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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. Yes Guy, the overall consensus was that it was not helpful BUT that was primarily people who were trying to "cure" tics from TS, as the hype had suggested. If someone has TMJ, and possibly has tics related to that....it may be worth looking into That was what I thought of, too. I thought the overall consensus is that those weren't very effective. Didn't some members say they got the mouthpieces and they didn't do anything? Maybe I am thinking of something else.
  2. Hello Clay you may want to look into the mouthpieces that are made by dentists for people who have tics caused by TMJ (transmandibular joint) misalignment We have some past threads here on it
  3. Hi Tia it does seem that many times tics will increase in irritated areas so yes, this may be a tic....but it also may be her natural ie non-tic related reaction to the injury I don't want to discourage you, but as the mother of a (now adult) son with TS, I can say from experience that, although yes, there are many things that can help to reduce the frequency and intensity of TS tics, yet there is no known "cure" yet and so it really will be very stressful for you and your child if you focus too intently on every tic that may emerge. It is well known that drawing attention to a tic actually intensifies it! Just keep doing what you know is helpful, but also try to not over react when she does have a tic. I know it is hard, but honestly, it is also counter productive. My son has always felt that acupuncture has been one of the most beneficial treatments for his tics all the best to you
  4. Hello and welcome to the forum as your first post was delayed by our anti-spam feature, I am bumping this up for others to reply
  5. No, complex and simple tics are just part of the spectrum of TS tics
  6. BigAl this may not be a problem for you, but I have heard a few reports, including from one member here, that their child seemed to have an increase in OCD with Chia seeds
  7. yes, skipping, jumping, twirling or other stepping movements are documented as possible motor tics, frequently in the complex tic category
  8. Hi yes. one of the biggest tic triggers is when someone else draws attention to them! If your child is ticcing more when there are infections you really may want to investigate the PITAND connection more...even if it is not strep/PANDAS...there may be some other underlying infection that is making the system so sensitive. Tourette and PANDAS or PITAND are not mutually exclusive so it may be a dual diagnosis...but in the absence of any vocal tics I would question whether it is in fact TS Do take a look at the threads that we have pinned to the top of this board as there is a lot of helpful info there
  9. Pilot Study Suggests Drug May Reduce Irritability in Autism to read more please go to http://psychcentral.com/news/2012/06/04/pilot-study-suggests-drug-may-reduce-irritability-in-autism/39644.html (wish they had not called it a "drug" as it is sold as a supplement
  10. Dont forget to look into Monolaurin supplement which is lauric acid from coconuts or coconut oil itself (extra virgin cold pressed) as this is a very powerful antimicrobial
  11. Hi and welcome firstly, just to let you know that if the Tourette diagnosis is correct, then having the other conditions is not unusual...in Tourette they are known as co-morbid conditions or disorders Is there a family history of tics,Tourette, OCD, ADD etc or are your children the first to manifest these? My son has genetic TS with all those co morbid conditions and he had horrible reactions to the medications so we started him on supplement/nutritional and other alternative treatments and it made a tremendous difference! If you look at the link in my signature below you will see what we did to help him. Please do not allow the school to bully you into meds...they are NOT allowed to do that! I would suggest you look at the education guidelines section at the Tourette Syndrome Association http://www.tsa-usa.org for what you can do to get accommodations in school Do your kids have a history of strep infections? I am not sure if you have heard of PANDAS which is often misdiagnosed as Tourette and is actually the result of streptococcus. You may want to look into that here are 2 websites for more info http://www.pandasnetwork.org and http://www.pandasresourcenetwork.org I also suggest you look at our helpful threads section for more info http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2459
  12. Welcome to the forum sorry your post was delayed from showing by our anti-spam software. I am bumping this up so others can respond
  13. welcome I am just bumping your post up for others to see
  14. I most certainly did not expect an "enthusiastic reception" to what is troubling research and yes, could cause problems in an area already struggling for recognition and correct treatment. But when members become almost hostile toward someone who is just posting information, not even an opinion...that is hardly "less than enthusiastic". It is not the first time it has been noted here, and I am not the only one to have experienced it. Many people just leave, and that saddens me, especially when they have come here seeking help, and get pounced on because they may have inadvertently said something "wrong". They arrive here bewildered and leave wounded. I do understand the frustrations and even the fury felt by parents just trying to get correct care for their sick kids. Perhaps the tone can be softened some though, as it is not very nice to be on the receiving end of the ire, especially when the motive in initially posting is to help, not hinder.
  15. You are welcome to add it there yourself. I only knew of PANDAS parents using azith so considered it relevant here.
  16. FDA safety alert: http://www.fda.gov/Safety/MedWatch/SafetyInformation/SafetyAlertsforHumanMedicalProducts/ucm304503.htm
  17. My relative is poor, disabled and was on Medicaid When he turned 65, his medicaid was converted to Medicare. I really don't want to take this off topic I received info that I felt needed to be posted here. It can be taken or left.
  18. Jag I know for a fact that some people who turn 65 have their Medicaid converted to Medicare as I have a relative in that situation honestly, I am not sure why there is this "shoot the messenger" attitude here. If my child was on a medication that had even the slightest risk of such a potentially serious side effect, I would at least want to know about it and do further research/enquiries. It may have no relevance to children....but then again, it may. I posted because it MAY, and I care.
  19. As far as I know, people who are over 65 are not on Medicaid, even when they qualify for Medicaid.....they are Medicare when they are seniors. It doesn't sound as tho there were any pediatric patients in the study.
  20. I think it is important not to miss the wood for the trees here.... a research study was conducted and published in the NEJM related to statistics (and they seem to have had large samples) of CV risk with azith being higher than amox that Dr Sax made an annoying remark, yes..... but the actual study is what should be noted.
  21. Hi Kim my son was on Tagamet once related to his Crohn's Disease He began having horrible "waking nightmares" where he was aware of them yet was almost hallucinating. He described it as feeling paralyzed yet seeing weird things like rabid dogs attacking him, hearing strange voices etc. It was very scary. Then I found info reporting others had experienced this with tagamet and he was switched to prevacid and the "nightmares" disappeared This side effect does not happen to everyone, but is worth checking into before use IMO
  22. I received the alert in my Journal Watch/Physicians First Watch today: here is the link to the New England Journal of Medicine abstract http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1003833 and the commentary in HIV and ID Observations http://blogs.jwatch.org/hiv-id-observations/index.php/azithromycin-linked-to-cardiovascular-death-not-a-placebo-after-all/2012/05/16/?q=pfw
  23. Hi and welcome I moved your post from PANDAS forum to the Lyme forum as you are more likely to get relevant replies here
  24. Hi just linking your other thread here for anyone wanting to follow the discussion there as well. I replied there http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=17448
  25. Hi you absolutely should tell the prescribing physician of those sad and want to die feelings, even if they are infrequent. Those very side effects are why many SSRI's have FDA regulated black box warnings about the dangers that can potentially occur when used in young people.... Not all react to them that way, and I know they can be a life saver for many...but the potential for suicidal or self harm behavior is there and needs to be mentioned, even though it seems to be documented as highest in older teens. My son does not have diagnosed PANDAS but is PITAND/Tourette/OCD dx....... and Luvox had *horrible* side effects in him. He went from zombie to psychotic in alarming cycles and the depressive want to die feelings were intense. As soon as he came off it, things improved and we actually helped his OCD via natural supplements, acupuncture, biofeedback etc.... But again, I realize sometimes rx intervention is essential for severe OCD so am not suggesting not to use them....just to discuss, in detail, any side effects with the doctor and research them yourself.
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