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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. (((((CP)))))) such an encouraging post bless you!
  2. I do just want to mention that for some people, clonidine can have horrible side effects and can induce psychosis in susceptible individuals!!!
  3. Hi altho Tourette tics wax and wane, they never completely go away. when you have a hisotry of strep and noted waxing when there is strep exposure, even if he himself doesnt have the strep symptoms, that is a big rewd flag warning re PANDAS being a very real possibility also, with tourette there is usually a family history of tics mild tic disorders usually are not accompanied by OCD or other behavioral/emotional issues
  4. just noticed you have already posted on the PANDAS forum so that is good! if you are interested in the treatments that helped my son, click on the link in my signature altho he has Tourette, not PANDAS, there are areas of overlap and the healthy dietary modifications etc are good for all kids with neurological probs IMHO
  5. Hi and welcome so sorry to hear of yet another child prescribed these strong drugs without the doctors doing sufficient testing to rule out other things, and when so many of these drugs can actually cause many of the worst symptoms...it is a pet peeve of mine as it happened to my son too but time to move forward and so, given this clear history of strep infections and symptoms intensifying, I would strongly suspect PANDAS the best place for you to get up to date info and advice on this is our PANDAS forum...just copy and paste your post over there and also read the Helpful Threads pinned to the top of that forum for excellent info http://www.latitudes...hp?showforum=17
  6. the problem with cortisone is that *if* your son's tics are because of Tourette Syndrome *then* cortisone may increase tics even more because it is dopaminergic. Does the DAN not know the connection between TS tics and dopaminergic substances?? Why not have more conventional allergy testing rather than trying something that could well make things worse I am also rather surprised the doc would do such intense antifungals with no evidence of candida? we certainly had no problem getting a clear diagnosis from testing??? die off can last quite a while tho and even when the die off is over, the resultant symptoms can take some time to stabilize. my son has always reacted negatively to any probiotic other than yoghurt and kefir ie to those in supplement form rather than food form it is very possible that the reaction to the anti fungal treatment coupled with the load of the tic triggers from a bad diet on vacation is having a compounded effect.
  7. it sounds like perhaps her browser settings are "blocking cookies" she needs to "allow cookies" from latitudes.org for her log in to be recognized also, be sure she is actually logged in when trying to post
  8. DGL liquorice is a "wonder supp" for healing the digestive tract but differs from regular liquorice root in that the regular raises blood pressure so not sure which one you are using Dut, but hope the physician mentioned that
  9. just do be cautious as in some cases tics are not habits...they are often INVOLUNTARY neurological reactions to either a neurotransmitter or to some trigger and trying to get a child to suppress them can be like shaking a soda bottle with the lid still in place! and then when the release does come it can be very explosive!! we found cognitive behavioral therapy by far the most beneficial way to help my son manage his TS tics/OCD etc in socially appropriate ways. This involved more substitution than suppression and so the neurological release needed was not blocked, but ways were found to channel it in a more socailly acceptable way. I guess the crux is what the root cause of the tics are in terms of how best to help deal with them in social environments
  10. great info there Cp and I have bolded your last sentence to remind everyone that farmed fish is ICK ICK ICK with many sick fish kept alive with antibiotics and yuck conditions often and artificial color etc in the food etc etc etc etc always buy WILD fish from reputable sources!
  11. with the new format you need to click on the name which takes you to the profile, and then click on their "content" which will show you all their posts
  12. Hi Lynn everybody benefits positively from Omega 3...it is the *source* of the omega 3 that some react to negatively for reasons not yet fully understood (thought genetic) there seem to be numerous anecdotal reports of people with TS not tolerating the fish oil source of omega 3 (they can often eat fish without problem, just react to the oil, which usually comes from the liver) for them it is best to use things like flaxseed oil, borage oil, avocado oil etc as the omega3 source, and of course try to include omega 3 rich food like wild alaskan salmon, avocados etc in diet so if your child is taking omega3 derived from fish oil, then this may be the reason for the increase in tics
  13. Hi you posted this on the TS/tics board so I have moved it here for you
  14. Hi Pat top right of the page to the right of your user name is a drop down that will say 0 when no messages or have a number when you have x amount of messages. Just click on it and you will go to your message box you can also click on the down arrow right next to your name and it will give options including your message box
  15. Hi deby just wanted to let you know that this thread is from 2005 and Giselle hasnt been here for quite a while...hopefully because her son is still doing so well
  16. Hi Santi personally I wouldnt put much faith in getting any help from a neurologist for OCD at all! They will likely just write a rx for a pill that will add a bunch of unwanted side effects and not necessarily help the OCD much as you know, my son has OCD comorbid with his TS, and it is classified Tourettic OCD when tics and OCD symptoms morph by far the best treatment we have found has been cognitive behavioral therapy along with natural supplements to help elevate serotonin worked wonders for my son. trying to tell someone, especially a child, with OCD to control things is usually counterproductive, whereas the CBT training helps in a different way to teach coping and more socially appropriate alternatives. However, as your son is still so younf, I am not sure how effective it would be, but you may want to see if any pediatric psychologists are around who are trained in CBT
  17. Hi I moved your post off the helpful info pinned thread onto its own new thread so that others can reply thanks to EAMom for alerting me to this!
  18. if you do a search on the TS/ tics forum you will get more info. search red 40 as that is the most common form of red food dye used also just do a search on google for the words " red 40 adverse "and you will be amazed what comes up no wonder it is banned in the UK and Canada!! and there are calls to the FDA to ban it in the US also, tho that will likely fall on deaf ears yet again http://en.wikipedia....i/Allura_Red_AC I dont think it is healthy for anyone but it seems kids with neurological problems have a very negative reaction to it it is by far one of my son's worst triggers for tics & OCD the other food dyes are also not good, but red 40 ranks top of the bad heap IMHO
  19. lol it only means something to you and your friend a lot of forums have this now since the social networking things took off I am not sure if there is a feature here for it, but usually you can select to send a PM to all friends etc if you want to let them all know something but apart from that, it is just a fun thing
  20. I think the rating feature is likely not activated Melanie forums I have been on that have it activated actually have a lot of strife and hurt feelings because of it so I am glad it isnt activated here
  21. it looks so nice this way doesnt it! fastest way to PM is just below member's name here to the left of post, you see a little envelope ..click that to PM the member
  22. hope everyone is enjoying the new decor
  23. Hello Hope with GABA, as with all supps, I believe one should start slowly and work up GABA would make him drowsy so as long as it isnt lasting into the next day and affecting him negatively in other ways, it should be ok. My son used to only take 500mg a day. we only used it as needed for anxiety and never say any bad withdrawal effects but he was not on it daily or longterm. you may want to give it a while longer before stopping as it can really be helpful and your son is under doctor supervision
  24. Melinda also wanted to suggest you connect with kim, who posts on this board as well as PANDAS, as she has a lot of info on vaccine induced neuro problems I see you posted on the PANDAS forum so hope you will try to get those tests run till then dont stop exploring all avenues as it may well be the MMR that triggered all this it can hurt to clean up diet and try some of the less invasive treatments that many here have found beneficial so do take a look at those too. Often there is more than one piece of the puzzle!
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