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Everything posted by kim

  1. worrieddadnmom, Your remark about the "battle," for middle school vaccines along with Cara615 (I should be locked up!) prompted me to head back into the vaccine trenches and I'm glad I did because there were some things that I certainly wasn't aware of. worrieddadnmom, I would approach the battle in this manner...(it is the approach that I have had the most success with by FAR). Usually they can't get out of the room fast enough. Questions to your physician #1. Are you recommending the sixth combination of Tdap for my daughter because you think that pertussis is really a threat to her health or as an attempt to cocoon infants. My understanding is that pertussis outbreaks are occuring in communities with very high vaccine rates. If this vaccines is being given for her protection, how long would you expect this 6th vaccine in the series to afford any benefit to my daughter? Does it contain an adjuvant or preservative? #2. I see that there are 14 vaccines available for the "flu," and that 6 of the 14 are available in multidose vials. Could you tell me if the one you use contains the preservative thimerosal and what your opinion is of injecting that into a child with know immuno/neurological sensitivities? #3. I'm aware that the two vaccines for HPV are adjuvanted. One contains 225 mcg of aluminum (as amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate), the other something that I'm not very familiar with which is AS04. Could you comment on the difference between the two and which one you think may be safer for my daughter? I know there was some concern about a vaccine that was used in another country that contained ASO3 and it was pulled due to a higher incidence of narcolepsy. It may not have been the adjuvant causing the problem, but I'd really like to know the difference between ASO3 and ASO4 and what the studies have shown for safety demonstration when given along with the vaccines that you are recommending for my daughter today. #4. I wasn't aware that one of Meningococcal vaccines contained thimerosal until recently. Does the one that your recommending contain that? Thanks rowingmom for pulling up Shaw's stuff and nicklelmama did you see the recommendation on the schedule (in the footnotes) about vaccinating pregnant adolescence with the Tdap regardless of when the last one was given ? http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/downloads/child/0-18yrs-schedule.pdf http://www.immunize.org/packageinserts/pi_meningococcal.asp you can click on any vaccine inserts using the 2nd link We need EVERY parent to make their health care providers aware of these things and know that we EXPECT them to be able to answer these questions with some degree of knowledge! The questions that I posted are only the tip of the iceberg, but they really help when you encounter and arrogant uneducated healthcare provider.
  2. In addition to above post, this is a "MUST WATCH," video. For those of you who don't know him, the narrator is Andy Wakefield. http://childhealthsafety.wordpress.com/2014/08/24/us-cdc-caused-thousands-of-us-black-children-to-develop-autism-hid-the-data-showing-what-they-were-doing-cdc-whistleblower-named/
  3. Very timely breaking news to this discussion. CDC Whistleblower on Thimerosal in Pregnant Women (video) - "I do think Thimerosal causes tics." View the video here. http://www.ageofautism.com/2014/08/cdc-whistleblower-on-thimerosal-in-pregnant-women.html http://www.naturalnews.com/046597_CDC_whistleblower_secret_letter_Julie_Gerberding.html CDC whistleblower's secret letter to Gerberding released by Natural News as mainstream media desperately censors explosive story Multiple articles on this story can be found here. Scroll down and go to page 2. It has the earlier headlines for this story. http://www.vaccinationnews.org/home-page
  4. http://brain.oxfordjournals.org/content/135/11/3453.short?rss=1 Antibodies to surface dopamine-2 receptor in autoimmune movement and psychiatric disorders Russell C. Dale1, Vera Merheb1, Sekhar Pillai1, Dongwei Wang2, Laurence Cantrill2, Tanya K. Murphy3, Hilla Ben-Pazi4, Sophia Varadkar5, Tim D. Aumann6, Malcolm K. Horne6,7, Andrew J. Church8, Thomas Fath9 and Fabienne Brilot1 excerpt
  5. http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ecam/2012/284301/ Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative MedicineVolume 2012 (2012), Article ID 284301, 8 pagesdoi:10.1155/2012/284301Research Article Clerodendrum inerme Leaf Extract Alleviates Animal Behaviors, Hyperlocomotion, and Prepulse Inhibition Disruptions, Mimicking Tourette Syndrome and Schizophrenia
  6. http://www.ageofautism.com/2012/10/the-canary-party-demands-new-york-health-department-investigation-pesticide-implicated-in-tics-and-seizures-in-three-female.html The Canary Party Demands New York Health Department Investigation: Pesticide Implicated in Tics and Seizures in Three Female Pitchers from Corinth http://www.ageofautism.com/2012/10/tics-and-toxins-mystery-illness-strikes-third-pitcher-at-same-ny-school.html Tics and Toxins: Mystery Illness Strikes Third Pitcher at Same New York State High School
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