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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. no, we have never tried NAC for my son. I did suggest it a few times, but he has been very reluctant to try any new supplements for a while now, especially when what he is already taking is working........
  2. Could that be a Candida (yeast infection) rash resulting from the double whammy of ABX maybe? I got something similar after a round of clindamycin before a dental procedure
  3. Hi here is a thread with some info http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=4194 if you search some of that member's other posts you may find more hth
  4. Hi Inositol is a B Vitamin and so no, it does NOT have the same kinds of side effects as anti-depressants. It doesn't even work by the same mechanisms that they do. Your doctor should know that! SSRI's raise serotonin by blocking it's re-uptake in the brain. yes, one should approach all supplements carefully and always start at low doses and see reactions but magnesium and Inositol are considered safe if used at recommended doses
  5. The link to the spit test is in our helpful threads sticky http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2459 We have consistently found Candida Clear by NOW to be very effective in eradicating yeast, couple with a special candida buster diet. Good book is The Yeast Syndrome by Walker & Trowbridge do remember when you start killing candida, there may be a period of increased tics from what is known as "die off" where the dying yeast releases toxins. epsom baths, pure water and detoxing things like hot lemon juice with honey are helpful, as is acupuncture
  6. Hi we have always preferred natural probiotics to capsules, pills or powders. we use plain Kefir (I get Lifeway in the organic section of our supermarket) as well as Stoneyfield Farms yoghurts
  7. Hi I just wanted to mention that just because your daughter may have tics with a genetic component, that does not rule our PANDAS!!!! Personally, I would suggest you consult with a PANDAS literate doctor to be sure. Where strep may be a factor in all this, obviously, just as everyone has mentioned, there are other potential triggers to sleuth. But please don't take the chance of untreated infection by not investigating PANDAS further.
  8. Whole Foods sells a range of sodas that are less infused with garbage. Blue Sky is one brand and the other is Knudson.
  9. Hi pesticides are a known tic trigger so best stick with organic. It really is not that much more expensive and actually tastes a lot better too If you cannot find organic, always wash thoroughly and remove the skin apples are only a problem for those who have salicylate intolerance. Golden delicious are usually the safest choice if you are not sure if there is a problem with salicylates. remember too that with what your family has been through, you may all be super sensitive to all toxins now so even a tiny bit of eg pesticide can have a dramatic effect! apples and grapes are sadly amongst the most heavily pesticide laden fruits!
  10. bumping this up as I moved it here from PANDAS
  11. yikes! not what I would do personally! especially while still in some form of waxing................... if you have to vaccinate, far better to do them one at a time and give the immune system time to deal with the onslaught IMHO
  12. It really is best to keep all personal critiques, positive and negative, to PM if they are going into detail. A short post that one saw a doctor, and felt good (or bad) and then a "will PM with details" is fine. We just want to avoid upsetting patients ( and their favorite doctors) by having too much detail here, so keeping it short and simple in posts is best, and then elaborate in PM if needed. thanks
  13. well we were warned about developing tolerance as well as a reverse effect if exceeding 6 wks at high dose..... and my son is still on it (only needs 1 gm a day now) and doing great! Rick, are you taking B6 or P-5-P with it? Inositol needs sufficient B6 to function correctly
  14. It was so encouraging to read your post KileyAnn as my son, now 21 yo has shown that same attitude and gratitude for how he has developed because of TS. A stepping stone, not a stumbling block.
  15. Just wanted to mention again to everyone that it really is preferable to reply via PM when critiques of physicians are involved. Thanks. That is what PKM asked in the original post.
  16. Hi Rick I just noticed you have been on the high dose Inositol for 3 months!! and that in itself may be why it is not working properly IMHO You may have had the initial benefit but then instead of going down to "maintenance dose" you stayed on waxing dose Did you try titrating down and staying at a lower dose? we were told not to exceed 1 gram for more than 6 weeks at a time.
  17. 300-500mg magnesium is what is generally recommended for kids over 12yo with TS tics
  18. Lynn You mentioned on another thread that you know you over-react to your child's tics. Maybe this is also contributing to him ticcing more when around you? It is a documented fact that tics wax when people focus on them, or when the person with tics feels they are causing stress for someone else. re the Dog...yes it is a possibility that there is an allergen there. One can have desentization to that, and there are also special pet shampoos that neutralize the dander (which is usually what the allergen is) You may want to consider getting a hepa filter air purifier for his room and see if that helps? I do agree with the others in that people with TS tend to tic more when they are in their "safe" environment which is usually home. Often they suppress when at school, work, social gatherings and then release big time at home.
  19. I have mentioned on other threads that the best cure for my attitude toward my son's tics was when a friend basically made me look at a forum for parents whose kids had terminal illnesses. another was something written by a friend that I quoted before, but bears repeating It's OK To Tic People with TS tic. It's OK! Sometimes some tics can be self-injurious or problematic, that cannot be denied. Some tics interfere with all manner of things, like reading, writing, walking, breathing, talking etc. etc. etc., (yes, I know) but the majority of the time they are JUST tics. I don't even notice people's tics much anymore. I know this might sound most peculiar to some people, but I also find tics of people I know very well, quite endearing. People tic when they are relaxed. People tic when they are stressed. People tic when they're driving. People need to feel they can tic freely and not feel as if they're being watched, or being studied. It feels good to let it out. People tic 'cause they gotta tic!!! My son sure has bothersome ones but they are only bothersome to ME when they are dangerous or are causing him grief for some reason or another. I think the most grief he faces is from people who don't seem to just see him as _him_ anymore. They see his constant ticcing and it's as if they negate the existance of his 'self'. Every single day I am reminded how comfortable home is for my children. That's because school, for example, causes so much build up of unreleased energy. Kids and staff at school, despite education, still don't see past the tics. They don't see past how much my children have changed tic-wise since they were in Year 1. They don't look!!! I'm not denying that tics can be of concern. I'm not denying that tics can be a right pain. I'm not denying that tics can really affect some people's quality of life. I'm not living in some unrealistic place where I deny the concerns and the pain these _can_ and do present. Believe me, please, I know. However, I think we need to understand in our own minds, that there are many more things that can cause more distress to a person than tics. We need to start with ourselves. Start at the source. Change the way people view TS from here. I truly empathize with you all who are struggling with this in your young children. I have struggled, still do struggle, and will struggle in the future with some issues. I think the greatest thing we can all do though, is to look BEYOND the tics. Hey, maybe the rest of the world might get the same idea! Your children's tics are just part of the tapestry of who they are and who they will become... just a tiny part. and without prayer, I really don't think I would have coped!
  20. Don't those cherry flavor ones have artificial color and flavor? If so they are not a good brand!
  21. Hi Bonnie low dose melatonin (under a miligram) can be very helpful. Some people may need more, depends on the individual, but usually with melatonin, lowest dose is best to start with and then gradually work up if needed. We find the 300-600 MICROgram dose best have you tried the epsom baths before bed? as that really does seem to help promote peaceful sleep. How about lemon balm tea? helps with sleep and OCD
  22. Bonnie, what kind of magnesium do you give? Remember things like mag oxide are almost useless as hardly any of the mag gets absorbed.
  23. glad to hear it is also helping your son Happy Thanksgiving!
  24. ooops sorry not to have been here earlier yes, some kids do have photosensitive induced tics. I dont know that 3D per say has been discussed here tho. My son always tics more after the cinema, 3D or not. Combo of the flashing screen in dark room plus all the perfumes and cleaning chemicals in the theater, plus the audio/bass to which he has always shown hypersensitivity as part of his sensory processing symptoms soooo overall, my son very seldom goes to the movies and when he does, he knows that it will likely trigger a period of tic waxing. dont forget an epsom bath as soon as possible after he gets home.......hope he is one of the many who do NOT react to the movies that way and that all will be well
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