if it goes away," and "if it doesn't there are really strong drugs with horrible side effects we can try," is all most of the medical community is willing to do.
  7. My 7 year old developed a head jerk tic a day after falling at school (not sure if related) X-rays were clear . I showed his GP a video of this head jerk and he said it’s behavoural just ignore it will go away. It’s been so hard for me to accept that this is happening. I recently had a baby who is colicky nd cries a lot so that’s one change that’s happened. I have noticed that he has become more sensitive and moody since this tic started he sometimes says things like no one loves me Anymore. Other people don’t seem to notice the tic and I’ve been told I’m overreacting, my husband doesn’t thinks there is a problem he doesn’t notice it that much but he’s quite busy. i don’t discuss the tics with my son unless he mentions them for example today he was doing a funny dance with his head and said ohh mummy it looks like I’m doing this (doing the tic). Then I said ohh so you still do that then he said yes, I asked if it hurts and he said yes and pointed at the back of his neck. I then offered to give massage then he said no thanks , and no to icepack so I have him pain relief instead. I asked why he doesn’t tell me if it hurts then he ignored me ,, he doesn’t like to talk about it I guess. I’m devestated for him I worry for his future. He is on vitamin supplements with magnesium as well as bath salts and a magnesium spray . I have made changes to diet but that’s hard so taking it slowly. He goes to school which he hates , I don’t think other kids have noticed much although the teacher has told me she noticed the tic. he still does his activities he loves swimming , football etc notice him ticking there i still can’t help but worry for his future if it will get worse as I have noticed him doing weired sounds although not loud and also a shoulder shrug. I’m so depressed and I can’t stop googling symptoms.
  8. My son was diagnosed with transient tic disorder around his 4 yo birthday. He repetitively clears his throat, sniffs, and blinks his eyes funny. I have had him allergy tested and found no environmental allergies and just a few food intolerances - none of which were severe. He is moderately allergic to nuts and wheat. He does not eat nuts and we are working on getting wheat out of his diet which is very difficult! He has a short list of foods that he is mildly allergic to and I have not even begun to eliminate those from his diet yet. I treated his first bout of tics (he's had two now) with Natural Calm. It took 3 months, but the tics did finally disappear only to return 3 months later. My question is - are we just treating the symptoms of tics with eliminating allergens and providing magnesium supplementation? What is the root cause of the tics? Could the root cause be that our kids are deficient in magnesium because there is something going on in their bodies that prevent them from absorbing magnesium correctly?
  9. I should start by saying that is an amazing site. I always feel that I am alone on my anti-pharmaceutical island. My 6 year old was recently diagnosed with Tourettes. I feel like I was left dangling by the pediatrician without any directions on how to proceed. I have an appointment with our nurse practitioner as I want to do blood work to see if there any nutritional deficiencies. Without guidance from a doctor (we dont have a doctor as I didnt vaccinate my children), I need help. What type of nutritional deficiencies should I make sure to test for? Are there any other tests I should request? Bacteria? Can you test for Panada? Allergy testing obviously but anything specific...? Thanks!!!!
  10. My son (11 w/sever autism) has been treated for PANs for two years with antibiotics by an immunologist at MGH. Recently his symptoms worsened with increased anxiety, ocd, aggression, and a new tic disorder. Can anyone recommend doctors in New England who could treat a child like my son? We're feeling quite desperate. Thanks!
  11. Hello to all of the incredible parents and caregivers on this forum. I am new here and found this forum through extensive google searches, which always brought me back here and to several of you who have posted extremely helpful information. I cannot than you enough for sharing your stories. My 5.5 YO son has TS, vocal and motor tics for a year. We have followed similar diets (GF/DF/Nut Free) to many of you here and he also has severe tree nut allergies with anaphylaxis, which seems to be a common thread with TS kids (allergies/OCD/ADHD). We've been on a quest for the past year to find the right cocktail of supplements + diet to help jumpstart his gut biome to function more efficiently. We have a Neurologist, a Pediatrician and the most helpful, a Naturopath who has been with us every step of the way. The non-western path is certainly the one for us, and we've recently noticed a few changes with the introduction of PharmaGaba supplements (2 chewable per day) which have significantly reduced the motor and verbal tics. He's only been on this supplement two days and I notice a difference. Wishful thinking? Or a strong connection? There is a Mt Sinai clinical trial looking at GABA's role in TS with Dr. Vilma Gabbay which many believe to be greatly reduced, up to 50% in TS children. We just sent in our 23andme genetic test for our son, which I'm hoping will also lead us down a more focused path. Not as easy to get a kid to spit in a tube as I would have thought, but we collected enough to process. So much new research out there about the role of GABA and Histamines in TS - sometimes overwhelming. In some cases, kids are not producing enough Histamine and in others, and over-production of histamine and it's not going to the "right" places which from what I can gather is why DAO can be helpful. We see a lot of allergies, food allergies, environmental allergies in our son. I'm convinced my son is allergic to carpet backing and any plastic products that off-gas. Looking at chlorine and pools as another possible trigger, as he has swim class weekly (inside) which we're worried is compounding his symptoms. Anyone else see major environmental effects on triggers tics - specifically plastics or chlorine? He had a NutraEval test where his MTBE levels were extremely high, which was why we started to look at the carpeting and carpet backing in his room and in the house. My main reason for posting today is about genetic testing. Has genetic testing helped to guide your treatment decisions for how you supplement and/or approach detox, chelation or natural and herbal healing for your TS kids? If so - which genetic mutations or markers were the most common or important markers in TS and how did this impact your treatment path? We get our results back in a few weeks so plenty of time to mine for more information. I'm so eternally grateful to have found this forum. We are warriors, super sleuths, CSI investigators trying to solve this neurological mystery to make life a bit easier for our children and loved ones. I am sending you all a gigantic hug from cyberspace. Your words and wisdom have helped me get through many rough patches. Thank you! Erin
  12. My 16 year old ds has had tics for many years. Most tics include bending his neck sometimes just a quick bend forward but other times he uses his hand to really push his neck down and when standing he sometimes has to bend over. He also stretches his feet. I believe he has some ADHD, too. He had started driving and has been ticcing. My concern is the safety part. While the tic is brief, he is taking his eyes off the road. Any advice from those out there who have gone through this would be greatly appreciated. I know I can't stop the tics but what can I do? San
  13. Hi everyone and anyone My 5 year old son has been experiencing both verbal and motor tics on and off for 1.5 years. Each time, just as they peaked, they quickly went away. However a new "episode" started 1 month ago and the tics have been more frequent and more aggressive. We have seen neurologists and had basic allergies tested (he has anaphylactic allergies to ALL nuts and seeds). We are desperate to find an environmental physician or any expert who can help us find possible causes and triggers, anyone more learned than me. I have spent days and weeks reading everything i can find on the topic ...so i know the tests that i think need to be done but i also know this is'nt my specialty... my son deserves someone who has experience with this.. not just me piecing together various bits of data .He is a very sensitive and gentle boy who is getting progressively more anxious as he struggles to deal with his body jerking hundreds of times per day. would anyone have a recommendation for a doctor or functional clinic in London, UK who can help us? a million thank yous in advance
  14. Hey all, Just a quick question regarding the nature and scope of tic behaviours, and their necessity to making a diagnosis of PANS/PANDAS. With regards to possible movement disorder, over the years I've exhibited a few embarrassing behaviours (mostly self injurious) such as hand biting and clenching the muscles in the throat. I've heard that the distinction between stereotype behaviours and tics are that the former are more habit forming and suppressible, and the latter have the quality of a preminotory urge and are only temporarily suppressible. Another troubling episodic symptom I've experienced (and quite frightening) particularly in stressful times, is that I will feel this wavy sensation behind my eyes (in my head) which will result in an unfocused staring spell (trance) lasting several seconds. I am conscious whilst this occurs, although inattentive, with the exclusion of sight from immediate awareness and it's not suppressible. Could this constitute a tic by definition? Is this inclusive to PANS and has anyone else experienced similar? Apart from this I can't remember ever displaying conventional motor or phonic tics, I just wondered if they were absolutely necessary in diagnosis? Hopefully pursuing treatment soon
  15. Hello. I recently took my 11-year-old son to the pediatrician for OCD symptoms. The doctor put him on 25mg of Zoloft and three days later he is experiencing severe abdominal tics. Has anyone else experienced this? Wondering if it is caused by the Zoloft or is secondary to the OCD. I tried calling the Dr 3 times yesterday and my calls were never returned. I will be changing pediatricians after this experience, but I have no idea whether to leave him on the meds or not. We've never dealt with tics before....
  16. HI all, I have a fifteen-year-old daughter who has periodically suffered from an eye rolling tic since she was about 6-7. I learned early on that l-carnitine will stop it within a couple of days so it has never been a big issue for us. Every few years it comes back, we give her l-carnitine and that's it for another few years. This last time it came back, however, the l-carnitine hasn't helped. I suspect it's because she needs a much higher dose than before because she has grown so much, but I'm struggling to find the correct dose. She's already up to 4000 mg per day and I'm kind of nervous to go higher. Do any of you have experience using l-carnitine for tics in teens or adults? I don't know her exact weight, but I would guess it to be around 110-115 lbs. Thanks for advice you have.
  17. Hi, I posted in the Tourette Forum but haven't heard anything. DS17 has PANS and an underlying TS dx (we think). Tics more or less controlled w/PANS treatment and 2 IViGs, but has remaining loud yelling tic (screaming one or two words, sometimes coprolalia). We are wearing earplugs. Do we just live with this, or is there something else to try?? He's already been on almost every psych. med, still on some, also on Functional Medicine regime for PANS with enough supplemnts to choke a horse. Has CBT therapist. -Has not tried L-carnitine or taurine, which I saw mentioned in past threads - PANS NP just said it'd be too much glutathione with these -CBD oil 25mg./2x day works so-so -Considering deep brain stimulation or tDCS is we can find a place Thanks! ~TJ ds17 (b. 1999): ID, DD, TS, ADHD, OCD, Anxiety; PANS diagnosis March 2014 and treatment started, about five years late. dd22 (b. 1995): neurotypical, IBS, Celiac mom (me): Post-babesia
  18. I'm 20 years old and I've had OCD accompanied by tics since I was a little kid. The OCD symptoms have subsided over the years and now almost entirely consist of tics. The main two tics are jaw popping and blinking. The jaw popping can be really bad to the point where I either clench my teeth, bite my cheeks, or simply don't open my mouth for fear of popping my jaws. The blinking is almost constant and is mainly in one eye, but either ways it makes it hard to drive and I've recently noticed my vision becoming blurry which I can only imagine is from the constant blinking. The two tics alternate back and fourth, so when I'm not doing one I do the other. When I'm on the correct dose of meds, the tics subside but still persist and I'm looking for some methods outside of OCD meds for treating my tics. I'm going to the doctor in a few days to increase my meds dosage which will help but I'm interested in hearing some other methods as well. I recall reading something about magnesium and calcium? I already take calcium and am willing to try almost anything to bring these tics down to a manageable level. Right now, they are worse than they have ever been. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  19. My six-year-old has been blinking his eyes on and off since he was two. Of late, he started stretching his neck, blinking from what was once in a while to every two seconds, and grimacing with his right eye and cheek. Except from this strange throat clearing thing he only does as he wakes up and goes to sleep, he doesn't have any verbal tics. We have him off gluten, artificial sweeteners/colors, and have drastically reduced his TV-watching time for one week so far. We've noticed a bit of improvement but his tics seemed to have spiked up as of yesterday. We want to run the tests that Natural Treatments for Tics and Tourette's calls for but also need proper guidance. Without it, we feel we're shooting darts in the dark trying to figure out his triggers. Can any one recommend a doctor/health practitioner in/near the Tampa Bay area that has dealt with treating tics? Any help would be much appreciated.
  20. 7 year old began showing tics of licking hands the same day he was positive for strep on 12/3. Prior to this he had no problems and was functioning well. He was treated with antibiotics for 10 days and it didn't improve his tics, his rages, over activity, sleep problems, difficulty with school work. He saw a neurologist and began a 5 day steroid burst and was started on 30 days of antibiotics. He is now on day 10 of the antibiotics. He seems to be better with his mood and rages are almost gone, but his activity level is still up and most disturbing is that his tics seem to be increasing not going away. He developed a new tic yesterday, where he is now not only licking his hands, but licking objects around him or his legs or feet. I can't see sending him to school if he is licking everything. Anyone have any similar experience? I thought I read somewhere that sometimes tics increase before dying out? I am hoping this is true. I am so stressed about this.
  21. This is my first post and i rly need help so plz answer if you can:) I apologize for the sexual content... I have a tic syndrome characterized by a bunch of complex motor tics. These usually get worse at night or when i am alone. I am currently taking no treatment or medication for this because i believe i can manage to live with it (I also have ocd, add and posibly ptsd) However there is one thing that really bothers me and I'm not sure if its a tic or some sort of sexual dysfunction. What happens is this: countless times a day at home, outside, at night, in the day i feel an urge to clench or move my vaginal muscles. It is a little similar to having a split second orgasm but it is NOT VOLUNTARY AND NOT CAUSED BY ACTUAL AROUSAL it's just sort of like I have to do it and I hate it. It's like having zero control over my body and worse over my sexual experience. Usually it follows or is followed by a lot of my other motor tics, especially those in my legs and feet. It feels exactly like a tic does--the urge and the helplessness to stop. Does anyone know anything about this???? When I actually am sexually active in a normal voluntary way it calms the tics down for a little, but it always comes back after some time. I end up twitching in my seat, which looks like the tic is in my whole body but its only because of the movement down there.... Please please someone help me !!! Thank you
  22. Hi there everyone! I'm so happy to have found this forum. I have an 8 year old son who has had tics on and off since about 3 years old. He doesn't fit into the Tourette's diagnosis and I was always told by his Drs. that he'd grow out of his tics, but they're still here! He's had strep a few times and I'm taking him to the dr. soon to talk more about PANDAS. My question is: He has taken antibiotics a couple of times since the tics started, could it still be PANDAS? I don't know if some antibiotics only target certain areas or if any antibiotics that he's taken should have wiped out the strep infection if that's what is causing his tics. Thank you so much for any information!
  23. Hi. I was told to post here, so I thought it would be best to just repost what I did in the tic/Tourettes forum. Hope that's okay: Posted Yesterday, 08:48 PM First, I want to thank Sheila and the staff for their amazing web site/forums and incredibly helpful book. I am so glad I found these amazing resources!! Please excuse the long post, but it's been a long story.... But it is: My 8 y.o. son started ticcing when he was 4--mildly, no one really noticed but me. Then, they went away within month or two. When he was 6, they came back. He started ticcing more regularly but still mildly and intermittent. In March of 2015 at the age of 7, his tics became so bad it was completely dramatic. Happened two weeks after having an ear infection and being diagnosed with seasonal allergies. Having read about PANDAS, in May, I asked for strep testing after he had the ear infection. His ASO test came back at 707 (normal is up to 200). They put him on antibiotics and he was tic free for two months--May until July. Then we saw a neurologist who said he doesn't have PANDAS because it's so rare and he didn't have the dramatic change, I guess. I still didn't believe it so we had his ASO repeated in July and it was in the 400s. His pediatrician said it was coming down, so the strep was not the reason for the tics. Then in September, I wanted to see the levels again, and it was lower but still in the mid 300s. I pleaded with the doctor to giv ehim antibiotics. She did, Amoxicillin 10 day trial. But no improvement in tics. In November, we had him tested for the last time and it was still in the low 300s. His tics went from eye blinks, to facial rolls, to throat clearing, to grunting--all at once or separately. The grunting has been going on since October. It happens several times a minute. Sometimes several times a second, it seems. Then when I had enough of no one really caring, I wanted to get a final opinion, so we saw a PANDAS expert in December, Dr. Josephine Elia at Nemours/DuPont in Wilmington, DE. She was great but said he didn't have PANDAS because we have a family history of tics (my dad has motor tics but no vocal tics). She did a thorough evaluation of him and said although he didn't have PANDAS, he looked allergic so recommended allergy testing to us. Even though to anyone else, including his parents, he didn't appear the least bit allergic. But I guess they can tell from the color inside your nose (grey?). We also put him on Claritin and then Zyrteck for 6 weeks (as recommended by Dr. Elia), as well as a netti pot. No improvement in tics. We also did a dairy-free trial for two weeks and no improvement. We saw a great allergist in King of Prussia, PA, who has an integrative medicine background. She tested him for 55 allergens and found he's allergic to just about every outdoor allergen, dust mites AND our dog (as well as cats, but we don't have one). We would have never guessed he was allergic as he's never had any symptoms other than seasonal ones in the springtime--no other time. Could this be the allergy coming out in tics? Or is it just a trigger to the tics? It breaks my heart that he's allergic to our 10-year-old dog that we've had since he was a puppy and before our son was born. The allergist said we don't have to get rid of our dog, but that we have to make a lot of changes, that we're prepared to do. Dog out of his room/daily vacuuming/HEPA filter/ dog shampooing weekly. And then the supplements (high end/expensive) Omega 3s, Probiotic, Multivitamin and B-Complex. Tonight he started shoulder shrugging and neck bending. It's bad. Just looking for direction. I'm glad we have some answers in that he definitely has allergies, but I just don't know what to do with this information. Other than treat him with the supplements and see if it helps. Do you think it's the allergies causing the tics? Any advice is appreciated. Thank you!
  24. I just wanted to share what we've discovered with our 8yr old son. My son has had these type symptom during allergy season but not as intense as this year. WELL this year we started giving him Allergy Immunotherapy drops and his symptoms increased majorly. I've referred to it as OCD but honestly its a mixed bag of OCD, vocal tics, stimming/sensory stimulation. I connected the dots and had his histamine tested. Mind you, he had barely any noticeable symptoms. Occasional sneezing or cough. His histamine levels were 4x the high normal. Histamine is actually a neurotransmitter and can cause neurological symptoms. Do some research on Histadelia kids. Describes my son to a T. Work with a Functional MD or ND who understands the methylation cycle and other contributing SNPs. I would suggest getting a Blood Histamine test. We just had one for our son by Dunwoody labs. It included histamine, DAO and Zonulin (zonulin was optimal so not a Leaky Gut problem). We ran genes through 23andme a couple years ago which is helpful information (still requires research, trial and error). Dr. Amy Yasko (google her name) has an online forum and free online books which are very helpful regarding gene errors and the methylation cycle. If our histamines are too high there are some reasons behind that which can be supported by understanding your methylation cycle. You can read up on Histamines and how they effect us. Some people have issues because of low histamines and others because too high. Here are two good links. http://www.joanmathewslarson.com/HRC_2006/Depression_06/D_roller_coaster.htm http://www.drkaslow.com/html/histadelia.html
  25. I am so glad I found this forum. I hope someone can help me with my quiestions. My 7 yrs old son has tics. They started as blinking when he was in kindergarden. Then they stoped for a while and came back when he started school. We hoped they would go away again, but the opposite happened. He now has other tics. He opens his mouth a lot, nearly all of the time. He rises his eye-brown, does someting with his head/neck and he makes an r-sound. We are trying to be gluten and milk-free, not using artificial colouring etc. He takes vitamines, specially magnesium etc. It doesen`t seem to help. Not so far. We are waiting for appointment with a doctor. But these last weeks he has been complaining about pain in his mouth, neck and upper back. This pain is really troubling him. I ask him if it`s real pain or if it`s just that he feels uncomfortable. He says it`s pain. It makes him angry and easily irritated. We have almost stopped doing homework because it`s to hard for him. It may be he find it hard to explain exactly what he is feeling. But is it normal to have pain because of tics? Is pain normal for people with Tourette? I wil be thankfull for any advice and answere to my question. Anne Linn
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