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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. Melinda you may also want to post your question on our PANDAS forum as bedwetting and rage and regression can often be associated with PANDAS, which is a condition caused by strep, not just strep throat sorry I am posting such short replies but am on a work deadline here is the PANDAS forum http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=17
  2. the forums are being upgraded on Friday July 16th and so there may be intermittent downtimes while this maintenance takes place. just wanted to alert everyone so that you dont worry if you cant access the boards. hopefully all will be quickly completed with minimal disruption ps a special word of thanks to our webmaster for all the hard work behind the scenes
  3. the forums are being upgraded on Friday July 16th and so there may be intermittent downtimes while this maintenance takes place. just wanted to alert everyone so that you dont worry if you cant access the boards. hopefully all will be quickly completed with minimal disruption ps a special word of thanks to our webmaster for all the hard work behind the scenes
  4. Hi Melinda as Cp wisely said....try not to worry too much as the tics do not sound severe and this may resolve by itself, just as many cases of childhood "transient tics" do i cant post long as in a hurry, but wanted to mention that clonidine had a horrible negative reaction in my husband, who has Tourette, and tho my son has never used it, the meds he did try (haldol,zyprexa, naltrexone and luvox) all had yuck side effects I have a link in my signature on what has helped him over the years (it is not over 10 years since his diagnosis of TS) and there is also a helpful threads compilation at the very top of this forum that you will find lots of info on will try to post more later or tomorrow
  5. hi Lynn no my son does not have ADHD, and has never exhibited hyperactivity he does have very mild attention deficit, so has ADD in his dx, thought to be more a result of his CAPD (central auditory processing dysfunction) omega 3 is very good. my son doesnt tolerate fishoil (makes him tic more) so he took flaxseed and borage oils borage oil has had some research done on helpfulness for add/adhd in the UK we also found ginkgo biloba very beneficial for the focus/attention/memory stuff
  6. Hi Andrea it really isnt possible to predict results as individuals react differently, but my son showed a very quick +ve response, altho as I mentioned above, he has very little now compared with before, as he finds it can have the opposite effect if he takes more now that link I have you above will give you more info on Inositol, which is a B vitamin, altho it does have a sweet taste. my understanding is that it facilitates optimum functioning of the serotonin system, likely at the cell membrane receptor level just remember the wise method with all supps is....start low and go slow! always better to start at lowest possible dose and gradually work up so you can remove if you feel it is having a negative effect
  7. Hi Bonnie vitamin B1 is a natural repellent to mosquitoes ...they apparently can detect it and avoid trying to suck blood when one supplements it. We live in Florida (orlando area) and never get bitten! but that is very different than the wild, swampy terrain of the Everglades, tho it is a remarkable place to visit! Also you can make your own external repellent with citronella oil and water. mosquitoes hate citronella! we mix ours with oil of citronella,cinnamon and rosemary, about 12 drops of each oil in a squirty bottle or water. be prepared for major heat and humidity here in FL... hope you have a wonderful visit
  8. not sure if this can be of help to you Stephanie, as it doesnt involve the PANDAS aspect, but there is a lot of archived Chiari info at NeuroTalk
  9. Hi Andrea I cant say we have noticed inositol helping for tics or my son's ADD, but it has helped him in the past with OCD as it facilitates serotonin function however we have learned there is a disadvantage in using too much of it long term as it can actually UP anxiety after a while. it seems optimum at around 500mg a day and only upped when anxiety/OCD waxing My son was up to 12-16 grams at one point when he had very severe OCD waxing, but now takes it only in his multi (100mg inositol/day), and finds samE more helpful for OCD Inositol is one of the B vitamins here is what iHerb's health encyclopedia has about it http://healthlibrary.epnet.com/GetContent....;chunkiid=21766
  10. oh yessss!! those are 2 of my son's biggest tic/OCD triggers and especially when there has been no exposure for some time, the reaction can be dramatic and immediate. he knows how intense the trigger is from them and avoids them like poison!! epsom bath may help with the detox it irks me so that the majority of people see these things as "treats" when in fact they are so bad for kids with neuro issues (and for everyone IMHO, but especially so for kids who have neuro stuff)
  11. perhaps the "helpful threads" sticky here at the top of this forum may also be of help to you. http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=3928
  12. my son does not seem to have any problem with his ipod it may be that, if your son has sensory issues, he reacts to deep bass and high pitch treble so perhaps something he was listening too may have had those intensely and perhaps the volume too high?
  13. I have never heard of that related to ginkgo? could you provide a link to where you found that info. as perhaps there may have been other circumstances that might have caused that result
  14. hi just do be aware that there seems to be an association with increased depression and low carb diets, related to serotonin decrease care with carbs is beneficial (ie eating healthy carbs and avoiding the refined etc ones) but there appears to be a fine line that can tip the balance for people who have disorders that are already serotonin deficient!
  15. awwww CP tears of joy here for you and your son
  16. oops, I see there is already a similar thread here so have merged the two. There is still a link to this on the TS board.
  17. Hi I found this on the TS board and figured you probably meant to post it here, so I moved it over for you
  18. hi Lisa we have never used benedryl so one of the parents who use it may be best to answer about its safety
  19. there are numerous posts here about allergy induced tics deby if you use the search feature to look for tics and allergy, you should get a lot of threads coming up i have not seen the type you mention specifically referenced here
  20. hi mkur Mommy has already posted her question to our PANDAS forum and is receiving helpful info there on how to proceed
  21. my son found that getting involved in volunteer work helped. he is 20yo now and has a full social life. People who matter really dont seem to notice the tics, or, if they do, it seems they are very accepting!
  22. hi it really is hard to suggest anything when there is already a med in place as that changes things and possible interactions can occur for my TS son, it has always been upping magnesium and doing acupuncture, and keeping stress to a minimum, that seems to have helped most during tic waxing
  23. desperatemum have you done any strep or allergy testing yet? altho magnesium helps many with tics, if your child is PANDAS or ticcing because of allergy or something other than TS, then perhaps you would not see much effect from the natural Calm, or, as crazy mentioned, perhaps your child would do better on a different source of magnesium
  24. wombat many of us stay as far away from fluoride as possible because of the noted detrimental effects it seems to have on those with neuro issues, along with other reports on it being bad for overall health. Patty did say her ortho recommended it as her son is "prone to cavities" so most likely for strengthening enamel the alternatives we suggested were to help keep the mouth as clean as possible and so hopefully prevent the bacterial action that leads to cavities
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