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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. welcome bumping your thread up for others to see and reply
  2. Hi and welcome in addition to what the others have mentioned, I also want to point out that sudden onset tics/OCD can also be caused by infections other than strep ie PITAND not just PANDAS My son has genetically inherited Tourette Syndrome, but we have always known there is a PITAND component to his illness, even though a PANDAS expert felt it was not strep induced. So do check into the other infectious agents that can cause these symptoms as well. And the more I learn about some of my son's other conditions, which include Crohn's disease, the more convinced I become that many of our kids have compromised immune systems, likely exacerbated by the onslaught of vaccinations they are subjected to when tiny!! Nomatter what the cause, cleaning up diet, removing allergens, toxins etc is a big help. We have some helpful threads pinned to the top of this forum which are worth reading too
  3. Hi Lilly no there is no harm in asking your questions on any forum...I was simply suggesting that you may want to be a bit more specific in what you were asking as many read here and you had not specified what medication or supplement you were referring to, or what condition it was being given for. Otherwise it becomes very confusing for others who are also here seeking answers from reading the various threads and posts.....and also you may be missing out on some replies by others who may have experience with what you are asking about ...by not being more specific. If OCD/anxiety are being caused by an infection like PANDAS/PITAND or Lyme etc, then the results of different treatments can be variable, compared with someone who may have OCD from other disorders. The more specific the question, the more others can learn from it, or be able to offer their input as well. I see you have now edited the first post and title, so that makes it easier for others to understand your question. Thanks
  4. Hi Lilly I am wondering if members may be confused by your post? how many mg of what?? remember this is the OCD board, related to all aspects of OCD..... and so issues related to Lyme or PANDAS are best covered on those boards where members have specific info related to those conditions and the OCD that can accompany them
  5. wishing you all the best and hoping for healing for your daughter. I am relieved that you are going to pursue PANDAS treatment as everything you mentioned with the recurrent strep really points to that Do stay in touch to let us know how things are going
  6. just an FYI that big doses of melatonin can actually have a reverse effect on some people....my son could only take MICROgrams of it (around 300mcg) and the miligram doses recommended made his sleepless, restless and very edgy at night and then mega groggy by day
  7. hello guy no she meant ProBugs It is kefir made by Lifeway for kids....I found it on their website http://www.lifeway.net/Products/ProBugs.aspx
  8. there are a variety of FDA warnings about Abilify as well Sheila cautioned about it here http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=1152&view=findpost&p=7486 There are also FDA warnings on it related to individuals who are susceptible to dementia/psychosis
  9. The developmental pediatrician did a lot if interactive stuff with my son and observed his tics that way. He dx tic disorder with co-morbid OCD The neuro just watched him while discussing his situation with me and then wrote a dx of TS
  10. yes, guy...there are a number of people who have found benefit from anti-histamine, and have specifically mentioned benedryl or foods/supps/teas that are anti-histamine it is the specific medications (not all of them) that have ingredients in them that are tic triggers....not the anti-histamine effect that triggers the tics (tho again, there are some here who have found adding histamine helpful and there was even a controversial research study linked here last year on that) Again showing how individual reactions to the same thing can be so greatly varied and why treating tics and TS does not appear to be a "one size fits all" situation as an FYI, my son has found that anything that increases histamine seems to aggravate his Crohn's, tho he has not seen specific tic effects
  11. well...I guess my son and all the many others who saw great improvement by eliminating tic triggers specific to them are all fooled into not having as many tics as before we'll just be happy fools then that things are better.
  12. Jens you may want to find another community then, as ACN is here for the very purpose of COMPREHENSIVE neurotherapy and alternative ideas, not just conventional and "scientific" studies. I studied and worked in medical research for years and sorry but I don't have quite the "infallible" view of "scientific" that you seem to have I linked the discussion above re MM Glaser on electro-magnetic effects on neurology so I suggest you read it for yourself There is plenty of other info if you start Googling it too I know the very clear effect that changing my son's bed and other electro-magnetic effects in his room had on his night time peace and even now, where he is an adult, entering into strong electro-magnetic fields can set off tics so...as "unscientific" as it may be...the proof is in the personal results and, in case you have never read the link in my signature...I have been talking about how diet and supplements helped my son since 2003........and diet features prominently in Sheila's book too and other posts here........ so you aren't proposing anything new....you obviously have not read the info that many of us have posted re diet! again, I think you need to consider the mission of ACN and if you do not feel you can accept it, perhaps another community is better suited. But coming on here and "flaming" people is not acceptible. Here is our homepage in case you have not seen it http://www.latitudes.org
  13. I see so for you doing a diet to see if perhaps food is a trigger is ok but for anyone else finding other things that are triggers is "weird" and "placebo effect"..... I am sorry Jens but with that attitude I don't want to engage in any discussion with you. As you were rather rude about all this on the electromagnetic thread as well, I'll just keep my "mumbo jumbo" for those who are here to have open minded discussions! and for the record, we have been discussing the importance of diet as related to tics etc here for years now!
  14. Discussion on Milk reactivity from PANDAS forum http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=16771
  15. Jens, perhaps if you made the effort to actually READ the information, you would see it IS "scientific" Simply discounting something very relevant because you personally don't see how it could apply is not very "scientific" either.....if scientists took that attitude, some of the world's greatest discoveries would have remained undiscovered! JMHO
  16. welcome Just bumping your post up for others here to respond
  17. Electromagnetism Q&A archived forum discussion with MM Glaser http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=10
  18. I don't know how I forgot this but we have an archived forum section here dealing with electromagnetism http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=10 lots of helpful info there
  19. Hey all, this is Chemar's son, I noticed this discussion and would like to offer some insight. I've done plenty of research on A1 vs A2 beta casein in cows/goats milk as I'm type A1 reactive myself and have a few points I'd like to mention. 1-Originally, cows never used to produce A1, which is essentially pure histamine, but modern day breeding, specifically of the Holstein, led to the A1 mutation. 2-Even if cows are predominantly A2, a LARGE percentage, including brown swiss and jersey, only produce a certain ratio of A2 along with A1. Meaning even if you buy milk from a brown swiss, jersey, or any other A2 predominant cow, you may likely be drinking a ratio of say, 60%A2 to 40%A1. Ratios vary depending on a number of natural factors. The only way to know if a cow produces 100% A2 is to run tests on the cow/herd. 3-The best most reliable source of A2 cow's milk is from Guernsey cows. 96% of all Guernsey cows produce 100% A2. (Lifeway Kefir comes from 100% A2 Guernsey cows for those of you who need probiotics, and has no strep thermophilus) 4-Goat's milk is 100% A2 and is very easy to digest(takes about 20 minutes to digest) and is alkalizing to the blood. 5-All cows milk, whether A1,A2, or a combination of both, is much harder to digest(taking hours to digest) and tends to be acidifying to the blood. 6-It's much better to drink non-homogenized cow's milk as homogenization greatly hinders the body's ability to properly digest the fats within the milk. Homogenized milk fat tends to leak into the bloodstream, causing/furthering leaky gut) 7-Goat's milk is naturally homogenized as opposed to cow's milk which should never be homogenized. "Goat milk is already homogenized: The natural homogenization of goat milk is, from a human health standpoint, much better than the mechanically homogenized cow milk product. It appears that when fat globules are forcibly broken up by mechanical means, it allows an enzyme associated with milk fat, known as xanthine oxidase to become free and penetrate the intestinal wall. Once xanthine oxidase gets through the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream, it is capable of creating scar damage to the heart and arteries, which in turn may stimulate the body to release cholesterol into the blood in an attempt to lay a protective fatty material on the scarred areas. This can lead to arteriosclerosis. It should be noted that this effect is not a problem with natural (unhomogenized) cow milk" Source: http://www.gardenharvest.org/milkbenefits.htm So all in all, if searching for A2 milk, it's safest to drink goat's milk and to consume goat's milk products.(Whole foods has a good range) If you don't have access to goat's milk, search for cow's milk(preferably Guernsey) that is certified 100% A2 HTH
  20. I had never heard of "probugs" before. We use Lifeway plain whole milk kefir and it does NOT have strep thermophilus or any other strep in it Lifeway are usually very diligent about listing all their ingredients You can call them direct to ask tel (877) 281-3874
  21. Hi even tho he did not test positive to strep I would suggest you also post on our PANDAS forum as what you are describing sounds very much like infection triggered tocs/behavior http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=17
  22. Hi Phil yes, we have had reports of some (not all) anti-histamine medications triggering tics...I forget now which meds were the offenders A general search on the forum may bring up past threads for you
  23. Hi Katie yes I am referring to that strep... I would suggest you start immediately posting on our PANDAS forum http://www.latitudes...hp?showforum=17 and also look at these 2 websites http://www.pandasresourcenetwork.org and http://www.pandasnetwork.org
  24. Hi Katie and welcome I have a link in my signature below on what has helped my son over the years we also have some Helpful Threads linked at the top of the forum here Whenever tics and OCD manifest together, although it may indeed be Tourette Syndrome, it is also worth investigating other causes, especially the possibility of an infection connection, most commonly strep. You may also want to look at our PANDAS/PITAND forum
  25. Hi I don't have references for you but the electromagnetic link to possible tic triggers has been discussed here before and as mentioned on your other thread, our holistic doctor suggested it as a possible problem when my son was younger, and his tics were at their most severe It's very interesting that you are seeing a tic reduction by removing those fields. Supports what we found and what others have reported as well. Obviously, this is not a trigger for everyone who tics, but or those who are susceptible, it does seem very relevant
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