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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. Hello OCD can often be very effectively treated with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, done by qualified psychologists. In severe cases meds are used but those do have the risk of potential ick side effects. There are also more natural ways to treat OCD, which is usually caused by, amongst other things, a deficiency in the levels of serotonin in the brain, and so supplements, some herbal teas and also foods that help elevate serotonin can often bring relief. we have a pinned thread here on some helpful sites for OCD http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=1963
  2. Hi and welcome the best way I know to try to help is to ask questions that may lead you to answers. Do you have any history of TS, tic disorders etc in the family (yours and husband's side) When they did all those tests in the hospital, did they run any tests for strep infection? Do you live in a Lyme Disease area? Has your child ever had a tick bite? You mentioned the tests showed "no infection" yet then say they finally suggested it was likely a "virus" ??? which would mean yes, it WAS an infection! That sets off a big red flag for me and so I would suggest you also ask about this on our PANDAS/PITAND forum, which is specifically for infection triggered neurological problems http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=17 we also have a forum for Lyme related illness http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=19 Can you correlate your child's first episode with any vaccinations? Is there any chance you might have mold contamination in your house? Those are just a few pointers that I felt worth mentioning based on what you wrote. There are *many* things that can trigger tics, so do keep searching for the answers. We have a thread pinned to the top of this TS forum with some helpful info too http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2459
  3. Coconut Kefir & Lime Ice Cream http://bodyecology.com/recipes/key-lime-ice-cream.php
  4. Just an FYI that although I will be checking the forums regularly each day for spam or any other moderation stuff, I will not be posting much for a while, as I have some personal family business that needs a lot of my time right now This is such a great group that many others are always around to offer support and advice, so I know all will go well, and I will be here "in the background" if anyone needs to contact me urgently about anything.
  5. that is good that he is one of the kids with TS that can tolerate getting his omega3 from fish oil as you may have read, some people with TS seem to react to fish oil sources of omega 3 with increased tics even though they can eat fish with no problem For them, flaxseed oil is a better alternative supplemental omega 3 source
  6. Happy New year to you too Patty, and to everyone else as well. I hope and pray the new year brings much hope and healing for all, and many blessings.
  7. yes, many of those are ones that have been noted by a number of us as being tic triggers, and also appear on the list from an informal survey that Sheila conducted here some years ago http://www.latitudes.org/articles/finding_triggers.htm
  8. Hi I am not sure which one is on Amazon. Could you post a link you can order it direct from Sheila http://www.latitudes.org/book.html
  9. cloudy, we have had a number of people pass though here over the years who noticed that phonic aka vocal tics diminished when they eliminated dairy from their diet
  10. I am honestly not understanding your question?? when you register at Latitudes you are not "assigned" to a forum, but free to read and post on all the forums the "recent topics" is randomly selected from all the forums
  11. to read more please go to http://psychcentral....ness/21786.html
  12. lol Kim Bonnie, as melatonin is a hormone, I would personally not feel comfortable with daily or longterm use in a developing child We have only ever used it very occasionally and then never above 600 MICROgrams (actually prefer 300mcg) as Kim said, any more than that and we found odd waking patterns and extreme grogginess next day
  13. trg girl, could you please post which D you were using and what all the ingredients were
  14. Hi this really is something that Bonnie or the Bontech reps would need to answer to be sure...or maybe your doctor could look at the Bontech ingredients and advise you? I dont think anything in Bontech would react adversely with azith but honestly do not know. I did find this on the rx list http://www.rxlist.com/zithromax-drug.htm so not sure what that means in terms of the magnesium in the supps
  15. he said it made him feel " very weird" we tried it some years ago when someone else had posted about it here
  16. the vast majority of childhood tics are transient ones cloudy has your child had strep or other illness at any time that you could correlate with the tic increases?
  17. there has been some discussion of it here in the past Jens, so if you do a search, you will find the other threads It seems some react well to it and others not my son did not like the effect it had on him
  18. My son does very well on D3 in all respects (and has never ticced more from calcium either)
  19. Hi Cloudy yes, Sheila's book is an excellent resource to have on hand http://www.latitudes.org/book.html I am not sure of the vaccination schedule in the UK, but do you feel there may be any correlation with the tics coming back over the years and when vaccinations were done?
  20. Hi sounds like some OCD in addition to the tics there...possibly Tourettic OCD? The B vitamin Inositol seems to help many people with this type of OCD The magnesium you are using is likely mag oxide and if so, a total waste of money as it is hardly absorbed at all
  21. Hi glad to hear it is helping you my son currently takes 2 capsules daily, 500mg each, one morning and one evening, so 1 gm daily
  22. Hello yes, it can be very overwhelming when one starts to learn about all the alternative ways to help treat TS and tics. The best way is to take one step at a time. Try to find an Integrative doctor or a naturopath who can guide you, especially as your child is on medications. I am not sure if you have noticed but most here have found that in addition to cleaning up the diet, MAGNESIUM seems to be very helpful in reducing tics. Most people here use the Natural Calm ionic magnesium citrate mixed into a drink, as well as the epsom salts baths I hope you find a good doctor to guide you I would also suggest you start a new thread here about your child, as then more of our other members may respond with their experiences as well all the best
  23. my son has no problem with salicylates, quite the opposite, they are anti-inflammatory and so he actually seems to benefit from them, (as long as they are in Crohn's friendly form!) and we have never noticed them increase his tics He uses organic raw honey liberally (it also has antibiotic properties) and pure organic maple syrup as sweeteners we used to use organic turbinado cane sugar with no problem, but he decided to exclude that as he feels honey and maple syrup more beneficial nutritionally and he now prefers their taste. he did not like stevia at all, and sadly much of it has "other" ingredients
  24. they tried it with us before we even had a TS dx and suggested my son needed ritalin!!!! which is very bad for people with TS as it escalates tics. So glad we did not try it! Then, when he was dx with TS, they bullied us into starting him on meds with disastrous results. I considered legal action but decided we had quite enough to deal with already then. Part of me regrets not taking action tho, not for $ but to set a precedent. Needless to say he did not stay at that school, which was a private one. The public school system treated us far better and fully accepted his natural treatments and never tried to suggest meds. I was told by a lawyer friend that it is illegal for a school to try to recommend medication, but that instead they should request the child see a doctor for evaluation. It is ONLY the DOCTOR who can legally recommend a med, not the school
  25. Hi we get a few things at Whole Foods but get most of our organic items from our local Publix supermarket. They have a large organic/health food section. We get the rest at our local healthfood store, where we even get 20% discount on supplements making them same price or cheaper than iherb.
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