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Everything posted by bws1565

  1. Right. Dr. Horowitz distinctly writes so in his book "Why Can't I Get Better". POTS is related to Lyme disease.
  2. Several of my kids have had molloscum. It usually resolves on its own after about 1-2 years. Something to try, if your DD will allow, is covering the largest one with duct tape. Do not allow it to get wet, and if it does, change to a fresh piece of duct tape. This should be done for up until two weeks, or until the itch becomes unbearable. All of the 'warts' should then resolve. Good luck!!
  3. Thanks rowingmom!! You might have a point, with having my entire family exposed. DS11 has dilated pupil, with no other lyme symptoms. DD13 is always complaining about different aches and pains; stomache pain, muscle pain etc etc but is a great kid with excellent social and other development skills (I think she is just a complainer; these are not affecting any schoolwork or anything.) However! If there are no other symptoms would you rock the boat? I don't feel comfortable doing this without professional guidance, and are paying too much $$$$ to do the whole family!!! We do spend every summer in an area with tons of deer etc. We see them daily. Back to DS18 I rechecked his bloodwork. He has igg bands 41, 58, and 93. No IGM bands; no coinfections. thanks for your input.
  4. HPV for a boy? My daughters Lyme/bart symptoms were primarily neuropsychiatric also, except fatigue and headaches. She developed nerve pain and other strange symptoms when we started treating.
  5. Hmmmm. This post brings up several questions. i originally came here due to pandas which was eventually corrected to Lyme Bartonella, for DD16.\ DS18, has had several symptoms listed above, including slight obsessive behavior, occasional eye tics, difficulty with auditory processing, multitasking, coordination. He is also complaining sometimes of ringing in the ears. ALL THESE SYMPTOMS ARE NOT TOO SEVERE and liveable. However, we have checked him for Lyme through Stony Brook and he has IGG bands of 41 and 93. I know these are lyme specific but he did not come up as having any coinfections. Doctor advised not to treat. I remember there were times that I used to pray he should get strep, because with antibiotics after a positive strep he was always better for some time. He is not too agreeable to treatment, especially after dr's advice. Your input please??? (I don't feel 100% comfortable with sending him off into the world as is.....)
  6. Did they do a 24 hour urine? If not the creatine might have been incidentally high.
  7. Yes, I imagine he went through a lot himself. I know he is a cancer survivor. His practice is called a "Wellness Center". He is officially a chiropractor, but also does a lot of nutrition. Incidentally, we need to see him about every two weeks and he does some laser/light chiropractor treatments. There are some things, like strep, that he is treating through laser treatment. It looks very weird and my DD and I giggle through the treatment, but who cares!! It works. I just got a compliment last night; someone who hasn't seen my DD in a while commented on the positive change in her.
  8. My kids reacted to strep this way several times. This does not have to be full blown Pandas. A nice heavy dose of abx might just cure it all. Definitely don't panic before you see results......
  9. Wombat, the consultation took about 1 hour. He tested the strength of every single of her organs, and then checked the presence of many parasites/infections etc. He also checked her for electromagnetic sensitivity. He detected a MTHFR mutation. Also tested for many, many food sensitivities. Basically I think he really really covered alot. He took her off several foods, like wheat, milk and white sugar. Gave her many vitamins and some herbs.
  10. We used Dr. Schulman before my DDs dx was corrected to Lyme/bart. She is an excellent pediatrician who is very open to Pandas, not a specialist. She does not accept new patients in the community, but does do consultations for Pandas children. She usually starts with Zithromax for a very long time, and moving onto IVIG if necessary.
  11. Unless I am missing something this seems like Lyme. We followed the pandas route for several years, until my dd's diagnosis was corrected to Lyme. I also never recalled a tick bite. My daughter has been having symptoms like forever until properly diagnosed. She is now being treated and doing much better thankfully.
  12. Not sure. Muscle testing requires you to hold your arm upright and the practitioner would try to push it down while testing for foods etc. DD is very sensitive to touch (she will not brush her teeth or allow anyone to kiss her...) but she does not really have a problem with this. She will sometimes wiggle while being tested but nothing more than that.
  13. I wouldn't know about what you have in England in terms of Japanese knotweed. We are using a tincure. She takes 20 drops twice a day.
  14. Being extremely sensitive to touch, to the point of pain, would correlate with Bartonella. You are right with your observation of trusting the practitioner. You really can't know if they "know what they are doing". I went with this particular one on recommendation of friends and a cousin of mine, whose son with a seizure disorder due to Lyme was cured by him. I did make myself a time frame of about 6 months to see a difference, and then I would move on. We are with him for about 5 weeks and are already seeing progress, so I guess we are on the right track:)
  15. Your description of yourself sounds like my daughter, or rather what she was. She was diagnosed with Lyme and Bartonella several months ago, first through blood, and then through muscle testing. We are treating her these, and she is really doing better. If you can find somebody who would be able to do muscle testing for your issues, especially if you can't do blood, you will be better on target. She is currently taking, Japanese knotweed, Cats Claw, Zinc, Folate, B12, B6, D3, Digestive enzymes, Probiotic. She is off several foods.
  16. Is checking titers as proof of immunity enough in CA? They will probably still be high. Boy am i glad we still have religious exemptions here in NY, I will probably never give another vaccine to any of my kids, willingly. I mean this is really out of hand, with flu shots mandates for all kids under age six in NYC, and HVP mandate coming up.....
  17. We are using a product called "Zinc Supreme" by Designs for Health. (designsforhealth.com) She is taking 90 mg daily. (started with 30 and built up toward 90). It also has vitamins B2, B6, molybdenum, taurine and malic acid.
  18. My daughter also has the non eating issue. Forgetting to eat is not beyond her. We were recently told by our naturalist that a weak spleen needs lots of zinc to function, and poor appetite is related to zinc deficiency. So, if she is fighting an infection for a long time, low zinc stores would affect appetite..... We recently started her on zinc supplement, along with many others. I think we are seeing a difference.
  19. That "damn stare" should be evaluated for absence seizures and/or Bartonella. My daughter had them. Unfortunately I did not realize that this is a concern, until many years have passed. We are treating her for Lyme/Bart and seeing positive results. (hoping for the best!)
  20. I have superior sense of smell too. I used to work in a food factory and suspect this is coming from being exposed to too many chemicals. I can smell whether a food is missing salt!! I am the first to detect a kids dirty diaper. This is the body's way of warning that there is something not alright.
  21. After many months of thinking about Lyme, we finally got our daughter to do bloodwork. This was no easy task taking her severe needle phobia into account. After one week, we got results of positive for Bartonella and possible lyme. My daughter has not been OK for as long as I can remember. We were onto Pandas for the last 5 years or so, and was treated appropriately with flares here and there. Lately she has been developing physical symptoms. Extreme fatigue. Poor concentration. Pain below the eye. Nerve pain in the back of the head/neck. I recall a dark red/ purple linear rash back in 2008. We need to get this child on track ASAP. She is currently 16 years old, and has lost out on her best years . I am very confused on how to treat. Fully medically? Oral abx? IV abx (don't think this will work....) Alternative? Chiropractic? Klinghardt? Please advise on what worked for you, and how long it took for complete recovery, or at least major improvement. I live in NYC, if anybody has any recommendations. Thank you!!
  22. We are looking into testing our DD15 for Lyme and coinfections. She has had several symptoms that we could not explain, only if she would be positive for lyme. We took her to a doctor who would test her, and she ABSOLUTELY refused to take a blood test. I realized this kind of phobia is not uncommon here. WHAT DO WE DO??? Do we diagnose her clinically and treat? Do we force a child who has this severe fear of needles???? Someone even suggested laughing gas or similar. My opinion is that before we pour tons of abx into a child we need to have something black and white. I would be a little uncomfortable with so much medicine based on clinical observation. Also, what is the chance that because this is going on for so so long, we will get a negative result, and it is lyme anyway? Thanks
  23. I tried to check online for bartonella streak rash photos. They look like stretch marks, and not at all like what my daughter had. She had dark red streaks about 1/2 inch high and 4 inches long on her back and chest/abdomen. Unfortunately this was dismissed by my pediatrician and she has been suffering for a long long time. We recently realized that her "spaced out" personality was absence seizures. (they are gone now, or very minor). This is a real crash for me, I know bart is very difficult to treat. Coupled with the fact that she is refusing bloodwork adamantly. She does fit the symptom list, alot. Can anybody tell me that they are past bartonella, and their child is OK?
  24. Thanks for this thread!! What does the bartonella rash look like? My daughter, whom I highly suspect to have lyme, had a red streaky rash 8 years ago. It lasted about a month, and then disappeared. I have never seen anything like it on anyone since.
  25. Just curious. Do your kids crave salt? DD15 has this strange symptom of strong salt craving. She can take salt on a spoon and lick it off.... Does anybody know if this is Lyme or Pandas related??
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