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Everything posted by bws1565

  1. Just overall very happy. Better executive function, social skills, fatigue --- everything is moving in the right direction. We are not done yet though.
  2. It works. I don't really ask questions. Ammonia is just the carrier. I don't think it really enters to bloodstream. I am very happy with this product. Wish it would have been available sooner.
  3. DD17 commented that she has some numbness on her skin. eg: When in the shower she feels the hot or cold but not the water on her skin. This sound REALLY weird. Does anybody know what this could be? DD has lyme/bart and currently in treatment.
  4. This jar is lasting me about 3-4 weeks. I anticipate to use it approximately for 3 months.
  5. Yes this is the product. It is supposed to be applied to lymph node areas and if neurological problems are involved, down the spine, starting at the base of the head. I use a thin layer.. My relatives have used a thicker layer. I use once per day, but it can be used up to 3 times a day. Let dry for 20 minutes and don't wash off for two hours. My DD did have OCD at one point. It has been better since we have been doing lots of other things. DS had slight tics, only during flare. I don't see it now, although I saw some during beginning of treatment.
  6. I will focus on DD17, because she was the one with the most distressing symptoms. She was diagnosed with Pandas : social anxiety, time management issues, poor sense of direction, severe tactile sensitivity, fatigue, poor apetite. etc etc. Her diagnosis was changed to Lyme/Bart 5 years in. The treatment that we did for Pandas was only antibiotics, with great results, but then she could not tolerate it anymore. We started with a natural program with vitamins and herbs which she was on for the last year. We started this cream, which the fact that she does not need to swallow pills is in itself a blessing, about 4 weeks ago, as did some of my relatives. Since DD is very sensory she only allows me to apply once a day, very thin layer. My relatives have used it more aggressively with more dramatic results. The first symptoms starting at about day two, is severe fatigue. Then she developed a better apetite. By day 3 there was a pretty severe herx, real off the rocker. Crying, not knowing what she wants, irritable etc. This lasted about 2 days. and from there it was good going. It feels like we are going backward in time with us seeing some of the symptoms she has displayed a while back. Peeling off layer by layer. She did have a funny cross eyed look for a few days. I feel the sensory issues are improving ( she wore a stiff blouse she has not worn for 3 years). Social behavior is also getting better. My sisters son, went from totally time management inept to perfection in about 3 weeks. My cousins kids turned around behaviourally 180 degrees. Of course there are some bumps, but they are much more manageable. My DD tested high strep, and DNAseB titers. We never tested DS for strep titers. Both had 2 Lyme specific IGG bands. DD was positive for Bart and Mycoplasma. DS only mycoplasma.
  7. After struggling with Pandas/Lyme/Bartonella for almost 12 years, trying almost everything under the sun, I feel that I owe it to this community to let others know what we have finally found. I thank you for all your support; this is working for us, and maybe it can help someone too. DD is now 17. She has been resistant to antibiotic treatment, would not take her vitamins and basically suffered through life. DS is 19, has had unbalanced adrenals, due to lyme and pretty harsh mood swings. There is a long story, how we found a treatment that is doing wonders for both. It is a CREAM that you apply to the skin every day. Thats ALL. This cream has originally been formulated for use for cancer, but is great for all viral, fungal, bacterial infections. Several people in my family have tried it for Lyme. Wow! the results are amazing. All of us had a herx, some more severe than others, and then the wonder of healing began. My house is calm now. We feel we are on the way out of this nightmare. This wonder cream is formulated from zinc and copper. It overfeeds cells that do not belong in the body, thereby killing them. You can check it out on www.cancer-cell-treatment.com. this product is not cheap. Price retails for $400.00 for 100ml. But in my opinion well worth the cost. Feel free to ask any questions. I do not benefit in any way from this post. Just a note of gratitude for your support in the past many years.
  8. The treatment I am refering too is outlined at www.cancer-cell-treatment.com This treatment really works!! I know people who have used it for MRSA, Cancer etc. Let me know what you think. Thanks for responding! I realize not many people know about Krebs cycle......
  9. I recently heard of a treatment that targets non Krebs Cycle cells in the body, and kills them all, effectively. I understand this to be all abnormal cells in the body including bacterial, viral, fungal, and even cancer cells. I was wondering if anybody knows if spirochetes are in this category and perhaps this treatment would work to get rid of them? If anybody knows any information about this I would greatly appreciate. Thank you!!
  10. Has anyone ever heard of a new Lyme treatment called Lyme-N? This is a medication delivered via nebulizer ,enabling it to cross the Blood Brain Barrier. It is supposed to be highly effective in killing spirochetes. The company claims to CURE Lyme within 60 days of treatment. I would be interested in anyones research, knowledge or experiences. Thank you.
  11. My daughter never gets fevers. This line jumped out at me from you sorry tale. We were dealing with similar issues for many years. We got a Pandas diagnosis, until it was ultimately corrected to Lyme/Bartonella. My daughter never used to get a fever either. But I did realize that she was sick sometimes, and at those times her behavior used to worsen. Fever is a good thing; its the body's way of fighting infection. So, not having a fever would indicate a weakened immune system. In our case this showed up as a low white count. Not terribly low to be a medical concern, but our Lyme doctor said this showed the body had "given up the fight". I would recommend you check your kids for Lyme and coinfections. We were chasing Pandas for 5 years until our diagnosis and treatments were corrected. We also considered ASD's at the time. No trace of that now! Whether this is Pandas or Lyme, it is a long road. But there is hope for a full recovery.
  12. Lyme is often misdiagnosed as Lupus. It is really worth looking into.
  13. One child I know, was suffering from Absence Seizures, treated for Lyme and now fully recovered.
  14. I don't know Pandas kids with epilepsy, but I do know several Lyme kids with it. Have you had your son tested for Lyme? We went down the Pandas road ourselves for 5 years before discovering that my DD really has Lyme/Bart. She is on the road to recovery thankfully.
  15. Can I get the name of the Canadian Dr. too??? My relative from Toronto is likely suffering from Lyme, and does not know where to turn. Thank you!
  16. Albymom, My dd16 hasn't gotten a fever ever since I remember too. In addition she had a borderline low white count. I was told this is a sign of a STRONG IMMUNE SYSTEM! until we hit upon Lyme. Of course this is a classic sign, meaning that the body has given up fighting and all viruses and bacteria just sit there.(and cause trouble).
  17. We have been dealing with Pandas/Lyme/Bartonella for about five years now. I have finally found an excellent practitioner who is doing a great job with my daughter. Her teachers are commenting how she really turned around. However, there is one lingering issue, which I feel might have even gotten worse. DD is extremely sensitive to touch. She jumps when someone touches her lightly. Kisses are out of the question. Brushing her teeth is torture. She even hates it when someone touches her hair. I know that extreme sensitivity to touch is related to bartonella; I've heard this from a recovered adult. However! We are really going out of our minds with this. Can anyone relate, or give me some tips for this? Is Occupational therapy at age 16.5 still an option and will it even work? Is anyone dealing with this with their child; and have any tips? TIA
  18. Thank you all for your input. Lim, pulsing seems like a good idea. This child and his mom are really miserable!! Although the herx was already discussed with the child's treating physician and he claims the child needs more sleep. But it is impossible to get him to sleep these days!! Praying that he gets better really soon.
  19. I've heard of several people experiencing bedwetting as a herx, post antibiotic. Bedwetting is definitely a Lyme symptom.
  20. Asking for a friend. DS5 has strep related stuttering. ENT recommended clindomycine for rapid clearing and it seems to be doing its job. DS11 has Pandas diagnosis, recently also diagnosed with Bartonella. ENT recommends that tonsillectomy will cure this child of all issues. What are your experiences with tonsillectomy, and does it really clear ALL problems? This particular child has recently started a herbal protocal for Lyme/Bart and is herxing severely. Really not in a good position for the last six weeks or so. Thank you for sharing your experiences positive or negative.
  21. My daughters dx was recently corrected to Lyme/Bart after 5 years of treating Lyme and close to 12 years of suffering. We are using Lyme Literate natural/herbalist close to Mt Kisco with very good success up until now. I think her improvement, after about 6 months of treatment is close to 80%. We are expecting further improvement as per the doctor. PM for further information if you would like
  22. This post is screaming Lyme to me. I would definitely have her tested. Where do you live? Maybe somebody can chime in with a recommendation for a LLMD. We have Medicaid too, and although we are treating naturally, at least the testing was covered (Western Blot and all coinfections can be pretty expensive.)
  23. I am posting this for a friend. She has a child who is about 10 years old. He has been displaying ASD features since about 20 months of age. However, when he was about 6-7 years old, he developed severe knee pain which was eventually diagnosed as rheumatic fever, with high strep levels. Also possibly Pandas. He was put onto Zithromax long term and his autistic behavior greatly improved. Mom kept him on antibiotic for a long time, I believe close to two years, until she decided that this is not an option for her anymore. Of course he slid backwards. Mom is accepting the autism diagnosis, and is not interested into looking into further antibiotic treatment. I am literally begging her, on hands and knees, to check this child for Lyme. With classic knee pain symptoms, and improvement with antibiotic, I don't see why she would not. She is currently living out of the country, with Lyme testing a near impossibility, but is expected to visit soon. She does not have USA insurance. How likely is it that this child has lyme disease? What is the possibility of classic knee pain developing many years after the first autistic signs and this still being lyme, and treatable??? Which tests would you do, bearing in mind the no insurance issue. I have had success, after many years with the lyme route with my own DD. I am thankful that we are getting her out of the rut. I would love my friends DS to have the same results.
  24. And adrenal fatigue is Lyme related too. Usually advanced stage Lyme. Adrenal Fatigue patients have a hard time falling asleep, and a hard time getting up in the morning. (Vitamin C is supposed to support adrenals).
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