dee45 Posted July 13, 2009 Report Posted July 13, 2009 Goodluck to everyone who has appointment with Dr. Sims please keep us posted on your outcome--look forward to hearing your experiences. Deanna
Chemar Posted July 13, 2009 Report Posted July 13, 2009 one of the reasons this forum functions, with so many positive results, is that we really DO think "outside of the box" and for me that also means asking many many questions rather than just blindly jumping on every new bandwagon that passes through Asking questions about treatment techniques and costs, and also looking critically at what physicians claim about *any* treatment, is *essential* IMHO. That doesnt negate something investigates it..... and if it is good, it will stand the test and be proven good. I am not sure what can possibly be gained by a newbie coming on here just to reprimand, and then refusing to share their positive experience . my goodness...if I had taken that attitude after all the times I got dissed about supplements and other alternative treatments on other forums no one would ever have benefited from my son's experiences oh well....glad things worked for your child newtotics
ccc Posted July 13, 2009 Author Report Posted July 13, 2009 Okay I have seen Dr. Sims today. Here is what happened. My son at the time of the visit was having eye and jaw tics. Dr. Sims first explained how he came across this knowledge and how it works. When he expalins it it makes sense. It is not new information he has come up with just understanding of the role of the cranial nerves have. The temporary device he uses is basically tongue depressers ( like doctor's use to look in your throat) and cuts them to the right size for the patient. For my son he started with two then added three in height to adjust his bite. The problam for my son was that he had to hold it still and in a specific location for it to work. Because he is 9 and trying to hold still is hard for him. As I know it would be for most TS people. When he would get it rigth his eyes would stop but only for a few seconds because he would have moved it. I was frustrated because I could not see results long enough. Dr. Sims did not push us to order the device and said we could take the temporary back to the hotel and wait until tomorrow. When I asked my son if he noticed a difference he said yes. When he had it in his mouth just right the urge to tic went away. Dr. Sims said that he can not gaurentee that all tics will go away but tries to get at least 95% of them gone if he can not get 100%. We went ahead and ordered the device and the total was around 5000.00. That did inculde everything even an adjustment in 6 to 9 months. I wish I could tell everyone that I had great news tonight but it will not be until Thursday when we get the device that I will be able to truly no if this works. I still have faith that it will and have confidence in Dr. Sims. Good luck to all those coming soon.
Dalit Posted July 13, 2009 Report Posted July 13, 2009 We are scheduled to see Dr. Sims August 24th (flying in from LA, all of us. Noga's brother insisted he has to be there for her too, so we thought we'll see DC as well). I talked today with another mom who saw Dr. Sims. They too had tried many things before (candida diet, NAET, etc') but were not successful. Her son has had the device since March, but since he lost a tooth and had a little trouble wearing the device 24hr, he's really been with it for about a month and a half. Her son had many tics but mostly severe OCD. She says that for her son tics stopped immediately while the retainer is in. In the begining they used to come back the moment the retainer was taken out, but now they dont anymore. She said that OCD has improved (as she said it) "a hundred thousand percent" but still not gone completely, and Dr. Sims told her it may take a few more months to be gone. She said that Dr. Sims has experienced rejection from the medical community (he approached a hospital and asked them to let him treat ten patients with tourette, so they can see the results, and was refused) and says it is up to parents to spread the word. By the way, in case that for someone it is closer, she told me there's another dentist in Minneapolis who treats similarly, but didnt have any details. I am reading every day to hear if anyone has additional info about it, and will post as soon as i can after we see Dr. Sims. Dalit
lss Posted July 13, 2009 Report Posted July 13, 2009 Dalit said: We are scheduled to see Dr. Sims August 24th (flying in from LA, all of us. Noga's brother insisted he has to be there for her too, so we thought we'll see DC as well). I talked today with another mom who saw Dr. Sims. They too had tried many things before (candida diet, NAET, etc') but were not successful. Her son has had the device since March, but since he lost a tooth and had a little trouble wearing the device 24hr, he's really been with it for about a month and a half. Her son had many tics but mostly severe OCD. She says that for her son tics stopped immediately while the retainer is in. In the begining they used to come back the moment the retainer was taken out, but now they dont anymore. She said that OCD has improved (as she said it) "a hundred thousand percent" but still not gone completely, and Dr. Sims told her it may take a few more months to be gone. She said that Dr. Sims has experienced rejection from the medical community (he approached a hospital and asked them to let him treat ten patients with tourette, so they can see the results, and was refused) and says it is up to parents to spread the word. By the way, in case that for someone it is closer, she told me there's another dentist in Minneapolis who treats similarly, but didnt have any details. I am reading every day to hear if anyone has additional info about it, and will post as soon as i can after we see Dr. Sims. Dalit Good to hear Dalit, Can I ask if this information was from ryansmom from the othe mommy website? Did this mom that you spoke with, did she say what type of tics her child has/had, ie, motor or vocal tics? We too, were already planning a vacation to DC, so we figured, why not stop and see Dr. Sims. Keep us posted. Linda
dee45 Posted July 14, 2009 Report Posted July 14, 2009 Hi, Was just curious if the device was beneficial for all tics ??? My son 's tics involve his head did not know if this was something to look into. Deanna
Dalit Posted July 14, 2009 Report Posted July 14, 2009 Linda, Deanna, It was not ryansmom from the other forum, although I spoke with her too. The lady's name is Gail, and you can get her phone number from Dr. Sims' office (I do not feel comfortable passing her phone number because I did not ask her permissiom, but I'm sure she'll be happy to speak with you. She was very nice, and very happy and relieved). Her son is about ten, and his tics were all over, blinking, spitting, coughing and body tics like dragging the leg. She kept repeating that the OCD was very bad, fears, hand washing, unable to touch anything siblings touched. Dalit
lss Posted July 14, 2009 Report Posted July 14, 2009 Dalit said: Linda, Deanna, It was not ryansmom from the other forum, although I spoke with her too. The lady's name is Gail, and you can get her phone number from Dr. Sims' office (I do not feel comfortable passing her phone number because I did not ask her permissiom, but I'm sure she'll be happy to speak with you. She was very nice, and very happy and relieved). Her son is about ten, and his tics were all over, blinking, spitting, coughing and body tics like dragging the leg. She kept repeating that the OCD was very bad, fears, hand washing, unable to touch anything siblings touched. Dalit Thanks Dalit, I thought about asking for "references" at Dr. Sims' office, so I'll call tomorrow. Linda
faith Posted July 14, 2009 Report Posted July 14, 2009 Thank you to all who have given and shared what info they could in order to help the rest of us decide if this may be a worthwhile endeavor. I've decided to take my son to see Dr. Sims and have an appt. next week on the 21st. I want people here to know that I really do believe in all the dietary interventions and other natural treatments that we learn about and share here. I have had some success, but mostly when he was a bit younger. My son is 10, and i just want everyone to understand that these things have not worked absolutely for us, mainly because I have had a hard time adhering to the principles. My child just does not understand that he can't have certain things, and he was having things he should not almost on a daily basis. I think my son probably has many triggers, and as he gets older, I have less and less control, so I have just been doing the best I can with what I got to work with, so to speak. So I just want it to be understood that its not that these things "don't work" for my son, it is more because I just have not had success in keeping him compliant. (Much of the reason I give in alot is because he is very skinny and I struggle with thinking I am keeping too much hi calorie foods away from him). If I could do a better job with all this, I may have been able to keep my son's tics very mild and not noticeable. I have also seemed to have some problems with certain amino acid supplements that caused some waxing, so i am a little shy of trying new supplements with him. Many here have had enough success to keep thier kids tics to a minimum, and I totally believe it is possible, it just depends on what level the child is on in the first place, some have minimal tics, some moderate, some start off moderate and get better as they grow older, and some may go the other way. My son is not showing any signs of his tics getting less as he grows older, it seems more the opposite, so for us..... I desperately need "another way"... Praying for all of you. Faith
dee45 Posted July 14, 2009 Report Posted July 14, 2009 Good Luck Faith, keep us posted about your son's appointment--I really do hope this Dr. can help you and so many others who are seeking his help. take care, Deanna
Toms_Mom Posted July 14, 2009 Report Posted July 14, 2009 Good luck to you Faith! I can definitely relate to you and how hard it is to control their diet as they get older. Supplements have not seemed helpful for my son either or else I am just not able to figure out what would work for him on my own. The only thing I am giving him are digestive enzymes before all meals and snacks. His diet is mostly healthy and organic, but like you I can't do 100%. He will sneak food when he can, kids at school give him junk, and we go out to eat about once a week. I can't watch him 24/7 and don't want to either! My boy is skinny too and very active- he will be turning 9 in August. For the past year I would say he either has no tics or when he does they are mild. I think the digestive enzymes are working for him, but I don't know this for sure of course or if it will continue to go this well. I am following all of the postings on Dr. Sims with great interest and really appreciate everyone posting their experiences. I hope all of you have success and will be praying for you all. Mary
ilovedogs Posted July 14, 2009 Report Posted July 14, 2009 Let us know how it goes, Faith. Since I live in AZ, I'm waiting to see what everyone else finds out before I go calling this doctor myself! Also, my ds already has permanent space maintainers in on his upper teeth and runs along the arch of his mouth so I doubt we'd be able to use Dr Simms device anyway. If I see a major increase in tics, I know I'll be looking further into this dental device. Does anyone know if Dr Simms will work with an ortho or dentist long distance with this device? If my son would need adjustments done or braces eventually we definitely couldn't keep traveling to MD. Of course, my in laws would be ecstatic b/c they're in Baltimore and my mother would try to convince me to move in with her in Virginia!! LOL!
patty Posted July 14, 2009 Report Posted July 14, 2009 Just want to say "thank you" to all who have been posting about Dr. Sims & their experiences. This is quit exciting info. treating ts and/or tics from the craniol nerves perspective. Pat
Gemi Posted July 14, 2009 Report Posted July 14, 2009 newtotics said: Where do I begin...I thought this board was to think outside of the box and to be open to other things...I am new to all of this and am saddened by all the talk of money and doubts...If that is all that is important than don't post.. We to as a family have spoken to Dr Sims and our child has been helped by him...We would have begged and borrowed to see if he could help...And why are the videos on Dr Sims's website not good enough? Do you think they were paid?? Well if you have spoken to or seen Dr Sims you know that it isn't true...I guess just please try and be truthful....He truely can help people... I have chosen not to post my experience ....and I know now that I have made the right decision...Because it just seems that people will pick it apart and hear what they want .. and that is sad in itself.... Good luck to everyone.... I am sorry if I upset anyone .... I do not think post like this will do any good to propagate Dr. Sims. If you do have positive experience with Dr. Sims, than, please, describe it in details. If this is just a statement, than it is pretty offensive for people who post here. All this years I did not post much, but I found many useful advises. As I understood Dr. Sims does not have any one who went through all the stages yet and is tics free. 1. 6-9 month mouth piece. 2. 2-3 years braces. 3. And then I would add another couple of years of wearing retainer and being tics free. So, my calculation would count 6 years and may be even more years taking in count that some of our kids are at a growing stage yet. Plus, do not forget that we know that for some patients with tics the nature takes it course on its own and they can overgrow those tics by themselves. I do not think Dr. Sims has anybody who he treated for even 6 years. On the video I found only one woman which was mentioned going to stage 2. Actually, nurse at Dr. Sims office mentioned that this woman is in braces period. Will this treatment be successful in 6 or 8 years nobody knows; I do not think Dr. Sims can give us this positive answer either. I think Dr. Sims is in need for pioneers who will be willing to go and try this treatment to prove him right. Do I personally believe that Dr. Sims is right? For all this answers regarding my daughter’s condition the cranial nerve problem seams now to me the most reasonable one. Regarding the financial part,. $5000 is not all charges that we would have to face. There is also charge for the braces, which if you go with Dr. Sims would come to $7800 + retainers + hotels + flights. You would easily arrive to x-amount of total. Do everybody here is cable to carry this financial charges I do not know, but what I do know that I have no rights to blame any one who is asking questions and ready to share experiences. For some of us this amount is nothing, for some is OK, and for some it is awfully lots of money, especially with this financial situation all over the country. Only time and pioneers, who will go with this treatment, can prove that this theory works. That was some of my thoughts.
ccc Posted July 14, 2009 Author Report Posted July 14, 2009 I did not mean that 5000.00 would cover the braces. That was only for the visit and the expense of the device. Sorry if I confused anyone. I think that some patients are still wearing the device opposed to going to stgae 2. I know the young man in the video that had the severe shoulder and neck tic is still wearing the device but is better. He committed that he was married now and has two kids. I did not ask why he did not get braces yet. I do know that it is different when they are adults tryig to go thru this because he are not growing anymore and it is harder to change the jaw at that time.
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