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Hi we cannot diagnose you but it does sound like there are tics in the family, which could be Tourette but it could also be related to other things that can cause tics... Do either of your parents have tics? Do you and your siblings get strep throat? Any bites from ticks?
welcome Eva with a dual diagnosis of tics and Aspergers, there may be factors to consider beyond just what we discuss here, which is primarily natural ways to treat tics and TS My first question would be whether your son is on any medications for the AD? Some meds can actually induce tics .... Also, has he recently been exposed to any infections eg strep any chemical exposure, including pesticides in home, garden, sports fields etc? changes in diet? environment at home or school like new carpet, wood, new car etc here is an informal survey on tic triggers (scroll down for the list) http://www.latitudes.org/articles/finding_triggers.htm a helpful book Natural Treatments for Tics & Tourette's: A Patient and Family Guide by Sheila Rogers and some helpful threads here to get you started http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2459 I have a link in my signature below on what we did for my son, who has Tourette Syndrome
Brain Balance vs Applied Kinesiology
Chemar replied to trinnie's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Hi Trinnie I don't know anything about those Have your tried the nutritional (dietary and supplement) methods that many of us have found helpful in reducing tics? Doesn't have to bust the budget and can have very dramatic positive results. -
not worth the risk IMHO
ps I have also heard good reports on Zyflamend as a natural anti-inflammatory, but no personal experience
my son uses Boswellia Extract by NOW as an anti-inflammatory with great success It's a combo of Boswellia and turmeric/curcumin....potent anti-inflammatory action Boswellia itself has also been found helpful for OCD also, as an FYI for anyone using ibuprofen...CVS Pharmacy now makes their own brand on without that nasty added dye!
Hi again I don't have specific doctor recommendations but you may want to look at the pinned thread at the top of this forum on finding medical help You will also see a thread there about an excellent reference book written by our admin Sheila Rogers. It is a very helpful way to get started on the journey of natural treatments for tics/TS Also, whenever there may be strep as a factor (even if only his sister manifest it) it is wise to investigate PANDAS We have a separate PANDAS forum here http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=17 I have a link in my signature on the natural treatments that helped my son Red dye is a major tic trigger!
Welcome Vanessa yes, many members here have used Bonnie's supplements with much success. A very few have found they do not react well to them, usually these are individuals who have some specific reactivity to one or more of the ingredients, We also have a number of people reporting here that they do not tolerate the fish oil well at all (any form, not just BonTech) and they do better getting their Omega 3 from flaxseed oil Although I never used them for my son, I did base his treatment on her research
Not everyone is susceptible to Candida ("yeast") overgrowth , but do remember that Candida infection can manifest in many different ways in different people! It is frequently a "hidden" infection and some people have been misdx with other illnesses when in fact they have candida...treat the candida and sometimes those other ailments resolve! Also, there are many more factors than just abx use that can result in both internal and external Candida overgrowth The only way to know for sure whether or not you have it is to be tested. There is also the unscientific but amazingly accurate home "spit test" http://www.adhdrelie...andidaTest.html
Hi I personally know of a number of kids whose PANDAS has resolved with only antibiotics, no IVIG and some of them are now young adults (We had members who were early PANDAS parent pioneers here on the TS/tics forum and on another forum many years ago!) I am sure the doctor is speaking from great experience, but so were those who told me years ago my son would never be ok without meds for his TS, OCD, Chron's..................and he is doing wonderfully well and almost 22yo, on only natural treatments for 11 years now IMHO there are always exceptions
NAET can also treat OCD, Anxiety, Phobias....
Chemar replied to patty's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Have not seen anything else neurological Pat Mainly GIT disturbances, and one lady even posted she felt "poisoned" it was so dramatic an effect. They also can cause drop in blood pressure and interfere with blood clotting But most of the complaints are of digestive upset, some quite severe. -
increase in tics over last several weeks...thoughts?
Chemar replied to mommyfor4's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
change of season always seems to be a tic increase time, with this time of year seemingly more pronounced. re the hurricane, even tho it passed us by here in Florida, we were impacted by the outer bands and my son experienced increased tics which he attributes to the atmospheric pressure change it caused...something he can actively "feel" and has noticed before with hurricanes -
NAET can also treat OCD, Anxiety, Phobias....
Chemar replied to patty's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
glad to hear of the improvement Patty ps just an FYI that I have been hearing of many problems caused by ingestion of Chia seed products -
Comprehensive Behavioural Intervention for Tics
Chemar replied to mylittleangel's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
It is generally accepted that Tourette Tics are not "behavioral"...they are Neurological. People with TS do not tic because of some behavioral mechanism...they tic because of a neurological stimulus, believed to be centered in the dopaminergic system of the Basal Ganglia in the brainstem So I am not sure how they perform this treatment?? You cannot alter "behavior" to make dopamine receptors operate differently IMHO, but as mentioned, not knowing what they do in this treatment, it is hard to comment objectively. And for many people with TS, if you make them focus on their tics, they tend to tic more.......... If the tics are not TS and are rooted in some "behavioral" mechanism then I guess there may be some benefit things like cognitive behavioral therapy can work for OCD and other co -morbid conditions with TS....but other than teaching some coping mechanisms, it does not seem to stop the tics that are neurological in origin -
Wilma just be cautious as some kids react to some ADHD meds with TICS
Son with vocal tics - new and need some moral support
Chemar replied to StevieGirl's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Hi just a quick note as I am heading out... remember, sometimes tics can be the result of more than one factor! If you noticed the tics ramping up around this time last year then it is definitely worth investigating seasonal allergies. I would also consider the contact with someone getting over strep to be significant. If you post an intro on our PANDAS forum as well, members there may be able to point you in the direction of a PANDAS literate physician who can comprehensively evaluate your son. Do consider getting Sheila's book (linked in the pinned threads at the top of this forum) as it really can be helpful in working your way through the maze! and also take a look at our Helpful Threads up there. HTH -
Hi you had posted this in the TS/tics section and it looks like you may have meant it to be here on the PANDAS/PITAND forum so I have moved it for you, but left the link open on TS as well HTH and that you find a good doctor.
Hi there are some threads here related to it . From what I have gathered by the feedback, it has not helped many, but that is likely because they had tics caused by something other than TMJ problems. Those whose tics were triggered by TMJ misalignment are more likely to have been helped with that kind of treatment. hopefully others with personal experience can give you more info in the meantime, you can use our search feature to bring up past threads. Do also take a look at the many other potential causes for tics in case your son's are triggered by something else.
Is this a tic? New to forum, would love some help!
Chemar replied to Kim B's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Hi and welcome yes it does look like a tic. You say this has only been present for the past two weeks? No other tics (movements or sounds) before? Has anything changed in your daughters diet? Environment? New school? house?carpeting?woodwork? etc anything? Any recent illness? Stress? Immunizations? Any family history of tics and/or Tourette? all these can trigger tics so that is a good place to start... -
New to forum...need help for 5-yr-old!
Chemar replied to goldilox73's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Have you ever had his eye's tested? Sometimes young kids do eye movements when there vision is impaired. If he has had a lot of head bumps it cannot hurt to ask a neurologist about MRIs, seizure evaluations etc. We also have had some people here who discovered their tics may be associated with skeletal mis-alignment whether in the jaw, neck, spine etc...so another thing to look into. Many here seem to report eye tics associated with dairy allergy. That pinned thread up top also has a link to an informal survey done here on Tic triggers...worth looking at! -
New to forum...need help for 5-yr-old!
Chemar replied to goldilox73's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Hi and welcome with all the information coming out about overuse of antibiotics and mitochondrial damage, I really do not agree with just giving them without knowing they are needed. I am not saying that you should not explore the possibility of Lyme, and also be sure that the tests done for PANDAS were accurate.....but personally I would not use antibiotics unless needed JMHO There are lots of reports here of kids who do have allergy induced tics (both food and environemental) with dairy and gluten seeming to be the biggest culprits, so it is worth doing an elimination diet to see if things improve when you remove one food group at a time, and then if the tics increase when that food group is added back in. The same applies to the ADHD symptoms many other things can trigger childhood tics, and the good news is that more often than not, it is a transient tic disorder that resolves by itself. Especially if you have no family history of TS or tics, I would be very cautious of that diagnosis being given and also of any medications in such a young child with a developing brain! Do take a look at our Useful threads pinned to the top of this forum and also consider Sheila's book as a valuable resource. -
Asian food often has MSG in it and that is documented as being a big tic trigger! Just as an aside, have you done the PANDAS checking? I only ask becuase of it being in the news related to "The Sneezing Girl" Lauren Johnson http://pandasresourcenetwork.com/about-the-foundation/news-aamp-events.html
Hi just a reminder that it is preferred that members PM each other when it comes to critique of physicians. I'll be locking this thread now
If there is genetic TS in your family then the chances are high of inheriting the TS genetic susceptibility... but remember far less girls than boys manifest TS, maybe because of the dopaminergic effect of androgens vs estrogens
I am so delighted to read these encouraging reports!