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Everything posted by abbe

  1. Faith, I agree. The person I am going to charges 60 per visit. I spoke to her on the phone today for quite some time and she seemed passionate about it. The one thing that interests me is she saw a lack of digestive enzymes on Nicks part and I do feel in a way that the asprin he has had to be on for his previous medical issue could have caused this. If Nicholas can stand to go which I m not sure he can he is frustrated I would like to give her a shot. I feel like I owe it to him to try. I will ask you more questions as we go along. thanks for the support abbe
  2. Faith, thanks i am going to give her 4 or 5 tries and observe. He does have other issues that I would like to resolve digestion, sleep , mood etc i will write more soon abbe
  3. Hey all, took Nick to a new person yesterday who practices NAET. He was annoyed that he had to go somewhere new. She tested him and felt he can't digest anything but fats. Nicholas has been constipated since this whole thing started. She says he craves proteins but can't digest them. She also tested him for tv's computers and flourescent bulbs. All of which he was intolerant to. She also could have read this info. from my paperwork. The theory is you clear(using this vial in your sock and touching up and down the spine and a laser) for a certain thing like HCL. for instance and then the next 25 hours you don't eat it and viola you are better. It seems to me that with the info. she said Nick would need to take enzymes but she said it would be bad to give him enzymes with his condition? I have a call into her but I feel like it is a little to hocus pocus for me and that is pretty bad cuz I believe EVERYTHING!! Any experience with this ?? thanks so much abbe P>S> She also said his acidolphilus would be bad for him right now??? I feel that this is what helps him poop!!
  4. Hello, If my two cents mean anything at all. I have kept Nick off Dairy, soy and now Beef. Also junky foods. He really hates being different. Last Saturday we went to a family party and there was no food choices for him.. He ate pizza, a coke and m and m's. I was getting/feeling really hyper about this and my husband said just let him be 8 and have fun he is at a party. He said if he has a bad reaction maybe he will know for next time. I had a drink (lol) and did just that. Nicholas had no reactions except he woke up right after going to sleep twice probably from the caffiene /candy, I am glad I made the choice that I did. I have never been a big fan of dairy so that one is ok. I still hate that he can't have the birthday snack at school IT stinks for him... Less is best I do believe if it is going to make them very sad. If the reaction is bad enough they will want to avoid the offender on their own I believe. abbe
  5. Faith, You can do it on your own but need a dr's signature. call them for the info. and they will explain. It tests a BUNCH of things I suggest it. abbe
  6. Cheri, That's exactly what it is the gag tic. Nick left to his dad's with it and came back with it . My x claims he didn't have it at his house. I don't know if he watches him as carefully but I DO KNOW HE IS BETTER THERE. We are doing environmental allergy testing today at 3/ His dad lives by the water no trees or grass. I hope we uncover something Nick seems upset lately. He said before dinner last night that he bets he is the only one in school that has tics. I told him he is not . I just feel sad sometimes when he is doing poorly abbe
  7. Hey, Has anyone experienced a throat tic that was so strong it almost made you choke or feel like you could throw up. Nicholas has a bad throat tic going on after he eats. abbe
  8. testing for this on Monday. are any of the labs better then others? abbe
  9. Hey it's abbe, Well my house is very clean and Nick doesn't seem to get a reaction at home. It's just that I read that September and October are ragweed/mold. Last year he had the explosion on October 31 neck and throat clearing. prior to that he had an eye tic but I never knew he did (thought it was him needing glasses) ok so all of july and maybe june he was 100% tic free I mean NOTHING EVER. Then BOOM one day beggining of September home from dads and neck tic and a little throat you could never notice. I am going for allergy testing (one thing at a time) on Tuesday abbe
  10. Nicholas is NEVER stuffy and never sneezes. But it is hard for me to believe or ignore the clues that the fall is when he had a bad onset last year and at his dads there is no trees, grass or dogs and he is better. We are getting hardwood flooring as we speak and dogs are groomed and house is sooooooo clean so I think it is outside. abbe
  11. Hello all Well pretty sure over here that Nicholas is having a allergy/tic reaction to the ragweed and mold outside that grows in September/October. Last year October 31st was the beggining of the whole ordeal with Nick and observing him now leads me to follow my gut ..he has to be reacting to the outside environment. I am GOING crazy suffering with my allergies. Sneezing like a mad woman constantly. I even started to feel a wheeze coming on. (very rare for me) I know the "counts" of something are through the roof. Also at Nicks dads house there is no trees or grass. He lives by the bay. Nick is always better at his dads. So I am moving forward to the next level with Nick to solve this puzzle. We see Chung on Monday and I might get him tested for environmental allergies and begin to neutralize him to the offenders. abbe
  12. Oh I see. I did read one of her last posts that said her son was upset. I am just trying to follow some of the things she did. I had wanted to ask you with your sons calcium/mag/zinc combo. who do you use/what product.? I don't give Nick any zinc and I want to start. thanks abbe
  13. Just wondering why all the posts from Claire are deleted here. seems like a wealth of information?? abbe
  14. Hey everyone, Nick is back to being 98% tic free. His dad took him to Hershey park Monday and Tuesday and I saw him Wednesday (he is with his dad this whole week) I ordered the test for pyroulia (i spelled it wrong for sure ha ha). I know at the present time Nick gets no Zinc in a suplemental way. I wanted to order a multi vit. from Kirkman but haven't . I am to confused if I put him on a multi should I adjust the b complex etc. Actually I am not confused my brain is just FRYED. Anyone have an input on finding a multi and also on Zinc in general regarding tics. abbe
  15. Caryn, all of your comments are right on and I am going to ask Dr. Chung about the Pyroluria. Two quick questions though did you do the hair test through a doctor's office??? And what made you feel your child had ts as compared to just a tic disorder not that it really matters one way or the other. Did ts run in your family at all? tics?? abbe
  16. Cheri, Thanks for your response . We were going to use Chlorella in fact Chung wanted me to start it awhile ago and I didn.t I was scared. I need to check out what is in this new supplement . I don't know why I didn't research it more first I just never thought it could cause a reaction and still don't know if that was it but I am feeling in my gut that it made my situation alot worse. I want Nicholas to do more accupuncture but he is scared of the needles. We only have done 2 so far one in each ankle. Chung uses a laser for the accupuncture points.. I know Nick reacts to the computer and as I understand this is a mercury issue usually. I have tried to read all of Claires old posts. When I got a dried and live blood test done on him they also thought he had mercury. The pills that I tried I think affected his GI tract because he usually gets constipated when tics are out and this time he was going to the bathroom maybe more. What test did you do for your son to test for mercury? thx abbe
  17. Hello, I wanted to start a new thread because I feel that I am entering another phase in Nick's recovery . Has anyone out there tried to clear mercury from their child but by doing so upset the intestinal balance of yeast in their system and therefore caused tics. I think there is a possibility that this new supp. that I tried for nicholas did just that. It is called OSR #1. Also what form of buffered c do you like. thanks abbe
  18. Must be something in the air but Nick is doing awful with his tic. He had to much goat's milk , sour cream at his moms and some artificial crap on a pretzel at this dutch market place we go to. His neck was pretty bad last night extended stretch and into his mouth. It is still here this morning so today we are going to go very clean on his diet, I am taking him off the new supplement he is on even though the tic was present prior to. I will reintroduce again later. He goes to Hershey Park in two day with his dad. that will be real easy to keep his diet clean....................... abbe
  19. The tic tamer is by native remedies and I just tried it yesterday for the first time. I am not using it until I bring it to Dr.Chung. Nicks neck tic is usually a side to side stretch. He did have this turtle one a long time ago in the beggining. (last october) His tics shift around. abbe
  20. Deanna, It has been a weird couple of days. He started the neck tic again like I said then Dr. Chung stopped it for the night then it was around again Tuesday. He slept at his dads who insisted he didn't see it. When he dropped Nick off Wed. morning I didn't see it either but by the afternoon I did, I tried 5 drops of the tic tamer for the first time last night and he did not wake up with it. I saw it only less then 5 to 7 times when he was eating and I gave him 5 drops after I saw it at lunch. Haven't seen it since and did 5 more a few minutes ago. Thanks for asking. I was so disappointed when I saw it again but I seem to be keeping a grip on it and it is going back away not staying strong?????? abbe
  21. Thanks so much for your thoughts. Nick had an apt. with Dr. Chung today for a follow up. I told him of course about the neck tic showing up I called and drilled my ex and he insisted it wasn't there. Nick was on the computer for one hour before I saw him today I was at physical therapy for my back. Dr. Chung tested him for a reaction to his brothers i pod touch and the emf field . He said he had a bad reaction to the wifi being connected and a reaction even unconnected. We discussed how some kids and adults are very sensitive to these things. We also discussed how he still picks up mercury on him and that he has low glutathione levels. He muscle tested him for a new supplement to help raise these levels I don't know the name but I will post it. Then he tested his brain for blockages and when he found some areas he used a laser light in his ear that cooresponded to the blocked areas. On the car ride home I kept looking in the mirror and could NOT SEE the tic anymore. It was really bad before we left not a Jerk but movement all over the place. He was holding his head in his hands at one point to make it stop. at this point he is in the tub and the tic is still gone maybe one or two movements but it was non stop. I have never had it stop like that it was incredible...... abbe
  22. Nick is home from his dad's and his neck tic is back abbe
  23. [quote Deanna, Don't know about that. I get my magnesium from bonnie grimaldi's site. The one where some people get the multi vit. If you don't know the phone number I can get for you abbe
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