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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. I merged the two threads for you You wouldn't be able to have done it yourself as only moderator/admin has access to that feature. Yes, if the homeopath has a successful track record with TS, that is reassuring. It is a sad but true fact that one has to advocate continuously for any child that needs special accommodations at school! I used to have regular meetings with all the teachers to be sure everyone was on the same page and having doctor's letters really helps too. As you know, TS is now covered for education under the ADA, so it is their legal obligation to provide the accommodations required. I really feel that the more the child understands about it themselves, the better they are equipped to advocate as well. I know some parents try to cover it up and just tell the child it is "habits" or an 'allergy" or something like that...but I think that does the child as well as all others with TS a disservice. The more people know about it, other than the mistaken hyped "cussing disease" stereotype, the better chance of acceptance and understanding. Hope the New Year brings many solutions for you
  2. Yes, it seems it is likely just out of stock, not discontinued. Sometimes manufacturers are waiting for a specific ingredient from a supplier before they can continue production of the product. So check with NOW themselves re the Tourettic OCD...yes, I was amongst the first people to mention it here years ago after my son's physician taught us about this distinctive form of OCD that occurs with TS. At the time it didn't even have a name, and was not really recognized by many doctors, and most people had never heard about it. Simply put, it is when tics morph into OCD symptoms and vice versa. Even though it does not necessarily manifest like "classic" OCD, it still seems that a deficient serotonin level is to blame and so supplementing to correct that can be helpful, especially in combination with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy I did a quick search here for any posts that contain the term and got 40 results (even though there may be other discussions on the topic, just before we had a name for it, that go further back) Just search Tourettic OCD
  3. Candida Clear by NOW is not discontinued as far as I know? It is still available for sale in 90 or 180 size capsules but may just be out of stock? I still see it on NOW's website http://www.nowfoods.com/Supplements/Search/?search=candida+clear&x=0&y=0 You can contact NOW to find out Coporate Offices 244 Knollwood Drive, Suite 300 Bloomingdale, IL 60108 Telephone: 888-669-3663 The spit test is just a home test to give an indication....we have found it pretty accurate. There are clinical tests for blood and stool that the doctor can order
  4. Did you want me to merge this thread with the one you started on the defiant behavior so you have all the responses together? It makes a lot more sense to me now that I realize you had not discussed TS with him nor explained to him why he needed extra help etc! I don't think he was being as defiant as possibly just confused and afraid because he did not understand. Shortly after my son was dx at age 10, I got those helpful booklets from the TSA and explained it to him and then asked if he wanted to let his teachers and schoolfirneds know as well. He did, and so I provided the teachers with the booklets for educators and each child in the class got the one for peers (Explaining TS to young children I believe it was called) My son was allowed to address the class and explain what he knew about TS and the kids asked questions which he or I answered. It went great and helped enormously with things going forward. We were advised to do a 504Plan rather than the IEP as, although my son had some learning disabilities due to the ADD & CAPD, his overall scores had him more in need of special accommodations for the TS/OCD rather than special ed classes. My best advice to you is educate the educators! and never hesitate to speak out about TS. Just a word of caution about the homeopathy....I have a lot of respect for classical homeopaths....but still, just as with any medication or treatment, be sure you know what they are planning to give and why, and then research it yourself before giving it to him. We gave my son a homeopathic med (agaricus) and it in fact triggered his tics. I have heard the same from some parents (you can do a search here for their threads)...but there are others who saw tremendous benefit! So it really does depend on the individual, and what other issues may be affecting their system. If there is one thing I have learned in our loooong journey with TS it is that, nomatter how well meaning the physician, they don't always know everything and so it is essential to balance advice given, treatments recommended and your own knowledge of the child and the situation...and always check on everything anyone tells you! A very helpful website to learn about the basics of TS is http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/
  5. Hi some generic versions of antibiotics do not have the dyes/flavors in them. A compounding pharmacy can also make up one without the additives for you if you have the prescription. You could also try some natural methods to bring the abscess under control. Garlic and honey on the abscess is an age old remedy. You peel the garlic and cut off a piece from the clove and then have your son gently chew on it in the area of the abscess and hold it there as long as possible. Honey adds to the effect and soothes the burning that garlic can have. Oregano oil is a potent antibiotic but needs to be diluted as it burns Olive Leaf extract and monolaurin are also powerful natural antimicrobials
  6. Hello remember that the views do not only reflect other members here but also anyone finding these posts on Google and reading them. This includes the search engine "bots" that index the topics. So you cannot attribute the views to a lack of interest or interaction by other posting members. It is also currently holiday time and so many members are away or busy with family etc and so not on the computer as much. ie all forums experience a slow time around the Holidays, which is surely understandable. The vast majority of the threads here have a lot of interaction. But when someone posts a question or comment that perhaps others do not have answers for or experience about, then there really is not much input that can be given. Everyone who posts here does so voluntarily and usually related to what their own experience has been, or based on knowledge they have gathered. But one cannot expect people to provide answers that they do not have. There are no professionals answering here...just patients or parents of patients. As a result, many are often dealing with their own struggles and not always online. hope that explains things a bit and that you will find the answers you seek
  7. sounds like OCD if he also has Tourette it may be one of those morphed Tourettic OCD symptoms
  8. I just noticed this thread....one should also consider the possibility of a major tic trigger inside! Things like mold, arsenic in woodwork, formaldehyde in carpeting, lead and even bad inside air etc etc etc could be why their is ticcing indoors that is relieved when outside ie the trigger is removed.
  9. ps just because he loves sushi and eats soy sauce regularly doesn't mean that is not a tic trigger for him...if he is consuming it regularly and ticcing a lot.........well...maybe it is a trigger?
  10. Natural Calm (part of the Natural Vitality series) as it is a very fast acting ionic form. It is mag citrate so and can have a laxative effect if too high a dose. That combined with a nightly epsom salts bath really is optimum magnesium tic relief!
  11. Hi, I noticed your comments about your daughter not tolerating the meds. Although my son is not dx PANDAS/PANS, he does have OCD associated with his genetically inherited Tourette Syndrome, and may have some infection associated symptoms as he is also a Crohn's patient and did have Epstein Barr virus. He has never been able to tolerate *any* medications and it puzzled physicians and us greatly! He now has an official diagnosis of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, which explains why he has always been so reactive to anything with chemicals in it, including the medications and even those supplements that use chemicals in the "other ingredients". I mention that just to say that whenever there seems to be this general intolerance to meds, sometimes MCS may be the reason. My son has even reacted badly to antibiotics and so called "mild" OTC meds, and if there is a possible, even "rare" side effect...he got it! I do agree with the others that you should explore the possible infection connection to your child's intensive OCD. Hopefully a PANDAS/PANS literate physician would also know about MCS .....if that is relevant for your daughter...I am not saying it is, just mentioning it after the long road we have been on not understanding why my son was so adversely reac tive to all these meds! When I first learned of MCS, I was also shocked at how many physicians negated it as a "real diagnosis"...so be prepared to have that reaction too from some! But it is now recognized as a diagnosis from allergists, even tho many conventional docs are ignorant about it! I do hope you get answers and please please do not let them to ECT on your precious child or do drastic things until you have investigated PANS etc fully (personally, I would not permit ECT nomatter what! )
  12. sometimes the generic versions don't have those dies in them, but that may be a trade off due to other triggering ingredients I know for a fact that both red and blue dye have always been major tic triggers for my son....and we now have official confirmation that he does indeed have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, long suspected, so that makes things even worse with these artificial ingredients. I am assuming you have also read the FDA warnings about Abilify?
  13. Bonnie that PS100 has soy bean oil in it and so if he is soy sensitive that could be the trigger? The only magnesium to avoid is magnesium oxide because it is very poorly absorbed and so a total waste of money as most just passes straight out! (also of course be sure to check the "other ingredients" in any supp for potential triggers) Most here have used the Natural Calm (mag citrate in ionic form) because is is rapidly absorbed and easy to take (dissolved in water or favorite drink) but be sure not to exceed the dose suggested as it can have laxative effects
  14. I just wanted to mention that, if the tics have a Tourette component then yes, steroids can make them much worse. Tourette tics are made worse by any increase in dopamine and steroids increase dopamine. If there is no Tourette Syndrome also associated, then it is most likely as the others have mentioned re the "worse before better" situation
  15. Hi and welcome I am just bumping your post up so other members will see it on top
  16. to read the complete article please go to: http://m.ign.com/articles/2012/11/28/what-its-like-to-live-with-tourettes
  17. Hi Fall/Winter allergies are known to be very intense, especially for ragweed etc, so yes, it is very possible that the increased tics are related to these environmental triggers.
  18. be cautious with fishoil....some people who have TS are sensitive to it and actually tic more when they take it! for those flaxseed oil seems a better source of omega 3
  19. welcome Megan I am bumping your post up so others can answer
  20. Sorry to hear of your ongoing struggles Bonnie. I would suggest reading through that Helpful Threads section pinned to the top of the board...even if just one post a day. It may refresh your memory of some of the things others have found helpful In addition to the supplements, with magnesium (not mag oxide) being essential, cleaning up diet and environment is so very important as nomatter what the root cause of the tics, that always seems to be so helpful. And checking for specific food allergies too. Also read labels, including on "good" stuff as you would be amazed how much stuff even "natural" marketed things can have in them The only way to do this without getting overwhelmed is a step at a time. The importance of adding only one supplement at a time needs to be stressed too as you have to give it about a week on each to see the effect and not have it complicated by others.
  21. sounds like dud doctors IMHO Also, TS and PANDAS are not mutually exclusive! Candy contains so many tic triggers that I am not surprised he started ticcing!! The artificial dyes and the HFC (high frustose corn syrup) alone are bad enough but then add all the other garbage and you have a tic time bomb!!! If he was doing better without milk it would fit a profile many have discovered here. Why not try giving him goats milk (very very few people are allergic to it') or one of the milk substitutes (as long as he tolerates rice or almond or soy)
  22. Bonnie if the braces are made of metal (ie not the invisalign kind) he may also be ticcing as a reaction to that! ....we have had numerous reports here about braces triggering tics for whatever underlying reason. Sugar also does seem to be a tic trigger in excess, and for some, even small amounts.
  23. Hi Bonnie Have you considered a NUCCA chiropracter? (http://www.nucca.org) When my son had a shoulder tic, it was related to his cervical vertebra, including the atlas, being misaligned and once the gentle realignment was done, the tic resolved. NUCCA chiros are very gentle and careful and highly respected in their profession
  24. Hi for some great GFCF recipe idea you could try http://healthy-family.org What type of surgery is your doctor suggesting?
  25. No we did not use Walmart and yes I am also referring to the rage side effect which is claimed to be "rare" but as you have noted, enough people are reporting it anecdotally to make it not so rare! I am glad you found something that works for you Guy and the only reason I always comment on the side effects is that, as you again note, someone may take it at the full dose and have a very serious reaction. Unfortunately doctors do not in general make their patients aware of potential side effects so patients need to be informed before they just take a pill! (and yes, that applies to supplements too!)
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