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Everything posted by kim

  1. Hi Irena, If you're still reading, I just wanted to let you know that I would be happy to share our experience with Bonnie's vitamins with you. I can let you know my son's age, weight, how many we're using etc. Kim
  2. Carolyn, So glad to hear "slow and steady," progress. From what I remember, selenium is supplemented sometimes for detox purposes, but high amounts already present aren't good? Don't know if I have that right or not. Too bad he didn't have the specs results. So curious on that one. Most people just assume, yeast or bacterial die off. Will be interesting! Kim
  3. Simonzl, Here are a couple of sites where can order pyroluria testing. I got these from Braintalk where Carolyn and FJ posted. http://www.pyroluriatesting.com/ Carolyn Bio Center Lab in Wichita, Kansas (Phone: 316-684-7784 or 1-800-494-7785). Here is their web site for more information: http://brightspot.org/biocenter. FJ at Braintalk recommends. Refers to it as Gold Standard for Pyroluria testing. She said you do not need a Dr.s signature to order, in one of her posts. Here is a place you can order a hair mineral/metals test from, no Dr. signature should be required to do this one either and they are using Doctors Data for this test which is supposed to be the one Pfeiffer uses and has the largest data base for hair testing. http://www.directlabs.com/testtypes.php You could also ask your reg. Dr. to do a copper/zinc test for you. I beleive you will get info on zinc from the pyroluria testing though. As Giselle said, probably best to have a Dr. guiding you, but thought I would mention these, as their not that expensive and it is something you could get started on your own if you wanted to. Kim
  4. Get the lead out Article by Dr. Zoltan P. Rona MD MSc Recent concerns that household mini-blinds, readily available in many home product stores everywhere, may be causing lead poisoning in children has put the issue of lead toxicity in the headlines once again. Lead is a toxic metal that finds itself into the human body and accumulates in the brain, central nervous system, bones, glands and hair. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution (1720), over 60 million tons of lead has been added to the North American supply. It is estimated that the bottom sediment of the Great Lakes contains about 20 times more lead than it did 100 years ago. The commonest form of lead exposure and the resulting toxicity is through the ingestion of lead-containing paint, often used indoors in older houses. Ingestion is a primary route of exposure in children. Since lead can go through breast milk, it can build up to high levels in breast-fed infants. Blood lead levels are significantly higher in smokers than nonsmokers and previous smokers. Of the exposed population, 80% with blood lead concentrations above 12 ug (micrograms)/dl (deciliter) are smokers. Aside from paint and tobacco smoke, there is a long list of common lead sources in the environment. MAJOR LEAD SOURCES paint chips lead-based paint tobacco smoke electric cable covering dust in and around homes and buildings solder leaded glass leaded gasoline parental occupations and hobbies pottery glaze newsprint dyes lead-soldered plumbing batteries hair colouring agents and other cosmetics black and colored inks ashes and fumes from burning oil-painted wood soil and air in and around industrialized areas drinking water sewage sludge waste incineration land fills eating food from lead-soldered cans THE FACTS Lead exposure may result in reduced IQ, impaired hearing, and in difficulty maintaining motor control and balance. Children who are exposed to moderate levels of lead may not only suffer from learning disabilities but may also develop more allergies. Elevated levels of lead have been found in some children who suffer from autism. High levels of lead in some individuals can produce a chronic fatigue syndrome type illness, chronic headaches, can reduce sperm counts and inhibit testosterone synthesis, can result in cardiac arrhythmias and damage the membranes of red blood cells, resulting in anemia. In both children and adults, lead exposure may impair kidney function and cause high blood pressure. Children, particularly those under the age of four, often play on the floor, and tend to put their hands in their mouths. They also tend to absorb lead more easily than adults do because their metabolism is faster. Lead affects the child's developing nervous system, especially up to the age of 6, causes hearing impairment, behavioral problems and a lessening of intelligence. Pregnant women should not be exposed to lead dust as lead can interfere with the proper development of the fetus. More than 200,000 children are treated for lead poisoning each year. Lead exposure can cause death. One hundred and thirty-nine lead- related deaths occurred in the United States during the years 1979 through 1988. The death rate was higher in older age groups, higher among males than females and highest among blacks and individuals living in the southern regions of the United States. Nine of 11 children who died were younger than 3 years of age. Three reportedly ingested lead paint, one ingested a lead object, and one ingested some home remedies somehow contaminated with lead. Lead's neurotoxicity is derived from the production of autoantibodies against neural proteins. It is possible that lead and other heavy metals upset the balance between 2 classes of the immune system1s helper T cells in favor of cells that are less able to ward off viral infection. In exposed individuals, neuroantibody levels are typically 1,000 times greater than those in non-exposed persons. Lead competes with calcium, inhibits the release of neurotransmitters and interferes with the regulation of cell metabolism by blocking calcium transport by calcium channels and calcium-sodium ATP pumps as well as by competing for calcium-binding protein sites and uptake by the mitochondria. Dietary deficiencies of calcium, iron and zinc can enhance the effects of lead on cognitive and behavioral development. During pregnancy, lead stored in bone is released and can harm the fetus. Lead also causes skeletal growth abnormalities, antisocial and delinquent behavior as well as asthma. Lead can disrupt bone mineral metabolism and increase the risk of osteoporosis. Studies have consistently demonstrated the presence of a variety of neurotoxic and other adverse health effects of lead at blood lead levels even as low as 10 ug/dl. Federal agencies have redefined child lead poisoning as blood lead levels of 10 ug/dl. Because iron deficiency can enhance lead absorption and toxicity, all children with blood lead levels of 20 ug per dl or higher should be tested for iron deficiency. Studies show that abused and neglected children are often at high risk for lead poisoning. Children who have been abused and neglected are already at risk for learning problems, school failure and maladaptive behavior. Elevated lead levels places these children at further risk for cognitive and behavioral impairment. HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOUR CHILDREN HAVE BEEN EXPOSED? The U.S. Centers for Disease Control suggests you (or your physician) routinely answer/ask a series of five questions. If you answer "yes" to any of the following questions, your child is at high risk for lead exposure and should have his/her blood tested for lead poisoning. 1) Does your child live in a pre-1960 house with peeling, chipping, flaking lead-based paint? Also consider whether this description applies to any daycare, or home of a baby-sitter or relative that your child may visit. 2) Does your child live in or regularly visit a house that's undergoing remodeling or renovation activity? 3) Does your child live with an adult who's exposed to lead in his/her workplace? Occupations include home renovation workers or contractors, positions in battery factories or recycling plants, or lead smelters. These individuals may be bringing home lead dust on their clothing. 4) Does your child live near a battery factory or battery recycling plant or lead smelter. This could mean the general neighborhood is contaminated. 5) Does your child have a sibling or playmate who's currently being tested for lead poisoning? According to the Centers for Disease Control in the U.S., the minimum level of concern is 10 micrograms per deciliter of blood, expressed as 10ug/dL. In Canada, lead levels are often expressed in micromoles per litter (umo1/L ; 10 ug/dL equals .48 umi1/L). Blood tests will only reveal recent or continued exposure. To determine past exposure, hair mineral analysis and special ELISA blood testing available from some USA labs are necessary. Screening by measurements of blood lead is more sensitive and specific than measurement by erythrocyte protoporphyrin, a test still recommended by less enlightened centers. Venous blood samples are preferable to capillary sampling of blood lead levels due to possible contamination. Blood lead test results can be interpreted and managed according to CDC recommended guidelines. Home lead testing kits that allow a person to test for lead in water, paint, glass, ceramics, soil and dust are available in most hardware or home product stores. TREATMENT There is no common approach for the treatment of lead toxicity at present. In the majority of pediatric centers, current management of blood lead elevation did not appear to reflect the new information regarding the effects and treatment of lead poisoning. Health and nutritional counseling is probably the most cost effective means to approach children with exposures less than .97 umol/l (20 ug/dl). Children with lead levels greater than .97 umol/L (20 ug/dL) should receive more involved intervention. Intervention should include reducing the child's body burden and absorption of lead, chelation therapy, treating calcium and iron deficiency and identifying and removing sources of lead. Some foods are effective lead binders (chelators) and help push lead out of the body. High fiber foods, especially those containing pectin (e.g. apples) are especially effective. Other foods that should be eaten in higher amounts are legumes, eggs, onions and garlic. Drinking distilled water and aloe vera juice until lead levels are low are also effective measures. There is evidence that zinc and vitamin C supplementation may be of benefit in children with an above average risk of lead poisoning. Children from low-income families have been shown to be deficient in dietary zinc. Many premature infants are also zinc deficient and at higher risk. Other natural supplements that should be considered in treating lead toxicity are garlic capsules, L-cysteine, L-lysine, N-acetyl- cysteine, L-methionine, bioflavonoids (e.g. grape seed extract, pine bark extract, rutin, hesperidin and catechin), selenium, vitamin E, vitamin A and B complex. CONTACTS FOR MORE INFORMATION Housing and Urban Development, User Line (310) 251-5154, or write: HUD User, P.O. Box 6091 Rockville, Maryland 20850. Can provide report: "Comprehensive and Workable Plan for the Abatement of Lead- Based Paint in Privately Owned Housing." Cost: $3.00 U.S. National Lead Information Clearinghouse: 1-800-424-LEAD. For a brochure on how to protect children from lead poisoning, fact sheets on testing, and a list of state and local contacts who can provide more details, dial the National Lead Information Center's toll-free hotline at (800) 532-3394. EPA's Safe Drinking Water Hotline: 1-800-426-4791 for information about lead in drinking water. Suburban Water Testing Labs, Temple, Penn.: (800) 433-6595, $35. National Testing Laboratories, Cleveland, Ohio: (800) 458-3330, $35. Clean Water Fund, Asheville, N.C.: (704) 251-0518, $17. Consumer Product Safety Commission Hotline; to request information on lead in consumer products or to report an unsafe consumer product or a product-related injury call 1-800-638-2772. (Internet: info@cpsc.gov). You can obtain a lead testing kit for $49.95 ppd. by calling the Lead Institute at 800-532-3837. The Institute also supplies a water- testing kit for $39. 95 ppd. Both prices include lab analysis. REFERENCES Al-Saleh, Iman, A., et al. Lead Exposure in Saudi Arabia and Its Relationship to Smoking. Biometals, 1995;8:243-245. Burns, C.B. and Currie, B., The Efficacy of Chelation Therapy and Factors Influencing Mortality in Lead Intoxicated Petrol Sniffers. Australian New Zealand Medical Journal, 1995;25:197-203. Flaherty, Emalee, Gottbrath. Risk of Lead Poisoning in Abused and Neglected Children, Clinical Pediatrics, March, 1995;128-132. Greene, Lawrence S. Asthma and Oxidant Stress: Nutritional, Environmental and Genetic Risk Factors, Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1995;14(4):317-324. Holmes, et, Getting the lead out.., Vol. 5, Garbage, 12-01-1993, pp 26. Hu, Howard et al. The Relationship of Bone and Blood Lead to Hypertension: The Normative Aging Study. JAMA, April 17, 1996;275 (15):1171-1176. Jouglard, J., et al. Lead Poisoning Due to an Earthenware Wine Jug. La Presse Medicale, February 17, 1996;25(6):243-246. Kim, Rokho et al. A Longitudinal Study of Low-Level Lead Exposure and Impairment of Renal Function, The Normative Aging Study. JAMA, April 17, 1996;275(15):1177-1181. Mesch, U., et al. Lead Poisoning Masquerading as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome., The Lancet, April 27, 1996;347:1193. Mira, Michael, et al. Blood Lead Concentrations of Preschool Children in Central and Southern Sydney. Medical Journal of Australia, April 1, 1996;164:399-402. McDonald, Jeff, Lead-Poisoning Reports Raise Fears Locally; Health: Recent studies indicate that some mini-blinds are laced with the metal and may pose a threat to children. Officials await more information.; Ventura., Los Angeles Times, 05-22-1996, pp B-1. Munby, Hugh, Sensidyne introduces Lead Alert test kits.., Vol. 56, Journal of Environmental Health, 05-01-1994, pp 41. Needleman HL, Gunnoe C, Leviton A. Deficits in psychological and classroom performance of children with elevated dentine lead levels. N Engl J Med 300:689-695 (1979). Needleman, Herbert, L. et al. Bone Lead Levels and Delinquent Behavior. JAMA, February 7, 1996;275(5):363-369. Norman, Edward H. and Bordley W., Clayton. Lead Toxicity Intervention in Children. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 1995;88:121- 124. Pillans, Peter. Toxicity of Herbal Products. The New Zealand Journal of Medicine, November 24, 1995;108(1010):469-470. Ralof, J. Lead May Foster Immune Attack on Brain", Science News, January 14, 1995;147(2):23. Rosen, John F., M.D., et al. Adverse Health Effects of Lead at Low Exposure Levels: Trends in the Management of Childhood Lead Poisoning",Toxicology, 1995;97:11-17. Schmitt, Nicholas. Could Zinc Help Protect Children From Lead Poisoning? Canadian Medical Association Journal, January 1, 1996;154 (1):13-14. Staes, Catherine, Lead Poisoning Deaths in the United States, 1979 Through 1988, JAMA, March 15, 1995;273(11):847-848. Symanski, E. and Hertz-Picciotto, I. Blood Lead Levels in Relation to Menopause, Smoking, and Pregnancy History, American Journal of Epidemiology, 1995;141(11):1047-1058. Tamkins, Teresa. Lead May Provoke Allergic Reaction, Medical Tribune, May 4, 1995;19. Trachtenbarg, David, E. Getting the Lead Out: When is Treatment Necessary. Postgraduate Medicine, March, 1996;99(3):201-218. U.S. Public Health Service , Screening For Lead Exposure in Children", American Family Physician, January 1995;51:139-143. Verberk, Maarten, M., et al. Environmental Lead and Renal Effects in Children. Archives of Environmental Lead, January/February, 1996;51 (1):83-87. Wasik, John, Special report: How safe is your water?., Vol. 35, Consumers Digest, 05-01-1996, pp 63. Younes, Bassam. Lead Concentration in Breast Milk of Nursing Mothers Living in Riyadh. Annals of Saudi Medicine, 1995;15(3):249-251.
  5. From: D Kirby Sent: Mar 22, 2006 12:24 PM To: EOHarm@yahoogroups.com Subject: [EOHarm] MEDIA ADVISORY I am pleased to announce that there will be a media briefing in Washington next Thursday, March 30th, to update reporters on all of the recent development in the mercury autism controversy. I am especially pleased that Katie Wright will be joining us. She has a lot to say! Please feel free to circulate this. Many thanks for your continued support. David Kirby --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- MEDIA ADVISORY --VACCINES, MERCURY AND AUTISM-- MAJOR BRIEFING ON SIGNIFICANT NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN THE ONGOING CONTROVERSTY- WHAT: A panel briefing on the growing evidence of a link between mercury, vaccines and autism, and important new developments on Capitol Hill, in major universities and within the mainstream media. WHO: Dan Olmsted, journalist for UPI who writes the regular column, "The Age of Autism." Mr. Olmsted will discuss his recent reporting on unvaccinated populations – including Amish children in Pennsylvania and patients at a holistic medical practice outside Chicago – as well as other investigations into early cases of autism, and reports of improvements after medical treatments. David Kirby, author of the book "Evidence of Harm – Mercury in Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic." Mr. Kirby will discuss newly published science from major US universities that support the mercury-autism link, media reports of recent declines in new autism numbers, and newly leaked IOM transcripts that would indicate undue pressure by the CDC over IOM vaccine committee members to reject the thimerosal-autism hypothesis. Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), who will unveil a bill to provide for a new study of vaccinated and unvaccinated populations of American children. Data from this relatively simple study could settle once and for all the question of a link between vaccines and autism, ADD, ADHD and other disorders. Rep. Maloney will also discuss the Federal bill to ban thimerosal in vaccines, which she co-sponsors with Rep. Dave Weldon (R-FL), and a possible Congressional move to empanel a new committee of the Institute of Medicine that would consider new evidence to support the link. Katie Wright, daughter of NBC/Universal President Bob Wright and Suzanne Wright, founders of the new autism research charity "Autism Speaks." Ms. Wright will talk about her son's autism diagnosis, her belief that thimerosal contributed to his illness, and recent progress he has made using state-of-the-art biomedical interventions. Ms. Wright will also discuss her dismay at the American Academy of Pediatrics, which does not publicly support the Combating Autism Act of 2005, reportedly because the bill earmarks money for research into vaccine preservatives. WHEN: Thursday, March 30th. Breakfast at 8:30am, briefing from 9:00- 10:00am. WHERE: National Press Club, 529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor, Washington, DC. CONTACTS: Olmsted: 202-302-3753; dolmsted@upi.com Kirby: 718-230-4250; dkirby@nyc.rr.com Maloney: Afshin Mohamadi, 202-225-7944
  6. Giselle, Your very welcome. I'm fighting that anger that I was telling Lisa would not influence my decisions again! Read this, what do you think? Put thimerosal back in?!!!!!! ************ /Wednesday, March 22, 2006 by CommonDreams.org / * Allowing the Drug Companies to Poison Our Children* * by Lewis Seiler & Dan Hamburg * http://www.commondreams.org/views06/0322-22.htm Top Republican so-called leaders--Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) and House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL)--recently sold the future of our children to Big Pharma for a paltry $4 bucks a pop. That's the additional cost to produce a safe vaccine, a vaccine minus the mercury-based preservative thimerosal. Mercury is a deadly neurotoxin that has long been known to cause serious learning disabilities, autism, and death. According to the California Public Schools Autism Prevalence Report for the School Years 1992-2003, the increase in autism prevalence is systemic across the entire United States "and should be an urgent public health concern...The disease frequency of autism now surpasses that of all types of cancer combined." The report notes a 1,086% cumulative growth rate of autism over the period, with a 23% average annual growth rate. A recent study published in the Spring 2006 volume of the peer-reviewed Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons shows that the rate of neurodevelopmental disorders in children has decreased following the removal of thimerosal from most American childhood vaccines. However, only about a third of the 11 million children vaccinated for influenza this year will receive mercury-free vaccines. At the end of last year, President Bush signed the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREPA), granting blanket immunity to pharmaceutical companies for vaccine-induced injuries. The measure is a carte blanche for industry, allowing it even to reintroduce mercury in vaccines that are currently clean, and under the behest of the World Health Organization, to continue shipping tainted vaccine to the "developing world." The federal government has known enough to stop the use of mercury in vaccines for more than a decade. Industry has known of the dangers of thimerosal since at least 1991.[1] But using the preservative made the sale of vaccines more profitable. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has at times seemed just as concerned about these profits as the companies themselves! Cynics have noted the "revolving door" between industry and government that seems to alter the perspective of both. In 1999, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommended "the elimination of thimerosal as soon as possible." In 2002, the CDC stated in a press release "all vaccines will be thimerosal-free as soon as adequate supplies are available." Yet, last year the CDC rejected an offer from vaccine manufacturer Sanofi Pasteur to supply the entire country with safe influenza vaccines, claiming "no preference for thimerosal-free vaccines." In order to secure passage of the PREPA, Senators Frist and Ted Stevens (R-AL), joined by Speaker Hastert, lied to members of the House-Senate conference committee. These leaders assured their colleagues that immunity for the drug companies would not go forward as a tack-on to the 2006 defense appropriations bill. There were no public hearings on the immunity provision, no debate, no disclosure of the proceedings of the committee. Press coverage was virtually non-existent. According to one prominent member of the committee, Rep. David Obey (D-WI), "This legislation was unilaterally and arrogantly inserted into the bill after the conference committee was over. It was a blatant power play by the two most powerful men in Congress." Sen. Ted Kennedy called the legislation "a blank check for the industry." Sen. Robert Byrd, dean of Senate rules, opined: "There should be no dispute. The processes leading to passage of this bill [was] an absolute travesty."[2] The PREPA is unconstitutional. It removes the right to due process and judicial review for persons injured by vaccines, thus granting a virtual license to kill. Under the new law, companies making vaccines can be grossly negligent and act with wanton recklessness and still escape liability as long as they can show that their misconduct wasn't "willful." It is impossible to conceive of a lower standard for the drug companies or a higher burden of proof for injured parties. The refusal of the drug companies to take responsibility for the products they produce, and the complicity of the highest levels of government in their refusal, will diminish public confidence in the entire US vaccination program. Already, thousands of mothers, including our own daughters, are fearful of having their infants and toddlers vaccinated. The PREPA also preempts the laws of states like California that have passed legislation outlawing mercury in childhood vaccinations. Meanwhile, the CDC continues to send its henchmen into state legislatures around the country in attempts to abort measures banning mercury. While American soldiers spill blood abroad in the name of democracy, democratic principles are being shredded here at home. The right of habeus corpus has been abridged. Torture is countenanced at CIA-run "black sites" around the globe. Incarceration for years without access to lawyers, let alone trials, has become commonplace. And now, with the PREPA, we have blanket immunity for a major industry, an industry that has endangered the health of millions of American children and brought untold grief to millions of American families. It's worth considering why the drug companies feel they need such treatment. Is it because they have known for decades that their product is harmful? As we learned with Big Tobacco, denial is the first defense. Eventually, the truth will come out about mercury and the depravity of injecting a neurotoxin into the bodies of infants and toddlers. The question is: how many more children will be made sick before the leaders of the country get their priorities straight? /Lewis Seiler is president of Voice of the Environment <http://www.voiceoftheenvironment.org/>. Dan Hamburg is executive director of Voice of the Environment. / [1] Dr. Thomas Verstraeten, Vaccine Safety Datalink study for the CDC, 1999. Other major studies include: the 1994 study done by the Institute of Medicine that concluded "the balance of evidence is consistent with a causal relationship between mercury and autism;" the 1996 study by the National Childhood Encephalopathy Institute demonstrating that "a significant association exists between mercury and autism;" and the 2006 study by Dr. Mark R. Geier and David A. Geier published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons that noted a marked decrease in reported cases of autism with the removal of thimerosal from most childhood vaccinations after 2003. [2] "Hastert, Frist said to rig bill for drug firms," Bill Theobald, The Tennessean, Feb. 9, 2006 ### The material in this post is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html http://oregon.uoregon.edu/~csundt/documents.htm If you wish to use copyrighted material from this email for purposes that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.
  7. Second article added tonight. Dont' miss the above post. That study is creating a lot of "ya hoo's," in the autism circles today. Shots in the dark.............Good overview if you don't have time for a book http://www.nextcity.com/contents/summer99/16shots.html ******* Taking Too Much of a Supplement There's increasing evidence that too much of some nutrients may be harmful. While most nutrients are safe, some can be dangerous and too much of anything can be toxic. The fat-soluble vitamins that can accumulate in the body, such as vitamins A and D, are particularly suspect. http://1stholistic.com/Nutrition/hol_nutr-...-supplement.htm http://1stholistic.com/Nutrition/hol_nutr-toxic-dosages.htm
  8. > FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: > > March 21, 2006, 12:01 a.m. EST > CONTACT: Karen Finney > > (916) 734-9064 > > karen.finney@... > UC DAVIS STUDY WITH MICE LINKS THIMEROSAL > > WITH IMMUNE SYSTEM DYSFUNCTIO > > (Sacramento, Calif.) – A team of cell biologists, toxicologists and > molecular bioscientists at the University of California, Davis, has > published a study connecting thimerosal with disruptions in antigen- > presenting cells known as dendritic cells obtained from mice. The > study provides the first evidence that dendritic cells show > unprecedented sensitivity to thimerosal, resulting in fundamental > changes in the immune system's ability to respond to external > factors. The study was published online today and will be available > in the July print edition of Environmental Health Perspectives, the > peer-reviewed scientific publication of the National Institute of > Environmental Health Sciences. > > "This is the first time that thimerosal has been shown to selectively > alter the normal functions of dendritic cells," said Isaac Pessah, a > toxicologist with the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, > director of the Children's Center for Environmental Health and > Disease Prevention and senior author of the study. "Dendritic cells > play pivotal roles in overcoming viral and bacterial invaders by > coordinating the immune system's overall combat response." One > dendritic cell can activate as many as 300 T-cells – white blood > cells that help find and kill external agents that attack the immune > system – making them the most effective immune system activators. > > The study shows how intricate connections between calcium channels in > dendritic cells change when exposed to thimerosal. "The slightest > fluctuation in how calcium channels `communicate' can alter the > growth, maturation and activation of dendritic cells," explained > Pessah. "Thimerosal dramatically alters how two key calcium channels, > code-named RyR1 and IP3R1, found in dendritic cells function as a > team by `garbling' the normal signaling system between them." > > When thimerosal at a concentration as low as 20 parts per billion > alters the fidelity of normal calcium signals, dendritic cells show > abnormal secretion of IL-6 cytokine – a potent chemical signal that > initiates inflammatory responses. Higher concentrations – 200 parts > per billion – causes programmed death of dendritic cells, preventing > them from maturing and doing their primary job of activating T- cells. > Without proper feedback to guide its response, a normal dendritic > cell can quickly become "a rogue, producing misinformation that could > activate aberrant and harmful immune responses," Pessah > explained. "Even one rogue dendritic cell can activate many > inappropriate immune responses." > > The research team conducted the study on cells cultured from a strain > of mouse not particularly susceptible to immune dysregulation. Using > fluorescent stains and powerful microscopes to study both immature > and mature dendritic cells from bone marrow cultured under normal > physiological conditions, the researchers discovered that extremely > small levels of thimerosal interfere significantly with calcium > channel function after just a few minutes of exposure. They also > observed that immature dendritic cells are particularly sensitive to > thimerosal. > > Thimerosal is a cheap and effective mercury-based preservative. Its > potential effects on embryonic neuron development led to its removal > from many pediatric vaccines, however it is still used in influenza, > diphtheria and tetanus vaccines, blood products and many over-the- > counter pharmaceuticals. The concentrations of thimerosal used by the > UC Davis researchers were comparable to those attained in childhood > vaccinations containing the preservative. > > Researchers and parents have previously proposed links between > childhood vaccines and autism, a neurodevelopmental disorder that > affects language skills and social interactions. In addition to being > a direct neurotoxicant, the UC Davis study indicates that thimerosal > may also be an immunotoxicant, leaving the immune system vulnerable > to microbes and other external influences. > > "Our findings do not directly implicate thimerosal as a single > causative agent for triggering neurodevelopmental disorders such as > autism," Pessah said. "There is growing evidence that autism is > several disorders that we now refer to as just one. There is also > growing evidence that some children with autism have unique immune > cell composition and responses to antigens. The results of our work > provide a framework to test the hypothesis that the genetic > background of some individuals may render them especially susceptible > to thimerosal." > > Other experts also advise drawing no final conclusions regarding > thimerosal and autism based on these outcomes. > > "These findings should be interpreted cautiously. Although they > suggest that thimerosal may affect dendritic cell function, the > pathophysiological consequences of thimerosal remain unclear," said > David A. Schwartz, a physician and director of the National Institute > of Environmental Health Sciences. > > Since cell functions can differ across organisms, Pessah will next > study dendritic cells isolated from the blood of children with and > without autism to confirm if the intercellular changes are the same > in humans. The initial mouse study was funded by the National > Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the UC Davis M.I.N.D. > Institute. Joining Pessah on the scientific team were molecular > bioscientists Samuel R. Goth, Ruth A. Chu and Gennady Cherednichenko > and pathologist Jeffrey P. Gregg. A copy of "Uncoupling of ATP-mediated Calcium Signaling and Dysregulated IL-6 Secretion in Dendritic Cells by Nanomolar Thimerosal" can be downloaded at http://www.ehponline.org/docs/2006/8881/abstract.html. > > # # # > > The NIEHS-funded Center for Children's Environmental Health and > Disease Prevention is a multi-disciplinary research organization > established to examine how toxic chemicals may influence the > development of autism in children. The center's goal is to contribute > knowledge about autism that will lead to new prevention and treatment > strategies. For more information, visit www.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/cceh. > The UC Davis M.I.N.D. (Medical Investigation of Neurodevelopmental > Disorders) Institute is a unique collaborative center bringing > together parents, scientists, clinicians and educators for research > on autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders. For more > information, visit www.mindinstitute.org. *************** The Age of Autism: Allergic responses http://news.monstersandcritics.com/lifesty...ergic_responses WASHINGTON, DC, United States (UPI) -- A plausible link is emerging between widely used childhood medicines and the risk of developing allergies and especially asthma. But you`d never know it from listening to federal health authorities or reading the mainstream press.
  9. Giselle, Interesting that they excreted HTP when exposed to cold. With that study being from 1962, I wonder if there are some more current studies. I think my oldest son probably tics more, when his histime levels are elevated, so I would think cold would make it better for him, if there was any correlation to this study. Kim
  10. Lisa, http://www.drugs.com/cons/varivax_iii_systemic.html From above link... You can be considered to be immune to chickenpox only if you have received the right number of varicella vaccine doses (1 dose if you are between 12 months and 12 years of age; or 2 doses if you are 13 years of age or older). You also are considered to be immune if you have a doctor's diagnosis of a previous chickenpox infection or if you have had a blood test showing that you are immune to varicella. *********** If you can have a blood test to show immunity, maybe this is what they should be doing instead of "guessing," and just revaccinating. Had I had known anything about these vaccines, Hep B (especially prior to any day care or prechool etc.) and Varicella are two that I'm pretty sure, that I would have declined, or gotten an exemption for. Does anyone know if you do obtain an exemption, if you can get certain vaccines, and decline certain ones. If your exemption is based on religous , medical, or philosophical reasons, I'm not sure how you would justify one and not another. http://www.mnaap.org/immuno_exempt.html Have you decided if you will get another vax for this Lisa? This is another site with a vaccine schedule. Also, note about the recommendation for the menningitis vax. From the way this is written, it doesn't look like it may be long and they will be adding this one as mandatory, possibly even for 2 yr. olds. http://www.cdc.gov/nip/recs/child-schedule.htm#printable - has past schedules link http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/m...mmunizationa1_e current rec. http://www.vaccinesafety.edu/thi-table.htm Updated table for Vaccines containing Thimerisal (previously posted) If I get my 13 year old the the dtap that is now recommended, it will be his 6th, as he has had some combo of this shot 5 times btwn 1993 and 1997. Kim
  11. http://www.soyonlineservice.co.nz/03summary.htm SOY DANGERS: High levels of phytic acid in soy reduce assimilation of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. Phytic acid in soy is not neutralized by ordinary preparation methods such as soaking, sprouting and long, slow cooking. High phytate diets have caused growth problems in children.
  12. EFGH, I actually typed a really long post last night that referred to our conversation about this. Deleated it, as it was too much jumbled information. It's really nice to hear from you again, and it's wonderful that your son is doing so well. Thanks for posting about his immunization. I'm assuming that aluminum hydroxide is the adjuvant used to stimulate an immune response in this vaccine? http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/gbs/gbs.htm What is Guillain-Barre Syndrome? Guillain-Barré (ghee-yan bah-ray) syndrome is a disorder in which the body's immune system attacks part of the peripheral nervous system. I'm really hoping since our kids are so much bigger and they are only getting a vaccine of something here and there, that it won't pose any big problems. Could you please keep us posted on what you see? It just seems like the tics and flairs are so tied to the immune system. We also need to keep in mind that the Vaers forms are there to report adverse events. I have a new neice due in late April, and the amount of vaccines, how many are given, how close together, seems like insanity to me now. Great to see you here again! Kim
  13. Immune System Cells May Be Cause of Asthma http://www.ajc.com/health/content/shared-a...mmu/531583.html WEDNESDAY, March 15 (HealthDay News) -- As medical technologies improve, researchers are rooting out more information about possible causes of common diseases, such as asthma.
  14. Does anything here bother anyone? This is the chicken pox vax my boys got monosodium L glutamate, female bovine serum, EDTA ?
  15. Giselle, I really wish I had something to share with you, even just thoughts, but I am so NOT UP on anything to do with neurotransmitters. Really don't have any idea about the red spots either. When ever I have asked my kids Dr.s about various bumps/rashes, the only thing I was ever told is to cycle/ rinse their clothes twice. Has the appearance of the red spots coincided with tic flairs or illness? Have you added any new antivirals? Kim
  16. Giselle, I can't get the link to work. Is it working for everyone else?
  17. Lisa, I just want to clarify, that I am not trying sway anyone's decision regarding any vaccination. My one hope is that parents will really look at the data from several different sources, and start asking some questions. There are many, many people fighting in high places, for safe and effective vaccines. I just feel like they really need some help from the regular old parent, that asks questions like; What are the odds that my child will contract this, how can the illness be treated if they do contract it, what adverse events are associated with this vaccine, how long has it been used, what are the consequences to the population as a whole if people stop vaccinating for a particular disease, how long is immunity provided, do they know? Does the fact that my kids have an existing neurological problem make them more susceptible to an adverse event associated with a vaccine? Can titers be tested to see if they still have immunity from a previous vaccine before a booster is administered? How will I feel if I decline this vaccine, and my child gets the disease? Anger really has no place in where I go from here with these issues. You can't make an informed choice, if anger rules and I need to remind myself of that often. I want to share information responsibly and encourage any parent with concerns about vaccinations to do their own research. Don't listen to me or any one Dr. or any one article. Read what the AAP has to say, read what the vaccine advocates have to say, then read some of the Autism group sources. Dr. Mercola's site, is usually a good place to look for links to information from "the other side." Google the vaccine in question, and read several articles. These are things I'm doing, especially after reading Evidence of Harm, and Stephanie Cave's book, "What Your Dr. May Not Be telling you About Childhood Immunizations." I wish someone would write an updated version of the second book. It was not full of "awful" stuff, it just gave a lot good information, and I think it was very balanced. You might be surprised to know, that in my mind, if there was an avoidable external factor that I suspected could be responsible for triggering a genetic suceptability for my guys tics, Soy Infant Formula would rival vaccines/thimerisal, for possible adverse effects that seem to fit. Our air and water quality, PFOA in teflon pans, fabric/carpet protection, (we have a shiny new set of stainless steel-thanks Sheila!) the way our foods are processed, the flouride controversy and many other things, have caused me to wonder how any of us DON"T tic, or have a neuro disorder. I'm glad you are looking for answers Lisa, and I hope you can get the Hep B straightened out quickly. Kim
  18. Lisa, I'm really GLAD too! Right after I sent that question to you, I called the school administration. I told the lady that I needed info. on required vaccinations for attendance. Then I explained that we had provided the proof of immunization for 6th grade, but I had seen on the updated schedule that my son was due for a Dtap (if 5 yrs. from last dose) and the meningococcal vac. is now on the schedule too, but I was unsure if it was mandatory. She said they do not require proof of anything beyond the up to date 6th grade record. Apparently, boosters or the meningococcal are not required for school attendance. THEN she told me that her daughter was a nurse at a local hospital here, and that they had seen menningitis already this year I asked her how we would know if a vaccine did become a requirement. She said they would be notified by the State, their computer program would be changed to include the new vaccine, it would flag everyone, and a note would be sent out at that time, notifing us that we were not current. Then, she said there are Many Many mistakes btwn dates that get reported to the State, and the parents vaccine cards, however it made no difference to them as long as they were all there. I think I posted how incomplete my sons vaccine records are. I would bet Sydnie did have her series, and someone put down the wrong date. They don't want us playing Dr. and darn, I don't want too, but I wish someone would! If I knew it was weird that she was supposed to get one now, wouldn't someone there have figured that out? Maybe there is a logical explaination and I'm shooting my mouth off prematurely. This vaccine in particular makes me really angry because of the time frame it was given, and how UNLIKELY my new baby was to EVER get hep b in the first yr. after birth, or before they became sexually active, or got a tatoo, or started shooting drugs, had blood to blood contact with an infected person, sheesh, I think we had time!! Please let us know how this turns out Lisa. Kim I was talking to a friend tonite, and she just had her kids in for a well child visit, and her Pediatrician recommended the Meningococcal vac. for her 12 yr. old son. She said she declined for now, so apparently the Dr.s are recommending it. That's what happened with the chicken pox vac. too, then all of a sudden, they decided lost wages justified ANOTHER vaccine, and made it mandatory. I was one of the parents who got the chicken pox vaccine BEFORE they made it mandatory. Now, I worry that the immunity will wear off when they're older, when it's more dangerous, as it is really unknown at this time how long the immunity lasts. I don't want to make any more of these mistakes, without really looking into both sides of a recommended vaccine. I didn't look into anything period. I just trusted. Thought I better add that there have been children who have become seriously ill, and even deaths associated with chicken pox. Can't quote the #'s though.
  19. Lisa, Is this Sydney's first Hep B, or has she had 2 and this is her last? If she had any previously, do you know what age she was when she had them? Just curious. Kim
  20. Looks like I spoke too soon. Look at the multi dose vial of Meningococcal Thimerosal Content in Some US Licensed Vaccines updated March 3, 2006 http://www.vaccinesafety.edu/thi-table.htm Meningococcal MENOMUNE-A/C/Y/W-135 multi-dose sanofi pasteur .01% 25
  21. Thanks Andy, Glad your keeping an eye on me, so you can correct any slip ups!!!!
  22. Ireana, Just a couple of comments. You asked Claire how she got to the point of being able to reintroduce foods. From what I have read, the good news about IgG sensitivities is that once you take a break from the offending foods, maybe around 3 months, sometimes you can reintroduce them without the problems you were seeing previously. Also, if your doing other things such a supplementing deficiencies, treating yeast or bad bacteria, enzymes, things that promote healing in the gut, it may speed things along. Some have found it takes much longer, or were never able to add everything back even with enzymes etc. I don't believe allergy shots are used for IgG reactions. There is a book called Enzymes for Digestive Health and Nutritional Wealth: The Practical Guide for Digestive Enzymes by Karen Defelice http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-h...3952605-4739344 I have not read the book but have heard others say it's excellent, even if you have no interest in the use of enzymes. It explains a lot. There was a post by her today, on the enzyme/autism group, where aloe water was mentioned as being something helpful in gut healing. Also, I think it's wonderful that you got brave enough to share your experience so far, with the parents on the Polish forum. Please be sure to alert them though, that there can be interactions between supplements and medications, so be sure to check with a Dr. who has knowledge of medications and supplements, or at least ask a Pharmacist before starting any supplement, ESPECIALLY if medications are involved. About the zinc. From what I understand the hair that is tested (closest to the scalp) is about 3 months old? Were you supplementing zinc at that time? Hope Claire pops back with more info. for you! I did have a physical for the boys as Bonnie's site recommends, before starting the vitamins, and yes I did base the dose on observations. Kim
  23. JAC, http://www.cispimmunize.org/ Look down the left hand side to Important vaccinations for 11-19 year olds. The only ones I see that look like they are probably mandatory now is the DTaP and maybe the MCV4 (Meningococcal conjugate), if your child was fully immunized when younger. I believe if you have not completed Hep B, MMR, varecilla etc. when younger, they will be required now, as this would be considered a catch up period. If you click on "When Do children and teens need vaccination" you will see a chart that has Tdap/Dtap and MCV4 checked. Probably best to check with your childs physician or the school, to see exactly what they are requiring. I have read at least one place on this site, where it talks about how many states are requiring the MCV4 for college admission, so I would think it can vary from state to state. This link will give you updated information on the whole DT, Td, DTaP confusion. http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/r...id=rr55e223a1_e I will try to find more info. on the thimerosal content. I would be surprised if either of these contain it, however, the stimulative effects on the immune system also concern me too. I am struggling with this. I need to check into the details too, and make a decision. I know we could be faced with this conversation at any Dr.s visit now, with my oldest son. I see California is a State where you have 3 options for filing an exemption. Please keep me posted on your thoughts on this For anyone interested in the single dose MMR: Wellness Phamacy sells single dose viles of MMR 2228 E Papermill Road | Winchester, Virginia 22601 Phone (540) 723-6883 | Toll Free (800) 880-5882 | Fax (540) 723-9704 Hopewell Pharmacy 1-800-792-6670 http://www.hopewellrx.com/ Your Dr. may not even know that this is an option, or may have no idea how to obtain them. Kim
  24. Carmon, Thanks for the reassurance about the post. No tics for 16 months? Welcome to the tic syndrome club! I always say tic syndrome mostly to spite the Neurologist who told me about 5 times at one appt. that I needed to accept the fact that my son's had TOURETTE SYNDROME, and clinically he wasn't even right. He had a cow when I brought in the vits. I was giving the kids. He couldn't believe I was considering vitamins instead of increasing the medication. I don't think you are either crazed or desperate, just a Mom that wants to help her child in the safest way possible, and don't let anyone make you feel otherwise. My oldest son recently had a head shaking flair. I asked his Pediatrician for a referral to a chiropractor which my insurance will cover with a referral from primary care physician. Again, I was told no, and not to waste his time with talk of alternatives. He said "we are allopathic Dr.s," and noone in my family has ever been to a chiropractor, and neither have I. Why oh why didn't I ask him if he, or any of his family members have ever been prescribed Pimozide/orap? I could just scream at the arrogance. I really think it translates into... If the AAP doesn't site this as an approved treatment, I'm liable, and we can't have that. I would gladly sign a waiver of liability, but I guess that's not an option either. They would just rather see you go away. Sad really. Hope things are going well. Look forward to hearing from you when you get a chance. Kim
  25. Alison, Thanks for the reply and I will have my fingers crossed that your trial with antibiotic free....goes well! Kim
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