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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. that is so encouraging to read abbe
  2. (((Lynn))) Do remember that excitement is a major tic trigger as is exhaustion add to that a new place with likely a lot of chemical in the carpet cleaner, pesticides etc, and possibly florescent lighting etc as well as the exhaustion of a long journey.....all these are tic triggers too did you eat any fast food on the way? I know you feel frustrated but also try to remember what it must be like for your little one....these tics just happen! He cant control them. If he feels the tics are upsetting you, he becomes more focused on them and the cycle gets worse. remember too that altho you notice the tics, they are not life threatening....think of the parents with terminally ill kids and it will help you refocus! I had to do that many times when my son was newly diagnosed and it really did help me get things in perspective. do try to ignore any ticcing as much as possible, hard as i know it is, and enjoy your vacation!
  3. Hi Deby I replied to your other posts but will just repeat here.... if the first antibiotic was working....why did you switch to a new one....and if the 2nd is not working as well as the first....why not switch back? re the CBT, I replied with more detail on your other thread, but CBT's usefulness for tics is limited, mainly depending on what the origin of the tics are and yes, for some people with TS, it may even be counterproductive to do CBT for tics...but is very helpful for the OCD etc that often accompanies TS tics there is no one best allergy test as again, it depends what you are testing for. Food allergies are tested differently from environmental allergies. here are some pointers on some of these tests http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=755
  4. Hi Deby CBT is only indirectly helpful for tics, but it is not a "remedy" for tics. People who tic can be taught some suppression and /or substitution skills during CBT sessions once again it also depends on what is causing the tics.....if a child has PANDAS and the tics are related to the infection, then only iradicating the infection and healing the damage caused by it will be effective similarly with allergies etc.... for people with Tourette Syndrome tics, the ticcing is *involuntary* and so the amount of "control" that the individual has over them is very limited...sort of like stopping blinking or holding your breath....you can do it for a little bit but then you simply *have to* CBT is more often used (and very successfully so) for the co-morbid conditions associated with tics like OCD etc But trying to get someone who has involuntary neurological tics to stop ticcing via CBT would be very counterproductive IMHO. The only benefit, as mentioned above, is learning how to cope with tics in social environments by limited suppression or substitution, which again is a slippery slope as for TS individuals, the more you or they focus on the tic, the more it is triggered..............
  5. Deby why did you switch antibiotics if the first was working?
  6. http://www.wimp.com/babymoose
  7. http://www.wimp.com/babymoose enjoy
  8. I am assuming Giulia is using the Natural Calm Plus Calcium which also has potassium, vitD3, vitC and boron http://www.iherb.com/Peter-Gillham-s-Natur...454-g/7863?at=0 we use the regular natural Calm only for extra magnesium as my son gets those other ingredients in his multi
  9. that is such good news Giulia and yes, it is likely the previous magnesium was passing straight thru him but now is being absorbed enough to do its good work
  10. Hi only our webmaster can change your User name if you send a PM to Sheila or myself, we can forward it.
  11. good to hear such encouraging news Kevin
  12. Hi this doesnt just happen with PANDAS kids. many kids who have tics for varied reasons, and especially kids with Tourette tics, find that tics increase after chlorine exposure my son experienced this as a major tic trigger, and eventually showed hives immediately after getting into chlorinated water (even the shower!!) our Integrative doctor explained that it was likely Multiple Chemical Sensitivity as he reacts to perfumes and any chemical exposure similarly. MCS is an immune issue with hypersensitive reaction, and is sometimes called an allergy as well. It may also explain my son's extreme sensitivity to all chemical food additives and prescription ie chemical medications not sure if this is what is also happening for PANDAS kids when exposed to chlorine, but I would suspect it is the "hyper" immune system reacting as well
  13. Hi I am shocked at how some doctors recommend these high doses of melatonin, which is a HORMONE!, for young kids I am unable to tolerate more than 600 MICROgrams and my son cant take more than half that, otherwise we are very groggy and disorientated next day plus not very restful sleep Melatonin is a hormone usually produced by the pineal gland when it gets dark, designed to help us sleep well. In our modern world, where even the green glow of the LCD on an alarm clock is enough to interfere with normal melatonin production Melatonin is also on the same biochemical pathway as serotonin, so that is why tryptophan (and for some people, 5htp) can help to promote sleep
  14. list of TS tics http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/Files/CommonTics.PDF
  15. sounds like tics or maybe tourettic OCD(where tics and OCD symptoms morph into each other) most people with TS can suppress their tics for a time so I dont think the fact that he can stop for a bit when asked negates them being tics here again is Leslie Packer's list of tics where you will see smelling fingers listed.... http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/Files/CommonTics.PDF IMHO, for people with TS, the fine line between tics, compulsions, obsessions and "habits" is very very blurred and it is most often impossible to distinguish
  16. I do think homeopathy has a sound basis in many areas but also feel great caution is also needed with certain illnesses that may not be areas that classic homeopaths have had experience in I noticed some other threads here recently cautioning as well, as it seems even the tiniest exposure to strep can have an enormous impact on a PANDAS child not sure what is in the remedy suggested for your child but again would urge caution....
  17. FYI please remember that homeopathy and naturopathy are not the same thing! homeopathic remedies involve giving the person minute quantities of the substance that would usually cause the same symptoms they are experiencing naturopathic remedies may be homeopathic, but are not always so unless specified eg giving supplements is not homeopathy
  18. Hi as microbes die, they produce toxins and the skin is an area that aids with detoxing so this may be what it is related to, rather than actual "acne" FYI sodium bentonite ie fullers earth mixed with a little water makes a great healing paste to apply to breakouts
  19. we use the NOW Boswellin, a blend of boswellia and curcumin it is taken 3 x day with each capsule containing 100mg 90% curcumin extract and 150mg turmeric powder along with 250 mg boswellia resin it has had a dramatic effect on my son's inflammation from the Crohn's, but interestingly also has OCD reducing properties, which I discovered in a recent article. I have also read that adding piperine (bioperine) extracted from black pepper, helps the curcumin be more effectively absorbed & used we also use a lot of turmeric in cooking
  20. that is very interesting.... I wonder where a child with Tourettic OCD fits in there, which it seems does manifest in a number of people with "genetic" TS. It is often impossible to distinguish tics and compulsions or obsessions there The compulsions and obsessions are often in the same "range" as "classic" OCD, but they frequently seem to "morph" with tics so that what start out as tics can begin to show more OCD characteristics and sometimes the OCD things turn into tics. (always hard to explain but anyone with a child who has this recognizes it immediately) http://focus.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/full/5/3/361
  21. glad to hear you had an open minded neurologist Lynn My son has had tremendous benefit from biofeedback ( which is not the same as NEUROfeedback !!) but it wasnt used for the tics per se, rather as a detox and corrective remedy for imbalances that he tested to. Did you discuss PANDAS etc with the neuro? have you considered running any tests to be sure you arent dealing with strep or other infection, allergies etc Deby that is a relief to hear you got a clear result from the titre tests and that you child is showing improvement on the abx Hope things keep getting better
  22. if you arent able to watch 8-9pm tonight (now!) find out on CNN.com when it is repeated shocking evidence that kids are being chemically poisoned from womb onward............
  23. Toxic Childhood just started on CNN 8-9pm
  24. there were some other threads here, and on our PANDAS forum on this with detailed discussion where it is interesting in many respects, one does still need to note that many people with TS also seem to have multiple allergies and find their tics reduced when they take an anti-histamine like Benedryl specifically this study was one family with TS and there were around 700 if I recall non related TS patients in the control group, NONE of whom showed this gene mutation. So to suggest this is "the" Tourette gene is extrapolating way too much IMHO I'll try to find the thread on PANDAS where laurensmom found a lot of additional info that explains the possible significance of this better, but honestly, I think you should be very very cautious about that kind of treatment until you actually have baseline levels etc. The scales could tip too far
  25. commercial break and so I am doing a quick post to say I hope as many as possible are watching part 1 of Toxic America currently on CNN part 2 is tomorrow night http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/05/17/tune....rica/index.html
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