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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. Hi Faith no sickness...at least not that we are aware. it is both obsessive and compulsive and the kind that easily morphs with the tics it isnt anywhere near as bad as we have seen in the past...but still bothering him big time
  2. my son has been in a very stable place with his tics & OCD (as well as the Crohn's) for some time now but sadly the OCD kinda flared again we have been keeping records of his triggers for a number of years, and one of the things we have noted is that October into November seems to be a trigger time for him we arent sure if it's the harvest moon phases at this time of year (I have mentioned before that we do see a correlation with waxing moon, and CSP posted interesting info on that recently) http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=5634 or is it "something in the air" at this time of year or what?? wondering if anyone else has noted this? ps he does have other triggers at present...last wisdom tooth almost fully up, and an accidental exposure to a friend's pesticided garden last friday...) but still, we also have our notes showing a clear correlation between this time of year and OCD waxing
  3. my son has had FSM, administered by his acupuncture /biofeedback therapist here in Florida it did not seem to have any impact on tics but did help soothe his Crohn's flareup at the time
  4. Hi magnesium oxide is basically just a waste of money because of the poor absorption. It wont harm you, or make tics worse
  5. Hi Michael where I dont rule out that Carbon Monoxide poisoning may contribute to multiple sensory issues, nevertheless sensory integration dysfunction (SID) can also be genetic and has been associated with a number of neurological disorders, including TS so the fact that my son has all the 5 sensory issues listed and also is extreme heat/cold sensitive is not IMHO necessarily linked to CO poisoning(which I cannot possibly imagine how he would have been exposed to??) or even to his diagnosed MCS, (which many believe is caused by our modern chemical infiltrated world).... but rather is a direct result of his diagnosed S.I.D (thankfully he doesnt drink or take drugs, even the prescription kind ) SID is believed a developmental or gentically inherited disorder rather than an environmentally acquired one as far as I know
  6. very interesting CP I have long documented the increase in tics/OCD etc that my son has at full moon, and yes, stress is one of his major triggers, so this sounds very logical explanation to me!
  7. Michael, I was going to suggest one of those holistic water fountains...my son uses it and soothes him to sleep...but then saw your trauma/water thing so no good for you btw in addition to pursuing that MCS dx maybe also consider one for sensory integration dysfunction as that may help you get accommodations needed at work too
  8. Hi Melissa yes, there are many posts on the forum related to Candida. We used Candida Clear by NOW very effectively, along with specialized diet (great book is The Yeast Syndrome by Walker & Trowbridge that has excellent recipes at the back) the supplements you mention are great for helping with tics, but wont do too much to make a dent in the OCD stuff My son used to take mainly 5HTP and Methionine for his OCD, and it made a dramatic difference for him! but now finds Inositol optimum (we use the Jarrow powder from iHerb as most cost effective.) He takes around 8gm daily when in wane mode and ups to 16 gm daily when he feels waxing. The Natural Calm magnesium citrate powder mix has proven to be best form of magnesium for him, along with epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) tubs or foot baths if you take a look at the link I have in my signature you will see what helped him. I need to update it with his current info as he no longer takes all those supps but instead uses an excellent Jarrow multi powder that he blends into a smoothie each morning, and the Natural Calm at night. He has Crohn's Disease as well, and interestingly, one of the anti-inflammatory blends he takes for that, contains Boswellia, which we have learned also helps with OCD
  9. Hi Melissa this merging and morphing of TS tics and OCD is termed "tourettic OCD" it is the aspect of TS that bothered my son the most before the series of alternative and nutritional treatments that we introduced some years back, that have stabilized both his tics and OCD. The OCD was so bad that it totally controlled his life almost 10years ago. he will soon be 20yo and doing just great. He still has minor tics that wax and wane, and his OCD is far more of a mild eccentricity than the overpowering obsessions and compulsions that used to rule his life In addition to the nutritional methods (diet and supplements) he has found acupuncture very helpful. As he has grown up, we have found interestingly that his OCD responds differently to different supplements, so it has been trial and error sometimes, but such a relief when the right supp at the right dose "fits" We did try meds initially but with disastrous results as the side effects triggered many severe problems for him, so do approach any prescription drug intervention with great caution and foreknowledge He also had Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with a therapist who had many OCD patients, and some with TS too. He learned tremendous coping skills during those sessions. Many CBT specialists do incorporate aspects of what ERP therapy uses, so you may find it easier to locate a CBT therapist close to you whichever therapy you decide on, do please be sure the therapist has an understanding of TS as well as OCD and is a compassionate personality. We did encounter one who was very domineering, and more interested in molding my son into her concept of who he should be, rather than helping him be himself, without being plagued by the OCD. If you find your child isnt relating well to the therapist, it is best to move on to hopefully find one with a better level of communication as that makes all the difference IMHO hope you find ways to help your child too
  10. glad to hear that Michael my son had a 504 plan at school and so they were legally bound to provide accommodations documented for his disabilities and dx as sensory integration dysfunction is recognized as a comorbid condition with TS, plus the MCS letter from the doc...we had no problem getting the accommodations he needed
  11. Michael the TSA may be able to give you guidance on this http://www.tsa-usa.org my son has a MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity) diagnosis and so it was pretty easy for us to have accommodations related to perfumes at school...even his teachers were not to wear it, no air fresheners in the rooms etc maybe you can get the diagnosis and therefore have the leverage. Our was given by the Integrative doc we were seeing at the time
  12. Patty just correcting the spelling...it is Tamar Chansky...her books on OCD are excellent the techniques you mention are also incorporated into aspects of CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy)
  13. Hi and welcome I have a link in my signature below on what helped my son http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=687 We also have some helpful threads together here http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2459 Magnesium seems to be a key supplement for reducing tics. Bonnie Grimaldi (who has a Bontech range of supplements) has also done research on the magnesium need which she has on her website http://www.bonniegr.com Our administrator, Sheila Rogers, has written an excellent book on natural ways to treat TS and tics http://www.latitudes.org/book.html there is a lot of helpful info on the Latitudes website too http://www.latitudes.org/index.html hope that helps to get you started
  14. seems more likely reacting to the fried than the chicken IMHO do you mix your own batter or do you use a pre-made one...the ready made mixes usually have MSG in them as do the chicken nuggets from everywhere, including Chic filA . McDonalds etc MSG is a major tic trigger it seems to me that slight neck tic and slight problems sleeping are not really indications of being triggered tho???
  15. a pharmacist friend also told me that the Live Flumist nasal vaccine carries risk of Bell's Palsy
  16. Hi Bonnie yup we have been thru the smells too....for my son it was definitely one of his Tourettic OCD blends
  17. some people with TS are fine with milk/dairy my son is one of those
  18. Aquaphor is IMHO the fastest acting and most effective hydrating lotion are you drinking plenty of water too? real important for hydration of whole body and my son also finds if he doesnt drink enough water his tics increase. he has never liked plain water, but has learned to just get it in
  19. my son had very positive results from CST
  20. Hi braveheart yes, finding a good doctor who thinks outside the textbook is a challenge I looked in the DAN doctor registry online and found this guy Jerrold J. Kartzinel, M.D. * Thoughtful House Center for Children 3001 Bee Caves Road Austin, Texas 78746 tel: 512-732-8400 I have no idea if he has experience treating tics or anything else about him, so this is not a recommendation! But you could call the center and ask whether he has treated children with tics,Tourette etc etc and then decide whether to make an appointment. You could also check into the other physicians working at that center if I come across any others, I will let you know
  21. Hi Krista I moved your post here to the PANDAS forum as the parents here really are best experienced to answer your questions hope this helps
  22. Dee many health stores carry olive leaf extract we always keep some here, along with Monolaurin both are excellent natural antimicobials
  23. Hi San online iherb is by far the lowest I have found for the natural calm line of products http://www.iherb.com The Vitamin Shoppe chain of local health stores also has it, not as low as iherb but still reasonable and they frequently have sales discounting it they are also online at http://www.vitaminshoppe.com hope that helps
  24. Maryann the "regular" flu kills people every year sadly with this new vaccine rushed through and untested, and the history of people getting Guillaine Barre syndrome from the last swine flu vaccines, plus all the other vaccine concerns for our kids, I personally would not have the vaccine..... but as with all vaccines it is a personal decision
  25. Hi and welcome do you reprimand her for sucking her thumb? If so it may just be that she has developed this as a substitute and so it may not be an actual tic, but more a psychological/emotional reaction to having the comfort factor of sucking her thumb designated as a no no if it is a tic, and she has no others, I would honestly just try to ignore it and it will likely resolve. transient tics are very common in young kids. the more you draw attention to it tho, the harder it will be for her to stop JMHO
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