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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. Bonnie Just for clarification, I was not suggesting that the talking to himself may be PANDAS connected but rather that the allergy/respiratory/GIT problems may be *if* he reacts to strep...as you know we had my son tested as well and he was dx (by Dr Murphy) as not being symptomatic of PANDAS, so I know that sometimes similar symptoms can manifest yet not be in any way related to strep. I noticed that some of the PANDAS parents have opted for homeopathic/holistic treatment methods with some success. I did some reading up and it seems that talking to oneself is not an uncommon TS symptom
  2. Hi Bonnie I don't really have any info re the talking to oneself out loud Did you ever have PANDAS testing done? I know you feel it is allergy and anxiety issues, but just wondering?
  3. How nice to read your update, Megan
  4. Hi I suggest you read through some of our useful threads (pinned to the top of this board) Because you have a complex diagnosis, I am just not comfortable suggesting anything as some supplements can interact with medications. There are natural supps that can greatly help increase serotonin, which is in turn helpful with depression, but again, you need a doctor's advice on any possible interactions with your meds. May I ask if you have ever had strep infections?
  5. Hi sorry it took a while for your post to show since we have some new filters in place to try to cut down on spam I really think you should investigate the Lyme connection more as there are co-infections that can occur with Lyme If your husband has always been susceptible to tics, then he is also susceptible to things that can "trigger" tics, and Lyme plus its co-infections are known triggers We have a Lyme forum here where you can ask more questions http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=19
  6. You may want to ask some questions on our PANDAS forum Kevin http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=17 Here is an excellent website for info http://www.pandasnetwork.org as well as this one, started by the mom of the girl who got a lot of media attention for her long lasting "sneezing tic" which turned out to be strep related http://www.pandasresourcenetwork.org With TS, sometimes tics can reappear with no clear rhyme or reason....but usually if one digs deep, there is a trigger somewhere. With PANDAS kids, even exposure to strep can trigger symptoms. So, especially when tics re-emerge after some type of illness, always worth investigating that avenue!
  7. bumping up so others see this
  8. Kevin, are you sure there was no strep associated with the sinus infection etc that he had in the fall?
  9. Only Omega 3 is recommended as an anti-inflammatory Omega 6 INCREASES the inflammatory response!!!! here is a comprehensive discussion on the EFAs
  10. Hello and welcome just bumping your post up so others will see it and hopefully have info for you
  11. Hi just PM each other for the links as per the forum guidelines here thanks
  12. My son was evaluated for possible PANDAS by Dr Murphy at the time when his tics/OCD were at their worst. No indication of any strep, ever. So just because someone has low Vit D3 and responds well to the supplement, is not necessarily indicative of a PANDAS condition?? I know a number of people who take D3 for other diagnosed conditions as well
  13. Hello Guy my son had low vit D3 as well and supplementing it worked wonders for him! He likes the one by Thorne Research. It helped his Crohn's symptoms very much and had no negative effect on his tics at all. It also helped with OCD/depression/anxiety I know some have said that D supps cause tic increase for them, but my son has definitely not found this, only overall benefits. Also when he has less stress (which is always when OCD etc is dormant) he tics less so if anything, it helps reduce his tics in that way.
  14. Alan my son had a lot of comorbid condition with his TS, including OCD and ADD...he is now 22yo and hardly ever has tics, and when he does, they are minor
  15. Hi did you post this on the PANDAS forum as well? My son did not have any increased tics after anaesthetic for an endoscopy/colonoscopy when dx with Crohn's...but he is TS not PANDAS so things may be different for your child
  16. just bumping this new member post up
  17. Michael, perhaps you are not aware that they are calling high fructose corn syrup "corn sugar" because of all the bad press HFCS has received I would not call cane sugar and "corn sugar" the "same" under any circumstances
  18. thanks Guy it is all working correctly now
  19. Hi sorry it took so long for your post to show....we have a new system to pre-moderate initial posts as we had so much yucky spam showing up! bump[ing this up so other members can respond
  20. it is the old CRT TVs that are bad for tics because of their flicker
  21. Hi and welcome just bumping your post up for others to see
  22. Hi and welcome Food aversion can also be a result of the OCD that is sometimes co-morbid with Tourette Syndrome as well. Another important factor to consider is that many kids with neurological problems also have sensory integration dysfunction aka disorder, and so the texture and tastes of some foods can be what triggers the aversion. a good website and book for this is The Out Of Sync Child What about PANDAS made you think your child does not fit the criteria, especially with the history of strep you say she has?
  23. Hi I believe so. The bottle does not specify anything about age, so you may want to check with the company (NOW Foods) or your child's doctor My son started it when 12, tho he weighed more than 70 lb.
  24. Adding this at LLM's request Signs of OCD in a Young Child http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=6153
  25. Hi and welcome just bumping your post up so others will see it
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