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Everything posted by abbe

  1. Faith, I feel your pain. I don't know your story, childs age and length of tics but this whole thing has been a confusing nightmare for me. What was so overwhelming to me was the many, many things that everyone was doing. Was it mold???was it low glutathione??was it yeast??was it allergies???on and on and on. So all I did was read posts of people that healed their children claire, phyl etc and copied every possible angle. I don't think it is time to take the topamax out of the picture yet but feel we are close. Since he is on the 15 mg and has ZERO side effects I am not in a big hurry. Dr. Chung said he muscle tested that topamax was no good so we will see. I am not ready yet... abbe
  2. Deanna /Faith the muscle testing that Dr. Chung does he does with an assistant's arm in between the person. He feels that just testing on the patient's arm isnt as effective. I went to Dr. Chung because I didn,t like Dr. Magaziner the big dan dr. in my area. I took Nicholas there so he could figure out why he was ticcing. Was it allergies, metal, lights,or would he just benefit from accupuncture and that alone would make the tics stop. When Nick's tics got really bad in February I opted to put him on 15 mg topamax. He is 8 years old and his neuro said 50 mg. would be the correct dose. My goal though with the topamax was to tame his tics or the intesity so he and I could handle them and get to the root cause. I never wanted to give him a high dose and just make the tics go away and then be back in the same boat once he was off the medicine. That move worked. The topamax worked on him but I could still see him tic when something he either ate or did started them. He had lots of triggers. eating his meals, playing vido games, being under flourescent lights and just any old time he could tic. I have been using Dr. Chung to try and figure out what that something is. Also he muscle tests his supplements to see what ones his body doesn't block for instance he can't have NAC. So the first big change I reported was these mold drops I put him on. The first ones that Dr. Chung gave him made his tics go wild. The dr. said he couldn't believe the effect and we took him off. Later when we had tons of rain I brought up mold again and we tried other drops and they worked very , very well. then I wanted chung to allergy test him for foods. He came up allergic to milk, soy and beef among a few other odd ball things. At that point he was already off milk cuz a needle allergy test showed an allergy BUT he was having all of his supps in soy yogurt SO I switched to applesauce and now he has been tic free for 3-4 weeks or so. at all times. Plus I gave up beef which he has always loved red meat , he whines for it. I give him in the morning forgive my spelling in the am 1 pro dofilus 1 flora gaurd I buy from candida wellness center 1 half b complex 1 half aceytl l carnitine 1 teaspoon flax seed 1 chewable 500 mg vit c 5 homeo. mold drops in the pm 1 prodofilus 1 flora gaurd 1 cysteine 1 glycine 1/2 b compex 2 magnesium taurate topical glutathione abbe
  3. Hello, Just got robert reports (my other son) back from the lab It was a urine test.. He does have elevated lead. I can't believe Dr. Chung picked this up on the muscle testing..... abbe
  4. Faith, No ticcing at all. Like you never even knew what a tic was. Zero zip. Also he is much nicer and more cooperative. Less angry. My new husband always swore up and down the block that Nicholas needed more discipline etc. (which he does) BUT even my husband is astounded by the behavior changes in him. He went from being basically miserable and a ball buster to put it nicely to an appreciative thankful child more in control of his own emotions and temper. I just had to tell him that his babysitter of 3 years is moving back to Texas and he took it normally, upset but able to process it properly. abbe
  5. [quote name='lurker' d thanks for the ideas abbe
  6. Thank you Mary and Cheri, I am not sure like I have said before if all has been figured out but I am sure how very, very thankful I am to this board and it's members. The kind words and encouragement helped me through some of my darkest hours over this past year. Having everyone's knowledge with tics was so helpful to me because even though I knew so much about health and nutrition comparing my thoughts and ideas to past experiences of board members was very helpful.. Searching old posts from Claire and Phyl Bouncing ideas off Cheri and also Had it not been for Mary and Wendy (Myrose) I would have never had the guts to try out the topamax which was a good call in the long run. I hope that others can take my experiences and learn from them. I am here to help if I can abbe
  7. Hello all, So Nicholas has now had his 5th dose out of 10 for his mycoplasma infection he has remained off of soy since this post. Not soy lecithan just straight soy. He is still 100% tic free. He has been exposed to numerous triggers that have not been triggers....movies (3) video games, orange juice, candy and soda (at the movies) and chlorine at camp. I am truly , truly thankful to feel the benefits of all of my hard, hard work finally. I will remain with this exact program and god willing if he is tic free for 3 months on the 15mg of topamax I will begin to wean him off. I myself have had a terrible episode of back pain/sciatica got the MRI and my last disc L5 s1 is herniated. I feel to a certain extent that I have been having this bad, bad pain due to all of the repressed emotions I went through this past year with Nicholas trying to figure this mess out. I read this back book by John Sarno and it really explains what I am talking about. In any event for all of you moms (and dads) try and take care of yourself and process your emotions and anger, anxiety... abbe
  8. Thanks for the info. I live in Mount Laurel NJ so that is not to far away if I ever need the help. I have 3 boys by the way!!! abbe
  9. Ask him if it is the same I don't know?????? abbe
  10. Faith, Hello Hey sorry for the delay. I have been under some pretty bad back/sciatica pain lately and have been trying to re coup. So yes I eliminated yogurt which he was having everyday (soy) and his tics are ALL gone. His tics were throat clearing, eye rolling, neck movements, stomach movements, suck on shirt sleeves and breathing tic. The only was he recently had though were neck, stomach and eye. the others left awhile ago. The infection is a form of respiratory infection. Google it to learn more that is what I did. the homeopathic remedies for him so far have been for the mold and the infection, I did not ask the dr. about not giving the topamax because I am going to be in charge of that. when he is 100% tic free for 2 to 3 months on the 15 mg I am going to go to every other night and observe and then take it from there if I am pulling him off. The topamax helped him alot and helped me get through the tough moments when I was figuring out his triggers. They made the tics less intense or frequent. hope this helps take care abbe
  11. I don't know what a naet doctor does but this doctor is a md who has an integrative practice. He muscle tests using a third party in between him and the patient. He tested me on allergies and called everyone to the t that I am allergic to. I have tested him time and time again with Nicholas and me and he has proved right everytime. For instance this one time I brought in alot of the supps. that nick was on . When he held up the B5 he said don't give him any more of this . The next day I got his organic acid urine test done and he was off the charts on b5. Things like that. When I had him test him for the Topamax he tested no good. Nick is on the 15 mg still until I take him off. abbe
  12. Just wanted to post that Ncholas remains tic free 110% since off soy. He has had two vials for the Micro. infection. He has had triggers this weekend that did not give him tics. video games, movie theatre movie, candy at movie (reese pieces, popcorn) I AM holding my breath and hope I am on to something. He continues to take all supplements the same in applesauce/cinnamon abbe
  13. [quote name= The infection the doctor said Nicholas has (see my post a few down) causes joint pain. abbe
  14. [quote name='mommyof2' date='Jul Mary, the first time I took Nick for allergy testing with a Dan doctor they tested each thing one at a time on his arm with a little needle. It took so long the process was painful. We were there all day just to test milk, wheat, soy, corn that was it. This doctor that Nick goes to now uses muscle testing through another person not just directly on Nicholas. He never knew the results of Nicks first testing yet every thing he tested him for was correct and then some. The whole process took maybe 20 minutes and he tested him for everything. He "blocked" to milk, soy, beef, apricots, oysters, string beans, navy beans and ginger. Now I know why sushi was an issue soy sauce and ginger.!!! Hope this helps abbe
  15. In regards to allergy reactions I am so sure there is a HUGE coorelation. I read this in an herbal book of mine published by Louise Tenney and I quote "When the stomach is kept in constant turmoil with foods beyond the bodies needs, allergies develop. This overstimulates the stomach and creates a toxic state in the blood and may then cause the nervous system to be over sensitive." In addition and I quote " undigested protein or partially digested foods can enter the blood as foreign proteins and cause allergic reaction that directly affect the brain." This is from the book Today's Herbal Health under the section Allergies abbe
  16. [quote name='PaulsMom' date='Jul 30 2009, I just realized my post said I need to give Nick 10 homeopathic vials every third day when in fact it is one vial every third day for a total of 10 vials. Sorry for the confusion I will advise everyone as to any changes that I see. He is still 100% tic free right now since dropping the soy yogurt. abbe
  17. Linda, I live in NJ and he is a chinese medical doctor who has a family practice and treats everything. His name is Dr. Chung and it is the Chung Institute in Moorestown , NJ. He was affiliated with Cooper Hospital and won best doctor in Nj. I had used Dr. Magaziner who is one of the best DAN doctors in Nj, PA and I found him to be cold and uninterested with a bad attitude. Dr. Chung is confident, smart open to my ideas yet very, very confident in himself which I like.
  18. [quote name='Chemar' Cheri, thanks for that thought. He has had the GI distress since this all broke out so there could be a coorelation. The probiotics were a god send to him. The doc. didn't want me to start him on enzymes at this point. abbe
  19. [quote Colleen, This doctor (who is a medical doctor) does all testing through muscle testing. Hard to believe but his results have been dead on to date. abbe
  20. Hi, Just wanted to update in the event that this information proves helpful. I took Nick to his Dr. yesterday. He tested him for all the food group allergies. The most significant thing was he IS allergic to SOY and BEEF. He has been getting soy yogurt twice per day (suppleemnts in there) and he loves meat. The other thing the doctor told me was he had a mycoplasma infection. He said that when you have this infection it can cross the blood brain barrier and cause neuro. symptoms. He said you can get the infection in your lungs but also you can get it through immunizations. He said there was a conference he went to as to why the victims of the gulf war got so sick. Well before they left for the war they were given like 10 immunizations. When the shots were tested they were found to have this mycoplasma virus. so he put Nicholas on a homeopathic series of vials that he has to take 10 of them every third day. I gave him the first last night and I was so nervous I would see a reaction. So far so good. The box says between the 2nd and fourth doses symptoms can worsen which is a part of the healing process. I am nervous but feel like I need to trust the doctor at this point. abbe
  21. [quote name='mommyof2' date='Jul 27 2009, 07:23 Mary, It took less then a week but I was giving him other supps at the same time also so who knows....... Nick is doing very, very well for the most part. He has small setbacks but then I tweak something and he goes back to being tic free. So far lately the tow biggest things to help me were these mold drops and maybe removing soy yogurt....I have to see on that one, thanks and good luck if you need me just hollar abbe
  22. [quote name= Carolyn, Could you tell me what enzymes you were using and from where? I ordered one from Houston but didn't try it yet. I know how you feel about the food and treats. I let Nick have things from time to time. He was just telling me last night how his counselor at camp doesn't let him have the cake and candy there ( I told her not to) He gets really angry but I try and tell him that I can get cake and cookies from whole foods when he gets home to make up for it. I just started to put his supps in applesauce because my x was at his house instead of the soy yogurt and Nick was doing so well there. Right now he is 100% tic free like you would never know he has them. Soon enough though something triggers it. Everyother weekend he gets to do minimal video games and sometimes that starts it. I don't want to take everything away I have to keep balanced. Thanks and I appreciate your response abbe
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