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Everything posted by abbe

  1. [ Tracy, I would ask your doctor if he/she is enrolled in Market America. If they are involved I would not use any of their suggestions because it was based on them making money not helping your son. Market America is a network marketing company...
  2. Dave, Thanks for your response. This has all been new to me I didn't even know what a tic was. I swore up and down when Nick had his eye roll he needed glasses and then when he did need glasses I was just confused. I am happy to hear that you are comfortably living with it. As any parent would tell you I want the best for all of my kids and the past three months have been painful at times. Thanks again and look for the country life b capsules if you get tired of crushing! abbe
  3. David, My son is also 7 with the same issues. I have found great results with the supplements also but the tics seem to creep back. Did you do anything else besides them? abbe
  4. Chrisy, that company would be Melaleuca. They are a consumer direct company similar to what you are used to but better. They sell all natural cleaning products and vitamins. If you are interested in hearing more about them you can e mail me personally busypeople@comcast.net thanks abbe
  5. [quote name='Chemar' date='Feb 13 2009, 12:31 PM' post Cheri,, Thanks do you give taurine by itself and in what amount? Is that the same as the taurate as in mas taurate? abbe
  6. Hello, I was wonderring if everyone could share what they "add" to their program when tics come up after they have been quiet for awhile. I know magnesium is one of the things you can boost up but I was wondering what else you have found to be effective during flare ups? thanks abbe
  7. Hi, Did anyone's urine test come back with high oxalate acid levels? If so what did you interpret that to mean. It does say that anti fungal meds therapy can reduce the levels but I choses not to do nystatin. I was going to start to tackle the yeast naturally. The areas that came up high for my son in yeast were 3-oxoglutaric and arabinose. All other areas were normal. I have been doing the probiotics but I want to start the capryllic acid at this point. Any thoughts? Also has anyone worked with the glutathione cream from Kirkman labs? thanks for your advice abbe
  8. BUMP
  9. Hello, Has anyone used Glutathione Cream or Glutathione internally. I tried the cream last night and this morning and noticed my sons neck tic is back. Of course it could be something else but I wondered if anyone has ever seen an increase in tics after supplementing with it . thanks so much abbe
  10. [quote name='Chemar' date='Feb 11 2009, 10:35 Cheri, Yes I was intigued when I looked at some of the signs for not having enough sulphur in the body. I decided I am going to use Kelp. It is high in sulphur and has so many other benefits also. thanks abbe
  11. Hello, I just came across something on homeopathic sulphur and what a child would exhibit if they needed sulphur. My son had tons of the symptoms. What is this? Is it combined in other supplements? Has anyone used this? does it increase/decrease tics? Your comments would be appreciated. abbe
  12. Hi Everyone, I sent this letter to my son's school today. I want to fight for our children and ban on unhealthy snacks for our children To the Mount Laurel School Administration: As I sit here writing this letter I realize I am one frustrated mom. My son Nicholas has gotten ill two times this year directly after two school parties. Out of nowhere he exhibited a neck tic after this year’s Halloween party and also a Martin Luther King party. After extensive allergy testing I have realized that my son is not allergic to any foods and has a slight milk intolerance. No foods that Nicholas has ingested have caused such a severe reaction. The culprits seem to be msg, high fructose corn syrup and artificial dyes. As you may or may not be aware these substances are poisonous to children. I have attached numerous articles for your perusal in the event that you are not aware of the negative drawbacks of these “junk foods”. A news broadcast just last week says that high fructose corn syrup contains Mercury. Mercury is toxic to the system even in small doses. I cannot stress to you the importance of not feeding our children these sugary snacks. I do not understand if we know that these substances are unhealthy or bad for our children WHY IN THE WORLD OUR WE SERVING THEM AT SCHOOL? School is for learning not for eating junk food. Why must I send in healthy snack for my child and he feel excluded from the others because you are allowing straight sugary snacks that are not healthy or conducive to the learning environment? I give you the following example to drive my point home. Certain movies and video games are appropriate or not for 1st graders. At Springville school you would never expose a child to an R or even a pg 13 movie. You would know as an administration that they are “bad” or “unhealthy” for the child. A parent might in the comforts of their own home or on their own time allow their child to view what they think is appropriate and that is the parent’s choice. Just like a parent can feed their child “junk food” in the comfort of the own home or outside of school. Now what if you took that example and told all of the kids in Nicholas class that they could watch a pg-13 or R movie. They were all excited and couldn’t wait. They knew the movie is “bad” for them but hey if the school is allowing it then it must be ok. So what if all of the students got to watch that movie but one mom at home didn’t want their child exposed to the dangers of a pg 13 or r movie, rightfully so. So you took that child away from the other kids and made them watch a “healthy” G movie. Well I suppose that child would feel awful, and different, and upset, and singled out and different. All because the parent was making the right choice. Well I can tell you now that is how Nicholas feels and it is not right. I AM MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICES. Kids should not be fed junk at school. So at what point do I hold the school system accountable for feeding my son these unhealthy snacks and singling him out for eating correctly and making the right choice. STARTING RIGH T NOW. I appreciate your immediate feedback and explanations. Abbe Lang
  13. [quote name='myrose' date='Ja Are you giving her any supplements at all? abbe
  14. Bonnie, Thanks what are the ages/weight of your child that takes the glycine? abbe I am so nervous this neck jerk is not going to subside. i had it calm all day for the most part the tic was there but the jerk didn't start until after dinner.
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