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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. often best way to start is with an environmental physician, or an Integrative MD as they will have referrals to others who practice medicine outside of the conventional textbook
  2. some people do find tics increase from the MMR shot, or sometimes from any vaccine perhaps you could try getting the RUBELLA alone if that is all they need proof of I havent heard of the vaccines you mention so am assuming that is what you mean? the problem that was mainly noted with the MMR (measles,mumps,rubella) combo was that it had a lot of preservative/adjuvants that were bad, and used to also contain thimerosal (mercury). also the triple whammy of 3 vaccines in one is a lot for any system to handle! as carolyn mentioned there are ways to get exemption
  3. I agree on the samE methionine has always been helpful for my son, but with his recent OCD /anxiety flare we started samE @ just 200mg per day and the effect has been most encouraging!
  4. Hi we havent used Bonnie's BonTech supps but I did base his supplement program on her initial research/supplement list which she published on the internet. He's been on supplements for 10years now and his tics are very mild, compared with really severe back then Magnesium is definitely THE key supplement for my son with regards to his tics PANDAS can often be missed if they are just looking at strep throat cultures, but if you had strep, it is worth looking at as kids with PANDAS can show elevated tics, OCD etc when exposed to strep, even tho they may not show symptoms of strep
  5. Hello does you son have other tics? or just the echolalia, which is usually a characteristic complex vocal tic associated with Tourette syndrome what supplement did you give him?
  6. Hi and welcome it does sound like there is a family history of TS so at least that gives you a foundation to work from how interesting re the psychologist who told your husband that...sadly we believed the one here who told us that about our son and both she and a neuro kinda bullied us into putting him on meds...with rather horrid side effects. you can read my son's background in the signature link in my signature below the tongue scraping that you refer to is a form of tic...many people with TS have OCD as well and the two can morph where tics become OCD and vv. It is referred to as tourettic OCD we have found magnesium by far the most beneficial supp for helping to calm tics. The Calm products are good because they work quickly, as does epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) used as a soak (2 cups epsom salts in a tub of warm water, soak for about 20 min) although TS doesnt yet have a "cure" as such, many of us have seen great improvement in the tics from supplements and also careful diet and environmental clean up....once you find if there are any food or environmental allergies/sensitivities, you will see improvement by removing the offenders. Most kids (and adults) benefit from avoidance of all artificial additives (color, sweetener, MSG, high fructose corn syrup etc) do also look at info on PANDAS which is related to strep...altho you have family history of TS, yet strep (even without manifesting as the classic strep throat) can be at the root of the escalation in tics etc there is much more info but that should give you a start
  7. Bonnie Gingko biloba has helped with my son's ADD also the Omega 3's are beneficial. There's some research from the UK on Borage Oil being especially helpful for ADD Fish Oil of course is one of the best for omega 3 but as you know it may make tics worse for some
  8. Hi and welcome I am a Christian and I sure recommend reading the Bible to anyone BUT I am totally astonished that a neurologist would "prescribe" Bible reading for "behavioral modification" in someone with a neurological disorder anyway good for you in turning down that med...it has a horrid list of side effects! and honestly, from what you have written, you may want to find a different doctor........... If you take a look at the link in my signature below you will find what helped my son, who was diagnosed 10 years ago and had very very severe tics and OCD. He will be 20yo tomorrow and is doing really well there is a specialized range of supplements formulated by Bonnie Grimaldi that many have found very helpful http://www.bonniegr.com I based my son's supp plan on Bonnie's initial research there is a lot of other valuable info here on other things that can help with tics dont hesitate to ask questions...we are all here to help each other by far the most important supplement is magnesium
  9. many kids outgrow transient tics, and yes, the transient tics can be complex ones if there is no history of family tics chances are greater but there are also other things that can cause tics apart from transient tic disorders and TS and so it is a good idea to read more here about food allergies, strep/PANDAS, vaccine reactions and lots more as trying to get to the root cause of the tics can often lead to correct treatment and so earlier remission
  10. the ionic form of magnesium in the natural calm is very rapid acting. it does make one sleepy(at least that is our experience) and can have mild laxative effect. But yes, it can be taken at any time, and especially when you want that "quick fix" action the Magnesium taurate is a compound of magnesium plus the amino acid taurine and so a very different supp than magnesium citrate.Taurine has it's own unique action in helping to reduce tics and so the mag taurate is effectively a dual action form
  11. Hi and welcome the addition of the amino acid taurine that is in the mag taurate is very different in effect from the mag citrate that is in natural calm if it were me, I would give the mag taurate in the mornings and the natural calm at night. (usually magnesium and taurine would be optimal for tic reduction at around 300-500 mg of each per day) do note that some people have reported that there kids dont tolerate taurine too well (minority but still worth noting)
  12. Hi Carolyn yes we have had the same experience with carrageenan and I had posted about it a few times it not only messes with my sons TS, but it causes flare up of his GIT/Crohn's symptoms too it is becoming like HFCS...in almost everything...it is even in organic products like cream, ice cream etc
  13. Hi i have reported it to the webmaster so that their account can be banned seems they just registered to spam and unfortunately we cant tell who the bad guys are till they do something like this. when people register, there isnt a way to tell legit members from spammers until they spam. this one was devious in doing so via PM and even spammed my PM box too
  14. yes they even spammed me i have notified the webmaster so that the account can be banned sorry about the intrusion...spammers abound on the internet and we try to keep them at bay here. this was very devious of them to spam PMs
  15. thank you Faith hope you and all our members are having a good day despite the struggles and stresses, we all do have so very much to be thankful for!
  16. Pat have you ever tested for salicylate sensitivity in your son? ACV is very high in salicylates http://www.salicylatesensitivity.com/food-guide
  17. Hi jdmom and welcome when there is no family history of tics/TS and with such a dramatic onset, it is really wise to be looking at other areas that can trigger tics rather than just accepting a TS diagnosis. many conventional doctors are really not up to date with this whole area of tic triggers and just give a TS or "transient tics" diagnosis so easily one of the first things to consider with such sudden onset is PANDAS(neuro problems caused by strep) or other infection related triggers also the relationship of the onset to vaccinations? food allergies? environmental allergies? our admin, Sheila Rogers, has written an excellent book on all this http://www.latitudes.org/book.html and there are also some informative articles on the main page here http://www.latitudes.org/tics_tourettes.htm my son is now 20yo and we have family history of TS on my husband's side His tics were very severe when younger but now so mild that most dont even notice them I have a link in my signature on what has been helpful for him hope that gives you a few more avenues to consider
  18. Hi Chap Bonnie's supps will only really be fully effective if taken in the dose recommended some parents have found that opening them up and mixing in apple sauce or in a fruit smoothie helps to get them in hopefully once she feels their benefit, it will be easier to get her to take them usually allow about 2 weeks to see results
  19. Hi Justine and welcome I dont feel able to answer on much as seizures fall into a very different category than the TS spectrum of disorders that my son has I did however want to let you know about an excellent natural antibiotic made from lauric acid (lauricidin) from coconuts. It is marketed as Monolaurin and we get our from the Vitamin Shoppe (sold in their stores and on their website) all the best and hopefully others with info relevant to your son's condition will be able to provide more advice
  20. ((((((((((((Kim)))))))))))))))) you are such a blessing, even when you speak chemigook sorry I have been so quiet. My dh is seriously ill and we are awaiting test results but it doesnt look good. so I just pop in here every day to get rid of the spammers on the various boards and make an occasional post, but am just finding it hard to be communicative right now thanks for the encouragement, Kim, Faith and samsmom. It really means a lot as "paying it forward" has always been my aim here
  21. Hi Darla have you tried the Kids Calm or regular Natural Calm versions? it's mag citrate powder that you mix in warm or cold water to create a fizzy drink. My son loves the Natural Calm raspberry flavor the ionic form of the magnesium also gets its effect going quickly. My son takes it at night and it also relaxes and promotes good sleep. we get ours cheapest at iherb.com
  22. Hi Trg girl as mentioned in my post...cyanocobalamin, which is the form of B12 that is most commonly found in supps, is very poorly absorbed and so, like Magnesium oxide, is a wasted supplement as so much of it just passes thru methylcobalamin is well absorbed and so works more efficiently mrsD explains this more clearly in her very helpful thread on NeuroTalk here is the specific post http://neurotalk.psychcentral.com/post500230-4.html
  23. my son doesnt tolerate separate niacinimide well, even the no flush kind he also cannot take B complex supps at all, but does tolerate the full range of B's in his multi-food powder mix by Jarrow Inositol helped his OCD but he has learned that he needs to modulate that,,,taking breaks from it and also only taking higher doses when needed P-5-P (vit B6) and methylB12 have proven invaluable to him (the B12 totally removes any "brain fog" and helps his anxiety too--must be methycobalamin tho...the cyanocobalamin is poorly absorbed) B5 (pantothenic acid) helped greatly with his bruxism tics (teeth grinding, snapping) and he also finds B1 helpful
  24. Hi Lele do you mean biofeedback or neurofeedback? my son has biofeedback along with his acupuncture and finds it beneficial all around but we have avoided neurofeedback as I have heard of some negative reactions to it from other parents. It seems helpful for ADHD and some other issues and I have also heard some reports of it helping with TS, but overall I am a bit wary of neurofeedback
  25. Bonnie have you ever tried samE? my son started taking it again with the recent spike he had in OCD/anxiety and it has had a great effect on that as well as tics
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