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Everything posted by bws1565

  1. Has anybody had experience with Agape Multivitamins? Seems to have an excellent blend of methylated b's and others. Interested in personal feedback.
  2. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/americas-fifty-fold-increase-in-obsessive-compulsive-disorder/
  3. Hey! I am in NY as well and struggling with the mandatory vaccine issue! Unbelievable what our corrupt legislators can do. No way to get to school for many I know, including kids that would normally qualify for medical exemptions like seizure disorders and organ transplants!! Oh, and check out bill A99 in NYS senate mentioning detention centers for people with communicable diseases......(this has already PASSED in California....) Anybody in a different state OPPOSE these bills strongly in your state! They are insane. About Dr. Jennifer Daniels, would it really not come up on google?! I know about censorship but cant believe it! Seems we are living in some communistic country now ;(
  4. I would say the eye rolling is related. Yes you explaining mild symptoms of strep related problems. I would deal with this naturally after you finish the antibiotic, to make sure you got rid of all of it. I assume some people here can suggest good supplements, but I can think of Blis K12, Colloidal silver, thieves oil etc right on the top of my head. In my experience with my entire family, the unvaxed kids had much fewer strep episodes. Of course this could be contagious, but somehow I keep on hearing about strep and vaccines link; especially about a month after vaccination.
  5. YES! I heard about this on Del Bigtree's highwire show and was astonished by it. I know several people who are DESPERATE to try this! Can you share how you went about this; contact information etc. Price, where to call, anything else you can think of?
  6. I have had very good success with Daktarin. It is readily available in Europe as an over the counter gel for oral thrush. It even has a good taste.... I have a friend that brings it from England and have used it for my nursing babies with excellent results.
  7. I watched a documentary this winter called "Healing From Vaccines" . It was available online for free while running but you might be able to get it still. That gave me the final push to do homeopathy. I believe my DD's problems are vaccine related too although I cannot prove it. Her issues were executive function related, which are very painful for a bright kid like she is. And she did have intrusive thoughts at one point too.... I have stopped vaccinating about 7 years ago, although I was coerced into giving the MMR due to the outbreak in NYC. And YES I have seen reactions. And now we have lost the religious exemption here..... I will not put my younger kids at risk; looking at my options. I would advise you to stay away from ALL vaccines for your entire family. Perhaps have this reaction reported to VAERS, or at least put into her file. Risk of a flu or even measles is just not worth what we are going through. To quote, "It takes a of a lot of money to get rid of what a free vaccine did".
  8. Was there a recent vaccination that could have caused any of this?
  9. We are having good success with homeopathic remedies. I've been to a homeopath 4 months ago. She put DD onto a annual program, with the remedies being changed about monthly. We are currently moving onto month 4, and thankfully seeing good results. This is not a quick fix though.
  10. This might possibly works, its true. But since they abolished religious exemptions, we will now need all on the recommended schedule. I doubt we will show titers to all.... I do know that children who have had the measles here and went to check titers, now show immunity to Measles Mumps and Rubella leading to believe that the measles was vaccine induced.......
  11. As some of you might have heard or seen, NYS assembly repealed the religious exemptions for vaccinations yesterday. I am truly at loss with this. I have been dealing with PANS and/or lyme with the whole story that comes with it. I have stopped vaccinatng my children for several years now, and have definitely seen the difference with my younger kids vs the older, vaccinated ones. They are more alive, alert, social and understanding. Vaccinating is not an option. Homeschooling is not an option. And a medical exemption for the younger kids probably would not be an option either. I would like to reach out to the California parents who share this problem with me now. Can you share what you did to get out of this problem? I know there are activists who will fight this breach of first amendment in court; but I need to be prepared. I have already gotten an email from my school to get my kids the first dose of everything within 30 days, or be sent home.
  12. What is your issue with a blood test? My DD is extremely needle phobic. We are have trouble with blood tests as well. Insisting won't help in any way......:) I did search online and found a prescription patch that works very well in numbing the area, and related brain pathways. It is called Synera. I would love to know people's experience with this. OR any other suggestions. (We would need to do a standard blood test soon, and can't see how it will happen. Last blood test we had 3 people holding her down......Not going that route again....)
  13. I have several friends who have checked their or their kids titers due to the measles outbreak in NYC. One who was fully vaccinated as a kid, had zero immunity. Another who was totally unvaccinated has immunity of 300 (which is considered normal if the child had wild measles) He did not have the disease, but might have been exposed. I don't think these titers mean much with respect to behaviors. Perhaps I am wrong. I would hypothesize that the adjuvant, if vaccinated, would be more of the problem. Meaning that the aluminum in the vaccine, which holds onto the viral antigen, can cause trouble with behaviors.
  14. Can anybody explain to me the difference in OCD and OCPD? And what would be different in treatment? Thank you
  15. We used Methyl B12 from Jarrow. It does not have folate however.
  16. Has anybody ever tried the therapy outlined in the books "Brain Lock" or "You are not your Brain?" Supposed to have very good long term effects with OCD, anxiety and intrusive thought. Just wondering on feedback.
  17. I have needed to threaten my kids with bloodwork, if they won't open their mouth for the swab. You can just check strep titers to detect a strep.
  18. You are correct with this observation. I never mention my vaccine position to anyone. Once, I have had a local medical center confront me about my not vaccinating, but they were very respectful of my decision to my surprise. The only place where I adamantly refused to get a vaccine with my mouth wide open, was prenatally. Otherwise I always say, "not at this time, thanks."
  19. What are you going to do if the culture is positive? (just to note the value of fighting with him...) Hard to believe it will be if he is on long term antibiotics. Hives could be a virus as well.
  20. Jumping in with a different perspective. Was your son vaccinated? Vaccine adjuvants are designed to cross the BBB, specifically aluminium. There was much discussion on this site that Pandas is a version of aluminum toxicity. With vaccines, the aluminum is designed to hold onto the antigen and keep it in the body long term; thereby introducing antigens into the brain as well. It is believed that detoxing from aluminum and mercury helps quiet the immune system. We have tried selenium for mercury, malic acid for aluminum and other stuff as well. She is probably not all clean, but definitely is aluminum sensitive- she cannot tolerate aluminum based deodorant. She is currently using Diatomaceous earth for a slow detox for everything. I think it is helping well. I have learnt about vaccine reactions about seven years ago, and have not vaccinated my kids since. I have 2 totally unvaccinated kids, and several partially vaccinated. It is a CRIME what pharma is doing to our kids without knowing the long term effects. I can honestly say, VACCINES ARE NOT WORTH IT! Which parent would not nurse a child through a bad case of pertussins or measles, and even sweat the time through the a hospitalization for physical problems versus dealing with what we are dealing with here?!!! Just venting my pain. I wish I would have known about this issue many many years ago.
  21. And here I was, thinking of medicating...... https://prepforthat.com/antidepressant-suicide-side-effects-downing-family/
  22. I found my daughter greatly improved when we seriously addressed candida and mucoid plaque. There is plenty of literature that candida alone can cause anxiety and brain fog. Add parasites to that list and you have a real problem. Really, we should have done colonics, but DD did not want to. So we did 1 saltwater flush, and then put her onto Diamataceous Earth for candida and OxyPowder for Mucoid Plaque cleansing. After 3 days we started seeing a die off result. After 1 week the results were really great. I won't know if the abdominal pain was due to constipation, leaky gut, or parasites and candida or perhaps reaction to antibiotics. Just mentioning what we feel helped her along. (She is still off wheat and some dairy; claims it causes abdominal pain)
  23. Has anybody tried homeopathy for anxiety? I would like to know any responses, good or bad. Also recommendations for someone in NYC if you have any. Thank you.
  24. I am not sure about Pandas in relation to this, but Feldenkrais is a way of releasing muscle tension relating to brain signals. It is very gentle. Worth a try.
  25. Yes, strep antibodies can go up with exposure to other kids with strep. That is what antibodies do, they are supposed to protect you against disease (think measles, mumps etc) when you are exposed. We know that adults get their immunity reboosted when exposed to kids with childhood diseases like chicken pox. Unfortunately for PANDAS kids, this means a flare What can be done? Maybe others can chime in....
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