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Everything posted by kim

  1. Doctors Against Research? By David Kirby on the Huffington Post blog. http://tinyurl.com/j3qum Here's the bad news: If you are a pregnant woman reading this, there is a 1-in-166 chance that your child will develop autism, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If it's a boy, the odds are about 1-in-80; twin boys, half that.
  2. Mommy 007, I FINALLY found this. http://www.vaccineshoppe.com/US_PDF/Menomu....4875_12.03.pdf This vaccine is confusing. I believe this is the one (or one of two) that kids the age of our older children would get. It appears from this that it comes in single dose vials which are preservative free, AND a multi dose vial of ten WHICH DOES CONTAIN THIMEROSAL. Kim
  3. Carolyn, I think the switch in Dr.s is a great move! I'm so happy that you were able to find one, and in your insurance network, gotta that! Kim
  4. flower, Just wanted to add that my son's were both given soy formula as infants. IMO there are TOO MANY scarey things about this stuff, especially when used as infant formula, and I would be very leary about using a soy replacement for milk. http://tuberose.com/Soy.html Soybeans are high in phytic acid, present in the bran or hulls of all seeds. It's a substance that can block the uptake of essential minerals--calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and especially zinc--in the intestinal tract. Although not a household word, phytic acid has been extensively studied; there are literally hundreds of articles on the effects of phytic acid in the scientific literature. Scientists are in general agreement that grain- and legume-based diets high in phytates contribute to widespread mineral deficiencies in third world countries Kim
  5. Sunshine, Yes, Houston enzymes can be sprinkled on foods, mixed in drinks etc. You can't put them in anything hot, warm to the touch if fine. I believe if you mix them in something, then refrigerate, they will be ok for about 2-4 hours (you would want to double check that). Some Mom's will melt chocolate, let it cool until just warm to touch, mix in the enzymes, put drops on wax paper and freeze, then they give their child a chocolate enzyme wafer. Houston also has chewables. They're more expensive though. If you mixed the powder from the capsule in food, you would want your son to kind of rinse his mouth with a drink. If the powder is in contact with the lips, or tissue in the mouth too long, you may get a little irritation. Since you have just had a strep infection, you may want to carefully read this again. I have copied this and have been piecing things together, little by llittle. This has been an amazing "eye opener" to me. It fits so much of what has gone on with my boys. It even ties in my oldest son's osteochondroma (bony growth, looks like he has 2 ankle bones on inner ankle). http://www.autismanswer.com/articles/yasko...citotoxins.html from above link: Consequently, the net results of streptococcal infection are depletion of Vitamin K levels, decreased glutathione levels, decreased sulfhydryl protein levels, over stimulation of the immune system, increased TNF alpha levels (which trigger OCD, facial tics, etc.), potential autoimmune responses and inflammatory reactions against the GAGs in the GI tract. You can google TNF alpha (Tumor necrosis factor-alpha). I am going to include a link describing an osteochondroma. Notice the GAGs and the disrupted heparin sulfate chains. Ties in pretty neatly with Amy Yaskows theorie on the autoimmune funtion in relation to strep. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.f...l=pubmed_DocSum I have always suspected sulfur problems were involved in my youngest sons eating patterns, along with disrupted sugar metabolism. It's amazing to get a hold of so much info. in one place. As far as you're allergist's remarks, these people need a good swift kick in the ***!!!! Kim
  6. Yes Irena I should be asleep! http://www.mercola.com/2005/jun/28/fluoride_bones.htm I have a particular interest in this too. I will tell you about it when I have a little more time. It has many links to studies, etc. Kim
  7. mommy007, Here is a link. http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/rr5407a1.htm There are several statements in this first one, that either make no sense to me or cause concern. I love the statement about adding this might strengthen the role of the preadolescent visit, under summary. The other thing is, it looks like immunity may be greatly diminished after 3 years? Notice the occurance compared to the adverse events. A lot to consider. I will not be vaccinating my 13 yr. old for this now, but will be keeping my eye on the cases in our area. Here are some other links. http://www.wnho.net/vaccinationnews.htm http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-...G=Google+Search Would LOVE to hear what someone else makes of this, after spending some time with it. Kim
  8. Irena & Lisa, Your welcome and I'm not great (thanks Irena), just a Mom who is determined to help my son's and anyone else that might benefit from something I'm learning, if at all possible. Then, as Andy has pointed out a few times, there are some Dr.s that kind of dabble in this, but aren't really that experienced. If we end up needing anything more extensive than what we're doing now, I want to know what is going into my kids, and why. Irena, after you mentioned Stans rashes, I started looking at Psoriasis last night. I have a patch of this under one elbow and a little on the back of my head. Looks like another hyper immune response, which I had heard before, but never paid that much attention to (takes on a new meaning now). What I had NEVER heard before, was that there is a form of this that is brought on by a strep infection. It doesn't appear to be the form I have, but I did find this interesting. Had to tell you too Irena, I understand your concern and the conflict btwn views with your husband. My husband is really supportive and tolerant with the time I spend on the computer, but he will bring my youngest son home a doughnut and chocolate milk some weekend mornings. I have told him, it's easy when you're not the one dealing with the majority of this. Luckily, it seems a lot is behind us, for the most part, but it is NOT forgotten. Probably by the time I'm able to relax about all of this, it will be time for Grandchildren Can you just about imagine me for a mother-in-law? I'll be trying to get a peak in every girls mouth, that they might date, to make sure they don't have any fillings. I'll insist she nurses, never bottle feeds. There will be a check list of pesticide exposure and I will want to know the family history of ANY auto immune disfunction. Only natural birth will be tolerated. Immunizations, well I won't even go there. I'll have to approve of any and all. She will have to sign something swearing to never have a flouride treatment for the child. If I see anything that could possibly be painted with lead, it will promptly need to be sealed in plastic and removed. Organic baby food. Pass a written and oral exam on excitotoxins, and if the infant is male, joint custody with Grandmama. I think I better leave the country. Kim
  9. Flower, You're welcome! This is a site that you may want to look at. I'm posting the link for magnesium, but there is one for calcium and many others. I use magnesium taurate for my boys, that I order from the Bontech site. There are so many forms of these things, I still get confused when I try to buy things individually. I have found this to be really easy to read. http://www.enzymestuff.com/magnesium.htm It was written by a woman named Karen Defelice who is the author of this book. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/097259186...glance&n=283155 Also, the director of this forum, Sheila Rogers has published a book Tics and Tourette's: Breakthrough Discoveries in Natural Treatments. http://www.latitudes.org/book.html http://www.latitudes.org/about.html I have not read either of these books, but I hear they are both excellent. Kim
  10. Steph, Just wanted to 2nd what Chemar said. I'm sure this is a frightening time, and I hope you find comfort here knowing that there are many who care, and will be waiting for updates. Kim
  11. Carolyn, I'm so glad your feeling better and are pleased with the results! Kim
  12. Irena, In last link that I posted to Lisa in the above message, there is information about certain blood types, that seems to be tying into what your Dr. is doing with Stas, and the food choices. Very interesting, about these blood types. I don't know what to say about the tics lessening. I have read it both ways. With my oldest son, it sure would appear that they have lessened and flairs are WAY fewer and farther btwn, but how much is related to the interventions that we have taken, and what is age related, I can't say. I'm hoping the things were doing for my 9 yr old will help him make it through this period easier too. So glad to hear things improved quickly there. Kim
  13. Lisa, We sure are walking a fine line aren't we? Knowing when to back off and not give too much information, and let these guys be kids vs. keeping them healthy. I know there was a point where seemingly overnite things changed for my oldest son with responsibility. He was easier to reason with, no more home work battles. One thing I have noticed with him (13), he doesn't mind taking his supplements at all, but I have to get them for him. I think when he goes to do it, we have probably 15 bottles in this area, it's overwhelming for him. He stands there and says "OK, what do I need to take". He has been taking vit. C, bonnies vits, a fish oil,and occasionally extra mag and calcium for a long time. We have dropped extra zinc with him, unless he gets sick, or just occasionally since he doesn't even get the RDA in the minimal amount of Bonnie's vits that he takes. Anyway, If I put everything out for him to take, no problem, but he hates looking at those bottles. We have zyrtec, 3 bottles of enzymes, my vitamins, two strengths of calcium, extra pantothentic acid etc. etc. all in the same place. It finally came to me that he's not being lazy, he just doesn't want to sort through the stuff! Since you mentioned taurine, I wanted to post this as I had it saved, and it laid out the importance of it here to me. It really convinced me of the need for taurine with my youngest son, since he hasn't been within 4 ft. of meat for years. Also, I'm curious if anyone has any experience with GABA? I have found Amy yoskows site to be really informative. Her view on vitamin K is also interesting and not something I have heard others talk about, but it could be important for my youngest son. They gave my new great neice a shot of vitamin K right after she was born. I didn't know why. Since the flora isn't established in an infant, the vit k. isn't being produced and it's given in the rare event that there is bleeding (brain). Vit K will help blood clot. Apparently this is routine. First I knew of it. Now, OF COURSE, when I got to investgating it, there is a camp that says oral is fine, but some studies showed injected vit K. could have some problems. This is my interputation, as always, if anyone has any interest, please do your research. I'm only half awake reading this stuff sometimes. Anyway........The interplay btwn. taurine, Glutamate and GABA is pretty interesting. http://www.holistichealth.com/supplement.htm Disclaimer from her site: *The following descriptions of nutritional supplements do not necessarily represent the "classic" uses that are ascribed to these supplements and herbs. Rather it is information based upon my experience and my personal opinions after using these materials. Please note that any suggestions for use, as well as nutritional supplements themselves are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure disease. Any suggestions or comments are based on the authors experience and knowledge without the benefit of your history. Please consult with your physician or healthcare provider before using these or any other supplements. Taurine- This is an amino acid that is not considered as an essential amino acid in the body. However, individuals who do not eat a lot of red meat are deficient in taurine. Taurine may be useful to the liver by increasing bile output. This helps in the digestion and assimilation of fats and fat-soluble vitamins. Taurine is very useful in controlling imbalances in glutamate and GABA. It may be that taurine is helpful in curtailing the rapid outpouring of glutamate that is associated with seizures and epilepsy. This is a situation that is encountered in neurological inflammation (autism, ALS, Parkinson’s, MS, Alzheimer’s) as well as epilepsy. Taurine is reported to be useful in helping individuals with kidney disease, helping to stabilize blood pressure, and those with low blood sugar issues. GABA- This is a calming neurotransmitter in the body that helps to balance glutamate. It should be useful to help decrease stress, and increase speech, eye contact, and social interactions. GABA comes in several forms and it will be a bit of trial and error to determine which is best. GABA Calm seems to work well for many individuals during the day; it melts in the mouth like a lozenge. For those who do not like the taste or prefer to swallow a pill, GABA is also available as a supplement to be swallowed. ZEN (GABA and Theanine) is nice to take later in the evening as it helps with sleep and stress. Glutamate http://www.unifr.ch/biochem/DREYER/Neurotr...s/glutamate.htm Glutamate is considered the principle excitatory amino acid in the CNS. Its role in cellular metabolism is well known. Glutamate is distributed widely throughout the neuroaxis. Binding of glycine increases the ability of glutamate to activate the channel apparently. It is unclear if this is the site that Nitric oxide acts. Tons of info on gutamate and the info. on vit K here http://www.autismanswer.com/articles/yasko...citotoxins.html Kim
  14. Hi flower, So glad you found this site, and hope you have had time to read through more posts since your first message. There is so much information here, on yeast and allergy testing, and the type of Dr.s and testing that can be the most beneficial. It may be good that you take a little time to read and ask questions before you start making appts. There is a ton to learn! There are so many reasons you may not be seeing improvements with the things you are trying so far. I'm going to post a link to a site that I order my sons vitamins from. Even if your not interested in the Bontech supplements, it's a useful site to read through. http://www.bonniegr.com/index.htm Keep reading here and ask questions when ever you need to. Use the search box at the bottom left to help find topics you suspect may pertain to your situation. Please don't be discouraged that you haven't seen results yet. You may not be taking absorbable forms of the supplements that you're using, they may not be the right dosage for your needs, lots of things to work through. A good Dr. experienced in Alternative or Integrative therapies is usually very useful in helping you sort through it all. There are also specific tests that many have found extremly helpful, instead of guessing . Again, welcome and I hope you find the information here as helpful as I have! Kim
  15. Sunshine, That's great news about the gluten and enzymes. If you get a chance, I'd be really interested to hear what ones you're using. Did you have IgG testing for gluten? Kim
  16. Carolyn, I am assuming these are pretty good results, especially considering the slower protocol your using. Would either of these test have shown enough iron being pulled to make your specs magnetic? Sure hope your achy feelings gotten better. Are you going to continue on this course? Kim
  17. Irena, Just wanted to add that my 13 yr. old son said he thought you should let your son go. I told him that your sons tics were vocal and motor and his Mom was afraid he wouldn't watch his diet closely enough. He said that 5 days wasn't that long, and you could get back on track when he got home. I KNOW how hard this decision is for you, especially when you see a difference when overseeing things. I don't think my oldest son's tics are as closely related to diet, more to virus and infections. I have been where you are, just recently. My son was asked by one of the school counselors to go on a 3 day weekend to a camp for the Disney Sponsored Natural Helpers Program. I was pretty proud because students apply for this. My guy was called out of class and was invited This is a program where kids are "trained" to help other students with problems, and taught how to encourage a student having difficulties to talk to the school counselors. I worried about his diet, being in the woods and allergies, just worried period. He did fine! (He's also prone to poison Ivy). I was reading an exchange btwn a couple of young adults, talking about letting their Mom's handle everything to do with their tourettes. One young man (22) was saying how angry he used to get when therapists would tell him to take responsibility. He said he wished he could apologise now, because they were right. This was not in regards to diet, but I think the point is still, that we have to involve the older kids in this process, and give them some control over these decisions, and just be there to help pick up the pieces when things get off track. Kind of like any other area of parenting! My oldest son has held up a can of Dr. Pepper that he has brought home from a neighbors house, and I have shrugged and told him it was his decision, and he had to listen to his body, and decide what affected him, and what didn't. I would not have this attitude, if things were more severe though, and we have been at this for a while now. I think that was a lot harder earlier on. Is it a possibility to get the camp to work with you on food issues? Maybe you could send some of your own things? With all of the food allergies, I think most places are pretty used to working with parents. The information from Andy Cutler, and that forum is really something isn't it? I so hope that you get involved with the translating for Autism Irena. It's obvious that you're zooming right through this. I just bet you will end up being a big help to more than your son. It's wonderful you are in touch with a DAN Dr. too. That is great news! Kim
  18. Irena, After reading your post this morning, it prompted me to do something I have been thinking about for quite a while. I called the hospital where my son's were born, and requested their birth records. I don't know my boys blood types. The PANDA's stuff, made me want to know this, it's probably a good thing to know anyway. Things that I have in their baby books from the hospital, say B+, but that appears to be my blood type, not theirs. The girl in medical records asked me why I wanted it. I told her that one thing I wanted to know was if my oldest son had received the birth dose of HEP B. I also told her that I wanted to know their blood types. She said it was good that I had told her that, because it would not have routinely been included, if it was even typed, and the immunization info. wouldn't have been either unless requested. I read somewhere that many of these birth doses have gone unrecorded. Possibly not passed on in Pediatric records, but reported to the State? Apparently, this info has to be requested from a storage company, and she filled out the request over the phone. It really just amounted to name and date of birth. It cost 51 cents per page. She said I can come in and sign a release and pick it up next Monday. Both boys had something tramatic about their births, although totally different. These reports will be interesting although maybe a little scarey. I have read where many things happened that parents were totally unaware of, after getting these records. I think I posted somewhere here before, that I'm pretty sure my youngest son had some type of a seizure the first evening in the hospital. I know he had the birth dose of HEP B. I will let you know if I find out their blood type. I wish I could help you out on the away from home diet issues. My Oldest son, is pretty good at reading labels. He loves the flavored water in the school vending machines, but read Aspartame, and knew not to drink it. He will put his foot down and eat somethings though. Cookie dough ice cream, is a battle. I find the diets, whether it oxylates, phenols, MSG and excitotoxins/natural glutamate, gluten/casein, special carb diets, to be overwhelming myself. I have chosen to use enzymes, get them to eat as healthy as resonably possible. I'm always on the lookout for good things for the gut too. I recently started my youngest son on Nordic Naturals EFA's. It's a lemon flavored 3 6 9. He seems to be tolerating it well, and I will up him to two a day, probably in another week. My oldest takes Bonnies fish oil only. My oldest son spends a lot more time away from home. Again, he knows if he's screwing up too much, and will back off junk on his own. My youngest son, would not go away for more than 1 night. He is very self conscious about his limited diet, and will not eat in front of other people. Junk food he'd eat in front of anyone (his beloved sweets/pretzels) but not his standard concoctions of pizza sauce, string cheese, green pepper etc. Part 2, after kids are in bed!
  19. *ALERT OVER NEW 5-IN-1 BABY JABS* EXCLUSIVE By Lucy Johnston HEALTH EDITOR SUNDAY EXPRESS MAY 14 2006 FRONT PAGE STORY http://www.express.co.uk/ Brain damage fears after trial results show that two-thirds of patients experience bad reaction Babys given the new five-in-one jab face a risk of convulsions, brain damage or even death. Results of medical trials by the firm which makes the vaccine have revealed that the "superdose" vaccination, which was introduced 18 months ago, can have serious side-effects. The five-in-one is designed to protect children against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, Hib influenza and polio in a single shot. Evidence from the vaccine's manufacturers, Sanofi Pasteur, shows that in clinical trials 64 per cent of 451 babies given the Pediacel jab experienced bad reactions. Ten per cent of these were "moderate to severe". These included convulsions, loss of consciousness and high-pitched or persistent inconsolable crying. Other studies showed that components of the vaccine can cause breathing difficulties, blue discolouration of the skin due to lack of oxygen, swelling of the brain, low blood pressure and extreme allergic shock. The document prepared for the Medicines Healthcare Regulatory Authority and publicised by What Doctors Don't Tell You, a monthly newsletter that questions conventional medicine, has angered doctors and MPs. Professor Steve Webb, Liberal Democrat health spokesman, criticised the Government saying: "I am very concerned that these apparently wide spread side-effects have not been disclosed. The Government should investigate these concerns urgently". Dr Richard Halvorsen, a London GP who specialises in innoculations said: "I'm concerned that this five-in-one is overloading a child's immune system. "The risks of vaccinations have been played down by the Government and parents have been fobbed off with bland reassurances". And Dr Peter Mansfield, who won a case against the doctor's governing body, the General Medical Council, for refusing to give the combined controversial measles, mumps and rubella to infants, said: "This is scandalous. We're vaccinating babies when their immune systems are not ready". Jackie Fletcher from the vaccine damage support group JABS, is also concerned. She said: "The Department of Health is failing to acknowledge the dangers of the vaccines and the damage they can cause. It claims the five-in-one is perfectly safe, but clearly it is not. "The only person taking a risk here is the baby and parents are not being given correct information about it". Health officials claim it is safer than the four-in-one-jab it replaced which contained the controversial preservative mercury, which has been linked with autism. The new jab is also deemed to be safer because it contains inactivated polio to remove the risk that children could contract polio paralysis from the old oral vaccine that contained a live sample of the virus. However, the revelations will ignite debate about the over-use of innoculations and could hinder Government plans to bring in an even more intensive vaccination programme that will see children receiving 25 vaccines in 12 injections by the time they are two. The new proposed schedule contains the controversial MMR jab, the five-in-one jab, a new pneumococcal vaccine and the meningitis C vaccine. When the five-in-one was launched the Government vaccine chief urged parents: " Please do not delay having your child vaccinated. Our vaccines are extremely safe." Nicholas Kitchin, medical director of Sanofi Pasteur, insisted: "There are fewer side-effects with the five-in-one than were reported with the older four-in-one vaccine. "All drugs and vaccines have potential side-effects, which parents should be aware of and these are listed in the information leaflet included with every dose of the vaccine. Severe reactions are rare and the benefits of vaccination far outweigh the risks." A spokeswoman for the Department of Health added: "The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation thoroughly assesses the evidence on the safety and efficacy of all new vaccines before they are added to the childhood immunisation programme. Pediacel has an excellent record. "Every parent is informed about the potential side effects of every vaccine in a guide which is given to parents by health visitors." SUNDAY EXPRESS MAY 14 2006 OPINION Health chiefs must act now on five-in-one vaccine fears The Government must move fast to prove that its new super-drug is completely safe for British babies. The five-in-one vaccination, introduced 18 months ago, was claimed to be a major breakthrough in the fight against childhood killer diseases. The drug, which is intended to provide protection against polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus and meningitis, is given to babies as young as two months and was claimed to be risk-free. But evidence collected by the drug's manufacturer tells a different story. The Sunday Express has revealed that the maker's clinical trials showed that nearly two out of three infants given an injection of its super jab experienced significant side effects. The trials, when linked with other data, revealed a danger that children could suffer convulsions and even run the risk of brain damage. This is devastating news for parents. Some health campaigners warn that the combination of five powerful vaccines adminstered in this way overwhelms a baby's immune system. It is vital that the Department of Health intervenes now to restore public confidence. Every parent knows that no threat to a baby's health is ever tolerable. * The article could have stated: Unhappy with profit potential inherent in adverse reactions to thimerosal and live-virus injections, pharmaceutical executives - in order to "deliver a hefty payload" - have been aggressively pushing an MMRV and also a 5-in-1 jab. Wall Street insiders predict that, after a period of public (herd) discontent, the 4 in 1 and 5 in 1 vaccines will induce sufficient damage so as to keep pharma profits soaring. * The material in this post is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html http://oregon.uoregon.edu/~csundt/documents.htm If you wish to use copyrighted material from this email for purposes that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.
  20. Sunshine, Here is the info. on the book. Did you get anything useful from Dana's site? This is from a post from someone who was waiting for the name of the book too, and Karen B. posted the response: Here is a link with testing from David Cook who wrote the book. http://www.cookvisiontherapy.com/ Here is the book. When your child struggles. Here is the link to preview: http://www.cookvisiontherapy.com/book_struggles.html
  21. Giselle, You have been able to accomplish miracles with Hoyt, and you'll figure this one out too. The emotional elements to TS can be toughies, whether it's anxiety, rage, or what Hoyt may be experiencing. I read somewhere, "if it's mental, it's physical." Look what someone shared recently about hallucinations. I would just bet she'll be here with encouragement, and some wonderful advice. I have a friend who's sister has schizophrenia. I would have NEVER known it. Yes, she takes medications, but pyrulouria (sp) fits their family to a tee and I have wondered about that many times. The voices are just another symptom Giselle. I would search Pub Med and see what deficiencies, or brain chemicals are usually involved. Maybe that would provide a clue on what might be off, with Hoyt right now, if this is truly even a problem. B vits, zinc/copper and your viral panel are the first things that come to my mind. You know I'm no authority here, and I'm sure you will get better advice, but I had to let you know, I'm here for you, however I could possibly help, even if it's just to let you know how much someone else cares. Hugs and Prayers Giselle...Just noticed this saved to favorites. Not even sure why it's there, but I scanned it and it looks like something you may want to read http://www.schizophrenia.com/treatments.htm#vite http://www.acnp.org/g4/GN401000008/Default.htm ... might want to run by Hoyt's Dr? http://www.drlwilson.com/Articles/copper_t...ty_syndrome.htm not sure about the credentials here,(you can read resume) but I have found some parts of this really helpful. Kim
  22. Thanks for the reminder on the salicylate too. Chemar. On Chamomile The main constituents of the flowers include several phenolic compounds, primarily the flavonoids apigenin, quercetin, patuletin, luteolin and their glucosides. Would want to watch for Phenol problems here too.
  23. Chemar, I have the same situation, about working on the computer, but I find I have a hard time staying on task these days. I also pop in frequently, so I will be sure to notify, if I see one of those. Thanks for the recommendation on the other thread too! Kim
  24. These are links that the Dear Teresa Binstock provided to the ASD bd. * * * * May 3, 2006 http://pubs.acs.org/subscribe/journals/est..._pesticide.html * Infant pesticide exposure* *Organophosphates may be more dangerous to small children than previously believed.* Some infants may be far more vulnerable to organophosphate pesticides than previously believed, according to a paper published in /Pharmacogenetics and Genomics/ (*2006*, /16/, 183-190 <http://www.jpharmacogenetics.com/pt/re/pharmgen/abstract.01213011-200603000-00004.htm;jsessionid=E7uZJj6opqZVKKwd9WrO2r5n0ym9lTtBoZRrAiRDybipQHo16giD%21-1551178825%21-949856144%219001%21-1>). The new study "raises the question of whether current standards for safe levels of pesticide exposure are sufficiently protective of a vulnerable population," says Nina Holland, an adjunct professor of environmental health sciences at the University of California, Berkeley, and coauthor of the paper. Current U.S. EPA standards require an extra 10-fold safety factor to protect children <http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/factsheets/kidpesticide.htm> compared with adults. But the new study shows that some newborns may be 65 to 130 times more sensitive to these pesticides than some adults, a level of susceptibility 26 to 50 times higher than previously believed. Of the 130 Latina women who participated in the study with their newborns, more than 40% worked in agriculture during their pregnancies. The Berkeley researchers measured levels of paraoxonase 1, an enzyme that breaks down the toxic metabolites of organophosphates, as a marker for pesticide susceptibility. * Body Burden Case Study: *Organochlorine Pesticides* <http://www.chemicalbodyburden.org/cs_organochl.htm> Chemical body burden is the build-up of synthetic chemicals and heavy metals in our bodies, which can have negative health effects as discussed in this web *...* www.chemicalbodyburden.org/cs_organochl.htm - 20k - <http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&hs=of1&lr=&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&q=related:www.chemicalbodyburden.org/cs_organochl.htm> *ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES* <http://www.scorecard.org/about/txt/organochlorine_pesticides.html> *Organochlorine pesticides* are man-made organic chemicals. *...* Many *organochlorine* *pesticides* are extremely persistent in the environment and in people's *...* www.scorecard.org/about/txt/*organochlorine*_*pesticides*.html - 19k - <http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&hs=of1&lr=&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&q=related:www.scorecard.org/about/txt/organochlorine_pesticides.html> *ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES* <http://www.scorecard.org/chemical-profiles/summary.tcl?edf_substance_id=EDF-175> Chemical Profile for *ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES* (CAS Number: EDF-175). Human Health Hazards; Hazard Rankings; Chemical Use Profile *...* www.scorecard.org/chemical-profiles/summary.tcl?edf_substance_id=EDF-175 - 25k - <http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&hs=of1&lr=&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&q=related:www.scorecard.org/chemical-profiles/summary.tcl%3Fedf_substance_id%3DEDF-175> * [PDF]* CDC's Third National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental *...* <http://www.cdc.gov/exposurereport/pdf/factsheet_organochlorine.pdf> File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - *Organochlorine pesticides* were introduced in the 1940s and persist in the *...* *Organochlorine pesticides* can produce reproductive and neurologic effects in *...* www.cdc.gov/exposurereport/pdf/factsheet_*organochlorine*.pdf - * [PDF]* A Closer Look at *Organochlorine Pesticides* <http://www.akaction.org/fact_sheets/Organochlorine_Pesticide_Fact_Sheet.pdf> File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - *Organochlorine pesticides* are insecticides composed. primarily of carbon, hydrogen, and chlorine *...* Infants are also exposed when *organochlorine pesticides* *...* www.akaction.org/fact_sheets/Organochlorine_Pesticide_Fact_Sheet.pdf - Chemical fact sheet: *Organochlorine* - The Breast Cancer Fund <http://www.breastcancerfund.org/site/pp.asp?c=kwKXLdPaE&b=84567> The Breast Cancer Fund's fact sheet on *organochlorine pesticides*. The Breast Cancer Fund is the only national non-profit organization whose sole focus is to *...* www.breastcancerfund.org/site/pp.asp?c=kwKXLdPaE&b=84567 - 33k - Environmental Health Perspectives: Acceleration of autoimmunity by *...* <http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0CYP/is_3_113/ai_n13559721> Acceleration of autoimmunity by *organochlorine pesticides* in [F.sub.1] mice *...* Three *organochlorine pesticides* with estrogenic effects were administered *...* www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0CYP/is_3_113/ai_n13559721 - 25k * The material in this post is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html http://oregon.uoregon.edu/~csundt/documents.htm If you wish to use copyrighted material from this email for purposes that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.
  25. Giselle, I don't have any links to back this up with, but my understanding is that tylenol can lower glutathione levels. My oldest son had his tonsils out when he was about seven (repeated strep). I think he was on tylenol with codeine for about 2 weeks. He had a hard time recovering from that surgery. They just kept telling me to alternate with the tylenol/co & Motrin. Talk about guilt. I have always felt like motrin worked better for pain and fever anyway with the kids. Then I gave my youngest son Tums for stomach aches. Acid reducer and aluminum, but a small amount did seem to help. I have since read to try peppermint. I still don't know whether he has high or low stomach acid. Amy yaskow's site talks about the benefits of lowering it, but I know too low isn't good either. Have you heard the controversy about reflux symptoms being from too low of stomach acid? For years they have been prescribing acid reducers, but some Dr.s are saying it's the opposite. Wish I knew, but I do think it's important, and something worth noting with our kids. The Pub med study, that looked like an anti inflammatory in conjunction with an antibiotic, improved symptoms. That made me think of the motrin. Dr.s say give tylenol for fever, motrin for pain. Motrin has the anti inflammatory effect. So, thanks for the Kaprex tip. I have been thinking that a nice natural anti inflam. might be worth a little trial, even for allergy stuff. Then there was the Chamomile tea study. That looked like a good place to start. OH oh I'm starting to ramble. I have read a couple of times, I think once was in Natural cures That they Don't Want you to Know About, that giving vinegar will STOP stomach acid problems, by raising it, not lowering it. You may want to ask Hoyt's Dr. if it would be ok to try a little of that, if you think low stomach acid is a problem, or hopefully he will have some, more accurate, info. on all of this. The boys are doing very well. Oldest is having allergy problems. Missed a zyrtec, and it showed. Mood. I'm convinced there is something to the histimine levels and the mind. Talks loud, antsy, even Walks loud. We have been working on a massive social studies project. He did the head shake a couple of times, but said "don't worry, I'm only doing that because of the muscle pain in my neck." Bless his heart. He worries about me, if he has a little tic. Youngest is great tic wise, but no improvements in eating habits. I keep hoping with time the enzymes will help. I still think his sulfur pathways are involved in his eating problems. Your Mag. cream might be a good idea for him, since it provides sulphur. He isn't fond of baths, likes showers better, so epsom salt soaks don't go over very well. kim Wanted to add that olive leaf extract is a pretty popular anti viral on the Autism forums that I read.
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