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Everything posted by bws1565

  1. Symptoms: More engaged, better social interaction, etc. This was our main concern..... I hope this stays on!!! We started using it about a week ago. She did have some reaction at first, I guess a die off, but then started moving in the right direction. I would say 4 days until improvement kicked in. Make sure you get FOOD GRADE very important. We got this one. https://www.amazon.com/Diatomaceous-Earth-Lbs-Food-Grade/dp/B00KPXGNTO/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1542861522&sr=8-6&keywords=diamoceous+earth
  2. I have seen this mentioned several times, but just recently tried it on DD myself. She is doing very very well on this supplement!! We tried it for candida/parasites, but it is also supposed to be a very good chelator/detox. She uses 1/2 - 1 tsp per day dissolved in juice.
  3. Where in NYC are you located? Lyme is not so easy to treat if it is present for a long time unfortunately. Lyme that is relatively fresh (under a year old) is not so bad and could be resolved with amoxicillin 3 X a day for 30 days. What were the symptoms that made you test for Lyme? And which lab did the testing? There is a doctor in my area (forgot her name) who trained under Dr. Horowitz from Hyde Park who treats lyme patients. If you need that info please PM me.
  4. You can find lots of candida info here https://candidaspecialists.com/
  5. Firstly 12 billion is not that much. I have known people to take 100 billion per day. If you are dealing with yeast, you must watch out for the die off reaction. When candida bursts, they release a toxin in the bloodstream that makes everything temporarily worse. So yes, you can get worse at first when dealing with this. I would recommend a candida killer together with the probiotics so you can "kill the weeds" and "reseed the lawn". Candida killers are : Garlic, Diflucan, green leafy vegetables, caprilyc acid etc. I'm sure there are more, but these come to mind right now. Also, if constipation is a problem, the yeast might just be sitting there and not moving anywhere. We tried a saltwater flush and saw some good results (its nasty but works....) It means mixing 2 tsp of Himilayan pink salt together with 4 cups filtered warm boiled water, and drinking on an empty stomach. Good Luck!
  6. Her body has been in the fight or flight phase for 10 years or so, I just figure that can't be healthy. Since we've started these exercises I swear she's continuing to improve, so whatever the reason we'll take it! OK so we are sort of in the same boat, with body of DD in sympathetic mode for years. Can you elaborate more on these techniques and how they are helping? And what would be your experience with traditional psychological therapy for these issues?
  7. What would be the best way to get rid of these two: Parasites and Mucoid Plaque. I assume that dd has them. She is very constipated and definitely acts much better when she is not. I am looking into colonics. We have tried a saltwater flush which seems to have helped alot especially behavior wise, but dd said she is never ever ever doing this again. She felt really horrible after drinking the formula of 4 cups warm water with 2 tsp himilayan salt dissolved in it. Any good product you have tried with great results appreciated.
  8. You might want to look into Dr. Steven Geanopulus in NYC on Park Ave. I just heard the interview he had on Healing from Vaccines and was very very impressed! I think I will look into him myself. He specifically treats young adults with ASD.
  9. https://healingfromvaccines.com/masterclass/ 9 day series from Vaccines Revealed going on now.
  10. I have a child who has had a tongue resection due to a genetic abnormality. (non PANS) She had severe eating, swallowing and speech issues when she was young. We were very successful with the PROMPT method of speech therapy. About the loud sounds, I am looking into Tomatis Listening Program for this issue as well. I would really appreciate if anybody can chime in with insight into any listening program and its successes eg Tomatis, ILS and AIT. These programs claim wonders, but are not cheap. I would love to hear personal stories about them. Tomatis even claims to do very well for autistic spectrum kids with sound, claiming that the unbalanced auditory input can cause ASD's. I have spoken to the Listening Centre in Toronto. They seem extremely positive, but am wondering about real life feedback. Thank you!!!
  11. I have recently read a book called "The Brain's Way of Healing" and was quite amazed by the information in there. I very much felt that the chapter "The Bridge of Sound" really seems like it would help my child with all of her issues. He mentions Tomatis, who was the pioneer of listening therapy. Now, I know that from Dr. Tomatis's work there are many who built upon it, and made his program better and more sophisticated to help with many different issues. But I would be interested to know, if anyone tried any of these, what were the results? Which program did you try? ( I like the fact that stimulating the auditory cortex calms the brain from stress and anxiety making way for higher brain functions to kick in; like executive function etc.) This is not a cheap program, but I am willing to work with it, if the results are as promised..... PLEASE respond if you know anything about this. Thank you.
  12. Mepron is a drug for malaria, that is used for babesia, a lyme coinfection. Does your child also have Lyme?
  13. Hi Jsl25 I am sorry for your struggles. However, I will beg you not to expect the "tics to follow shortly". Who knows? They might not...Children live up to your expectations. If you don't think about the ticcing they might just never come. Having said that, I have had struggles with a "Sick School" in the past. If the building where the daycamp is being held is old and moldy, or very new and full of new building chemicals, these might be the culprit. A stuffy nose would indicate some sort of allergen. You might want to read Dr. Doris Rapp's book "Is this your child's world?" My son would have stuffy nose while in preschool. It cleared up when he entered grade school, and we realized the link only when he was put back into the preschool building for summer daycamp.
  14. I just would like to let this community know. We recently did a bonding with my DD. This involves, with the help of a practitioner, staring into the child's eyes for 5 minutes and hugging and kissing the child. You can read more info here https://brainfitnessstrategies.com/the-bonding-reflex/. The change we saw was amazing and real! I am so happy to have found this technique; we have been struggling with anxiety for years. (Pandas, Lyme, Bart etc) Wondering if anybody also did this, and what the results were......
  15. You can also try to take the vitamin EMpower by True Hope. I've heard it does wonders for all kinds of emotional issues....You can get it either from the company in Florida, or on amazon.
  16. OH gosh. Can't relate. My daughter enjoys her own company too much. Wish she would do something like this...... Come on mom! This is normal teen behaviour....
  17. Others have provided some responses, but I would like to offer some input on the freeze while playing piano. Freezing while doing something can be classified as absence seizures. While usually pediatric in nature and outgrown, there is a similar symptom from Bartonella. So if your son is diagnosed with bartonella, this might be something triggered by that.
  18. If you were to listen to the alternative world, psychosis is a symptom of an overwhelmed liver. So yes, pollen can cause the "barrel to overflow". A good idea to try would be an enema, to relieve the liver overload.
  19. She does have others taking it, but I would not even ask who else is taking it due to privacy reasons. However, I discussed the issue of medicating my DD and she recommended this as a great alternative. I have ordered it and will report back if you like.
  20. Does anybody have experience with this vitamin Empower Plus by the company True Hope? It is supposed to take the place of psychiatric medications. Was recommended to me by a healthcare practitioner. Thanks
  21. Does anybody have any experience with delusional thinking? Possible lyme. DS is swearing to me that certain things he is saying is absolutely true, when I know it possibly cannot be. Like even some experiences concerning me..... Any suggestions for treatment naturally etc (on Zyprexa now, and very unhappy with the side effects....) Thanks
  22. I am sorry to hear about your troubles and wish your daughter a speedy recovery. Unfortunately, vaccines can cause serious injuries especially the HPV. There are many reported incidents regarding this vaccine. Definitely hold onto tightly to all medical records and if, unfortunately, your daughter might have some lasting injuries you should contact a lawyer and apply for compensation to the Vaccines Courts. Have the administrating doctor report this reaction to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System) as soon as possible. Hope you might find any other solution to help you.
  23. I am taking a fantastic course relating to this very question. Although the course is not in English I think it is outlined in the book "Parenting without Power Struggles" available on Amazon. Another book explaining this method is "Motivating Kids". Also "Children - the Challenges" All of these are based on the Alfred Adler method. Basically, it explains how these explosive behaviors are a child's mistaken expression of love. If you accept it this way, you will remain calm, and get over the behavior real quick. It really works!
  24. Does anybody have any experience with this supplement? It is supposed to help with nutrient absorption. Wondering about it....
  25. We did have her tested by some integrative practitioner. She mentioned a slight EMF sensitivity. Gave her some magnet/stone to help. She did tell me that the FEAR of EMF is more than the actual sensitivity. Looks we are headed into some anxiety etc..... Oh well...
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