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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. Jens, are you using it? if it doesnt increase your tics then it is likely ok for you are there no magnesium citrate products there? try checking iherb.com as they do ship overseas and are very reasonable in costs. many here (including us) use the Natural Calm magnesium citrate powder with great success magnesium oxide is very poorly absorbed and a waste of money IMHO
  2. Hi unless there are clear allergies to the foods I would let her eat as whole and balanced a diet as possible my son had no food allergies when tested, but they claimed he had many food sensitivities and wanted him off almost everything! Our own trial and error showed all he needs to avoid are chemical additives(he has diagnosed MCS=multiple chemical sensitivity) and excessive corn products (by choice he now avoids all corn) I really feel that sometimes the food avoidance goes a bit overboard...again, I fully agree that if one is allergic to something it needs to be totally avoided. But usually other things in moderation seem to be ok You could try slowly reintroducing things one group at a time to see if they are ok I absolutely agree that an undernourished child is not a healthy one!
  3. Hi sorry he is having this problem my son has been driving alone for almost 3 yrs now and has no problems with ticcing or OCD while driving. We felt he needed to wait till 17yo to drive alone. what you are describing sounds more like tourettic OCD which my son did have a lot of before he started his high dose Inositol treatment (he takes around 8-10 GRAMS of Jarrow inositol powder a day, upped to 16 gms when OCD flaring--we use Jarrow from iherb as it is cheapest and we find most effective) Does your son have OCD tendencies? just as an aside, when my son was learning to drive and had us in the car with him, he was a lot more nervous and agitated than when he started driving alone. it may well be that your son just needs a lot more practice and confidence. but honestly, if when his 16th birthday comes along and you feel he is still having a problem you may just have to risk him being upset and saying he has to wait a bit more. remember too that as they get older, the TS symptoms do tend to diminish in most
  4. we have always avoided all aspartates Jens not willing to take the chance because of how severely my son reacts to aspartame
  5. Hi Michael chiropractic adjustment has been an integral part of my son's treatment protocol for some years....he likes to go for an adjustment first and then follow with acupuncture session/reflexology session we see only NUCCA chiros as their methodology is different from conventional style chiro work. apart from the chiro helping put back in alignment that which the tics sometimes put out, my son also finds the deep therapeutic chiro techniques they use has overall beneficial effect for his tics and more. Not a cure...but very calming for him hope what you are having done will be very helpful for you
  6. Hi Pat we use it to make all our salad dressings and also in cooking my grandmother was the one who taught me of its health benefits. she drank a teaspoon full in the morning and evening I do believe it to be very healthy stuff and mix it with honey and lemon juice as a cold remedy
  7. Dee, do just be aware that the Life Time is a calcium-magnesium-vitD blend rather than just magnesium (the blend isnt a bad thing....for some a good thing....just for those who dont want to supplement extra calcium with the magnesium, one needs to be aware that it has both also has fructose
  8. just bumping this original post back up for san
  9. Hi it sounds like something is majorly triggering him have you had a strep test? has he been exposed to any pesticides, either indoor or on sports fields etc new paint? new woodwork? new carpeting? new car? whenever my son had both tics PLUS mood waxing there was usually a food or environmental toxic trigger or an infection or even a tooth coming in or out hope you manage to help things get stabilized soon!
  10. yup we called it the gag tic thankfully it came and went pretty quickly my son found sipping water and chewing gum helped
  11. Hi Krista have you seen an improvement with the supps you are giving? if so then stay with what you are using till you are consulting with a physician(could up the magnesium tho to 200mg 2X day) if not then consider removing the fishoil and using flaxseed oil instead *some* people seem to tic more with fish oil tho some do just fine on it you may also want to consider adding a pure multivitamin/multimineral with a good representation of B vitamins, or add some methylB12 and vit B6 to start
  12. awwwwwwww he is sooooo cute
  13. Hi Lele tourette tics do come and go and move around and change. it is part of the waxing and waning characteristic of the disorder. "worse" is usually defined as when the tics become injurious or when they impact the person's life negatively so that normal functioning is impaired in terms of the educational aspects, yes, you need to see the special ed administraotr at his school and arrange a 504 plan for him, which the law allows. The school HAS TO provide accommodations for him under the IDEA Act. If you need an advocate to help you implement this, contact the TSA. Their contact info is on their website http://www.tsa-usa.org
  14. Hi Jules so sorry to hear of all this and not a little angry at those physicians who dismissed your concerns! If all this is strep related, the rash may have been scarlet fever. If only more doctors took PANDAS seriously! I am not sure if you have seen that we have a PANDAS forum here now. here is the link. the parents there are really clued up and can maybe offer advice to guide you further on that aspect http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=17 some kids do have a dual diagnosis of PANDAS and TS and yes, then the tics can wax and wane as with TS, while escalating in PANDAS episodes. hoping you will get some clear answers and be able to help your son stabilize again
  15. Hiya Carolyn hope motherhood is blessing you! we'd love to see some more pics of Aiden re the red rash.....often dietary acidic things can also do that, but whenever I have had something similar, it is usually candida. plain zinc oxide ointment can often be very soothing hope it clears up for you
  16. Hi Faith my son has had a wide range of vocal tics over the years. They vary in type, frequency and intensity just as the motor tics do. With TS, this is pretty characteristic. The only difference for my son is that in the years since starting his natural treatment protocol, the intensity and frequency have reduced. But the tics still characteristically vary
  17. welcome Jens we look forward to getting to know you and thank for sharing your story with us.
  18. we no longer use a cal/mag/zinc combo as it has been found better to take these separately and depending on dietary intake. My son gets a lot of calcium from diet, so he doesnt take a separate calcium supp, beyond what he gets in his Jarrow Multi Easy shake mix. He takes NOW Opti zinc and uses the Natural Calm drink and Epsom salts tubs for extra magnesium
  19. Hi Abbe Claire may have decided to delete some posts because of her family's privacy. I recall her son not being pleased that she was discussing stuff about him on a forum and so she stuck with more generic posts rather than personal ones any posts she deleted would have been done as her own decision tho, and so we do need to respect that
  20. fly by posting as I am hectic here mrsD has an excellent thread on the supplements forum at NT on the various Omega fatty acids etc http://neurotalk.psychcentral.com/showthread.php?t=6092 The more I learn about inflammation the more I am beginning to realize how many diseases it plays a primary role in almost seems to me that, where the inflammatory response was designed as a primary defense mechanism in our bodies, yet we are living in a world where it gets so over triggered by all the ick that goes into us and surrounds us, that it flares out of control and leads to disease. I read a lot on PD and Alzheimers too about inflammation being a baddy there. as an aside, my son uses more ginger as an anti-inflammatory, in food now too, and I read the other day that ginger has been found to help reduce the neurotoxic effects of MSG
  21. that's good that he has been evaluated for eye probs....a good eye doc may also be able to determine if there are signs of allergic reaction in the eyes altho getting glasses didnt take my son's eye rolling/blinking away, it did help a lot! He does have non hereditary myopia and astigmatizm
  22. hi CP...so glad to hear that vocal has let up for your son after my son was dx with Crohn's we were advised to stop giving him any additional omega6 supplement and also to try to avoid it in foods. It is pro-inflmmatory in the body's defense mechanism, which for any autimmune issues like crohn's, PANDAS, etc is something you dont want so we eliminated omega 6 wherever possible as well as adding more anti-inflammatory supps and foods to son's program. we know for a fact his tics have reduced since he adopted an anti inflammatory diet and supps! plus that it has helped his crohn's stay subdued I cant search now but I know there are published papers on omega 6 promoting inflammation
  23. Bonnie sorry if you already posted this but has he seen an eye doctor?
  24. good to hear from you Lenny and so glad things seem so much better
  25. Hi Deanna we have used many kinds of magnesium over the years but the Natural Calm really is the fastest acting that we have found! dont forget those epsom salts baths too! hope things calm down soon
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