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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. it is so good to read your update Lenny I know how my son has been helped by all the good stuff...but every time someone else posts their success story it just reinforces the value of all the accumulated "anecdotal evidence" that is helping kids here !
  2. I moved it back here for you
  3. sorry I am on a work deadline and cannot post much right now I would avoid B complex as many do not do well on it rather give individual Bs we prefer the P-5-P form of B6 and only use methylB12 (not cyano form) Bee pollen is not a substitute for a multi but royal jelly from bees can be when a correctly balanced diet is used I dont remember what is in the Kids Calm. We use the Natural Calm here doseage really is something your doctor should rather advise on, but the general rule is 6-12yo take half adult dose
  4. Hi there are naturopathic & environmental doctors in the UK, but I dont know if any are covered by NHS? so it is hard to advise on that If you are able to go private, you may have a better chance of finding a physician who can guide you through all this we have had people from the UK posting in the past so you may find info doing searches here I am not sure what gave your child athletes foot but I highly doubt it came from epsom salts bath itself! It may have been from not drying feet properly afterward, or putting on socks over moist feet, or not cleaning out the footbath, towel, area around it etc etc..... but we have been doing epsom foot baths for years now and never had any such problem! have you checked for strep or other infections? do you have any family history of tics and/or Tourette Syndrome?
  5. seems to be more discussion on this taking place, which I am thankful to see as I know how badly my son's TS tics and OCD are triggered by artificial food coloring http://www.latitudes...?showtopic=9828 red dye (and all artificial food dyes) contain chemicals (including plutonium!) that are not good for us, especially related to neurology.
  6. Hi if you take a look at the TS/tics forum here you will find many posts documenting the harmful effects of artificial (chemical) food additives including dyes/coloring, flavoring, sweeteners etc my son does not have PANDAS but does have Tourette syndrome, and these additives were one of the very first tic/OCD triggers that we identified in him there is another thread here on the PANDAS forum recently discussing red40 http://www.latitudes...?showtopic=9828
  7. what really annoys me is that red40 is banned in places like Canada and the UK because it is known that it causes health problems...................
  8. we have found that only natural probiotics like organic kefir or Stoneyfield farms yoghurt work for us...the supplemental ones just seems too strong and have a rather unpleasant effect. This applies not just to my son, but to me as well. I know many people have only good things to say about things like Culturelle etc, but it messes our digestion up!
  9. I dont know whether music does or does not increase dopamine significantly, but my son is a musician and he never tics when playing or singing (alone or with his band) and actually finds listening to music has a very calming effect on his neurology
  10. Megan do a search on this forum for screens under the user name Claire and you will get a lot of info on photosensitive induced tics caused by flicker of screens that are not LCD
  11. it all depends on the individual my son seems to have had negative reactions to most prescription antibiotics, as he has also had to most synthetic medication, likely a result of his diagnosed multiple chemical sensitivity. I know not all kids have this but felt it should be mentioned also, the zith would kill off good bacteria as well as any potentially bad ones so important to take a probiotic at least 3hr before or after the abx
  12. Hi we use assorted ones at different times and for different purposes...... but do remember we are not using these to treat PANDAS, so I am not suggesting anyone should stop rx abx if they are treating a child with PANDAS here are some of the ones we use:- monolaurin(lauric acid = lauricidin from coconuts) olive leaf extract organo oil (alone and as part of Candida Clear which also has caprylate, wormwood,pau d'arco,uno de gato aka cat's claw, black walnut) mastic gum curcumin/turmeric garlic raw honey unfiltered apple cider vinegar cinnamon L-lysine
  13. ps my son doesn't tolerate any rx abx well he is not PANDAS but does have TS, OCD and Crohn's we use natural abx
  14. the red dye free zith is a generic as far as I know and is more like $50 than $500 my son was given it for a wisdom tooth infection we did not have to go to a compounding pharmacy...
  15. red40 is known to have a very negative impact on neurology I thought most people here get the dye free version of azithromycin?
  16. would you like me to merge this with the other thread?
  17. the jasmine oil has a really remarkable calming and uplifting effect...but honestly CP I have not seen anything calm my son's OCD before as quickly as the lemon balm tea does. quite amazing!
  18. I dont think that it is PANDAS becoming more prevalent, but rather people, especially doctors, hopefully becoming more aware of it, thanks in large part to recent media coverage there was a time when I would mention it and people would predominantly have a "huh???" reaction, whereas I have been pleased to see more recognition nowadays...still a long way to go, but every step in the right direction is invaluable
  19. you may want to try googling for the various reports CP I explained in another post that my computer crashed a few weeks ago and I have lost my bookmarks it was reports of studies showing using jasmine oil aromatherapeutically to be in some cases more effective than SSRIs and other meds, and obviously without the dreaded side effects
  20. I think that research publicity probably caused a run on it. best to try ordering from somewhere that has a phone number so you can ask if they have it in stock we got our at a local health store this last time, but usually get it from iHerb.com, tho they are out too at present you could try calling NOW directly to see when they expect to be resupplying, or if they know who still has supplies http://nowfoods.com
  21. I know it is harder with little kids as they seem to pick up so much sickness at school we have noticed hardly any colds and no flu for years now since we changed diet and take our supps. perhaps the natural antimicrobials (monolaurin, olive leaf extract etc) that we take also help white willow bark is nature's aspirin honey, lemon tea and cooking with turmeric and garlic help too when one is ailing and of course homemade chicken soup is both soothing and healing I do also keep ibuprofen in case but cannot even remember when last anyone needed it but if any child is running a fever, it is always best to consult doctor.
  22. I think that really is a standard rule for all things...under 12yo should always check with a doctor before taking any OTC supplement OR medication unless the package specifically mentions it ok for children I am guessing you meant to type butterbur
  23. We initially used it only as needed, based on recommendation from our doctor. I honestly dont know what it's half life or cumulative effects are it can take up to 2 weeks for a supplement to show full effect, but often it is more rapid, provided as well that there are not other factors triggering things
  24. Guy I initially had trouble getting to that site as the link led to an error page. Now, those links took me to a site that is one of those that I avoid whenever people try to show total negativity about anything that is not "scientifically proven" "FDA approved" or "accepted by conventional medicine" I head away as fast as possible if I had followed that line of thought, my son would likely be a drugged up zombie in an institution thank God for the wealth of anecdotal, and growing research, evidence that gives clear opposite PROOF of alternative healing that sites like that deny because they are prejudiced and biased sorry but I actually got angry reading some of what they had up there...much like I do when I go to that arrogant quackwatch place showing caution on all forms of treatment is wise, but negating simply because it is not "scientific" is ignorance of the worst kind IMHO I also do not see anything there to suggest that using this system for allergy is illegal? only that it is FDA approved for biofeedback....perhaps I missed the illegal bit but that is not what I see there
  25. Here is the link to the new ACN Lyme Forum http://www.latitudes...hp?showforum=19 and here is the general forum index to add to your bookmarks http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?act=idx
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