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Everything posted by bws1565

  1. I don't what is the big deal with chicken pox, I and all of my siblings had it, as did my two older children. We all survived!! and got some TLC from mom as a bonus. The chicken pox vaccine was only promoted as a great tool "for saving moms from staying home from work when their child was sick" !!! Oh, yes, one good thing did come from the vaccine. Many parents are waking up to the reality that vaccines are not all great, by being mandated to vaccinate against this very mild disease. For immunosuppressed children, that is a different story. My friends child with asthma, on drugs, was not allowed to be exposed to chicken pox, due to severe problems associated with the drug he was taking and chicken pox. OK, these are the children that need the vaccine. I agree......
  2. Yes, fish oil is a good recommendation for inflammation and for cholesterol as well. High cholesterol in children that are of normal weight is NOTHING. Especially when the HDL and LDL ratio is good. Don't know why this is becoming a deal lately (actually I do know, are pharma companies looking for a new market for Lipitor??) Foods that raise HDL cholesterol are: butter, eggs, beef,coconut oil, palm oil, sour cream etc... You get the idea : animal based fats.
  3. I am very intrigued by this topic. I have recently read about a dr. shauna young who is helping people get manganese out of their bodies to help with autism! She claims to have excellent success. She has recently written a book entitled "Erasing Autism". I wonder if this is not all linked: Lyme, manganese and autism spectrum disorders.
  4. I did not mean to bash Obama about the care of the doctors. I am getting increasingly frustrated in my healthcare. I have had the same insurance plan for several years now, and due to Affordable Care Act, my premiums are rising and less and less is covered. It is extremely frustrating to have to think twice before doing a necessary procedure, which was previously fully covered and now we are getting hit with copays, and coinsurances through the roof. I, personally, do not see what is "affordable" with this healthcare act ;(.
  5. I lost my trust in doctors too, unfortunately. I could have written the above post myself. I mean a doctor that vacs a child with fever?! 5 pediatricians unwilling to see my child due to not knowing what is wrong?! Needing to diagnose my own child (with a congenital problem) due to doctors ignorance, over the internet?! The system is really broke, and getting more broke. Thank you Obama.
  6. Can anybody please give me contact information and location of Dr. Bock? Need this for a child with neurological lyme.
  7. I know people have been successful with this, but here is what I know. Milk thistle is a "Liver Protector". Your liver is supposed to protect you. So milk thistle has a very good chance of causing adverse reactions based on that it will protect your liver from detoxifying your body. I know somebody who had lots of adverse reactions to milk thistle and all this stopped when she stopped taking it. I have used a herbal supplement called "Liver Balance" from company "Pure Body Institute of Ventura" and was very happy with it.
  8. My friend's little 3 year old (unvaccinated) son suddenly developed absence seizures, with eye rolling several times a day. Thankfully, this was immediately diagnosed as Lyme disease, with a Stony Brook western blot result of 93. My friend is very confused how to go about treatment with this child. He is now on Augmention, but she was told this is not a good Lyme drug. Looking into other treatments. Options are Dr. Demsey in Westchester, NY or Klinghardt Center. Does anybody have any information on any of the above? Any further information on treatments would be helpful, what worked what didn't....
  9. These are the supplements that target mercury specifically: Glutathione, Selenium, and vitamin C. Check out Dr. Boyd Haley (university of Kentucky) for more information on this. And of course get rid of your mercury fillings if you have them. (BTW high mercury in your hair would show that you are a GOOD excretor and is not an indicator of high blood mercury). LL Magnetics Clay Baths are also a good idea. They have one specifically for mercury removal.
  10. nicklemama. I am very interested in any supplements that could be used as a cream and not by mouth!! could you elaborate or provide a link????
  11. I ran by my dd low white count my pediatrician. I remember it was 3.7 (while back...) I asked if needed to be retested, and if this indicates immunodeficiency coupled with the fact that she is never sick.. Dr. replied that this indicates a superior immune function(!). I should not worry. Is this true??
  12. Is this a "specific chiropractor"? (specializing in brain stem / spine alignment?) I have taken my daughter to one for an evaluation several years ago. He said that there is significant stress in her brain stem area. My pediatrician laughed from it, and I never followed up. I am interested to know more about this. With my pediatrician not being of much help, I am thinking if we should take her anyway.
  13. I don't remember a tick bite on her, to answer that question. I do remember that she was not this way as a very young child. Could congenital Lyme be a factor if I have several more children and none are having these issues? When she was 4 weeks old, we were upstate in a country area, and I do remember my mom showing me, that the back of her head, neck, posterior fontanel area had a huge bump. This took several months to resolve. I thought nothing about this then thinking it was a birth/head molding. I always think back, if we perhaps missed something very important?
  14. Thanks for your input. To clarify, DD is 15. She has been having these issues on and off since she was five years old. We realized then that this was a problem. The material is not difficult. She even responds to her name with an extra second. If her teacher would tell the kids to take out a book, she would take it out when everybody else has already done so. If the principal enters the room, she would 'realize' a second or two after everybody. She is currently OK Pandas wise. No serious OCD issues. She was tested with a full neuropsychological assessment about four years ago. The psychologist realized the problem, but did not think this is auditory processing disorder (I asked twice!). He did note it to be 'odd' that she answers after an extra beat. I never tested her hearing or other ear related issues. Should I do that? I would like to know more about auditory processing disorder. Please explain further symptoms.
  15. Dr. Schulman is in the Boro Park area of Brooklyn, NY. I believe she charges $400.00 for a 1 hour consulation. We met with her and were very pleased. She even has a way of getting IVIG covered by insurance. (We did not need it)
  16. My daughter has had a diagnoses of Pandas several years ago, with small flares here and there, which we managed pretty OK. (looking into possible lyme now.) My duaghter and I had a long conversation last night, (rare!) in which she explained that she is having "hearing problems" . She definitely hears. She just hears a second or two after everyone else. This is causing her difficulties in school and socially. She just cannot keep along with the conversation and tunes out, making her look socially uninterested and aloof. She does not have any learning problems. Can anyone relate?? What can we do about this? Is this Pandas/Lyme related? Thank you
  17. Oh silly me. I thought that the people on this board know it all!! Feldenkreiss is a very soft touch/movement therapy that the practitioner performs on the passive child for about an hour at a time. My daughter lies on a bed and the therapist massages her back and gets her to do gentle movements. I have heard of very good results in my community. My cousin had her 3 year old child in a special needs school and once she started doing this, the child progressed amazingly. (She probably will not need this school for next year). The therapist amazingly gave me a complete rundown of my daughter's character after a 1 hour consultation session. I was really wowed.
  18. Just having a bad day:( My mom just gave me a whole speech about how I am not helping my daughter, and she will grow up to be 'I don't know what'. Truth to be said, we have had 3 kids with strep infections in the house in the last three weeks. DD15 has not caught it, has not complained about sore throat, but she has flared ;( .....Is it possible, not to catch a strep from a sibling who sleeps about three inches away from her, and has "forgotten" to take the last few doses of medicine. He is still complaining about sore throat, but his second culture was negative.... I think that her Pandas symptoms are better than in the past, but she is so terribly tired!!! She slept 13 hours over Saturday and was still exhausted Saturday night. Do we culture anyway? Do we give rx? Is there any reason that she would not catch a strep when several kids in the house have it? On a different note, we have tried Feldenkreiss therapy. After 3 sessions I feel that she is doing better. Very subtle results, but they are there. Her eye contact is better. She actually spoke to her principal when being called in for frequent lateness rather than being selectively mute. (Principal called to express her wonder at this positive change). Has anyone done this to address anxiety? I have heard people having very good results, just wondering.
  19. I don't have experience, but DD is taking a delicious Multi that has broccoli in it (which is very rich in sulpharopane) and we are seeing good results. You can give broccoli directly, and get some of the benefits.
  20. Hi all, I was active here several years ago when DD15 was diagnosed and treated for Pandas. This community has helped alot. DD is now in an OK position. She is currently not on any antibiotics. She does take a good multi vitamin (Juice Plus). You all know the typical Pandas symptoms of OCD, anxiety aneorexia etc. so I will not elaborate. But, during a recent flare, which we only treated with homeopathic remedy Streptoccocus 200c with success, she had a 5 second non responsive staring episode which I suspect might have been a seizure? She also developed severe eye headaches which no doctor could properly diagnose. It has gotten better since she is on Juice plus. She is still always tired, does not have the strength for physical activity. She reads alot; and has become very educated! She also mentioned to me that she "hears a second after everybody else". This causes her social difficulties. I have recently become aware that some children who are diagnosed with Pandas might in fact have Lyme disease, which does not allow the body to fight the infection. And although the child might have strep, since the body will not create a fever, it will stay stuck in the body and eventually cause Pandas symptoms. I think this might be the case here. My daughter is never sick. I don't recall if she ever had something more than a mild cold. She does have a low White Blood Count 3.7, which someone mentioned to me means that her body is not fighting infection effectively. I would check her for Lyme, but she developed a severe dislike to doctors and bloodtest, If I want to protect my pride (she really acted up in doctors office in the past), I need to be pretty sure if this indicates Lyme or coinfections, what tests we need to do and other information anybody could offer. I would be very grateful for any input.
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