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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. The sulfate in the Epsom Salts is an important part of the equation though! That is what aids in the detox property. Much better to use diluted Epsom Salts than add a chloride into the mix IMHO, especially as some people with TS are very sensitive to chlorides!
  2. Hi we use the Monolaurin form as a natural antimicrobial, as recommended by our physician http://www.iherb.com/Cardiovascular-Research-Ltd-Ecological-Formulas-Monolaurin-600-mg-90-Capsules/23529 The only other place we found it was at The Vitamin Shoppe where they sell it in smaller quantity but it works out more expensive http://www.vitaminshoppe.com/store/en/browse/sku_detail.jsp?id=CV-1068 I have seen rather remarkable research being done on it in HIV patients as well. Very potent anti-viral but seems to be very well tolerated.
  3. technodad...my son has an extremely sensitive skin but benefits from the Epsom baths...were you diluting the Epsom in a full tub of water? I am wondering if perhaps you made it too concentrated? If you are using only a half or less tub of water, then it should probably be only 1 cup of epsom We saw immediate results with magnesium, but then remember my son has genetic TS where magnesium is proven to work Chewables are fine provided they do not contain artificial flavor and color and are not just magnesium oxide, which is very poorly absorbed, so really just a waste of money
  4. Hi people can still have sensitivity to foods even if they are not allergic to them so yes, eliminating suspect foods and seeing the result is always worthwhile IMO
  5. Hi I will try to post more later but would encourage you to also take a look at our Helpful Threads pinned to the top of this forum In my signature at the bottom of this post I have a link to what helped my son, who has genetic TS inherited from his father/grandfather etc You'll see that there are many things that can help to reduce the frequency and intensity of TS tics....for us and many others, giving extra magnesium supplement and doing the Epsom Salts baths was a major turning point! Bonnie Grimaldi's research backs this up Remember most conventional doctors scoff at the idea that anything other than medications can help so if you are going to see doctors, I would suggest finding an Integrative one. Also, re how you feel...it is natural to be distressed when we know something is "wrong" with our kids but do take heart....as you know if you suspect you have TS...it is not a terminal illness! Try to focus on enjoying your children and see beyond the tics. It will be ok!
  6. Hi and welcome I would get Sheila's book as that will provide a solid foundation of knowledge http://www.latitudes.org/book.html Read through the Helpful Threads pinned to the top of this forum http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2459 If this is a true case of Tourette (bear in mind that kids are frequently misdiagnosed!) then starting to supplement magnesium is very important, along with the other supplements we discuss here and cleaning up diet and environment of potential triggers is essential The potential for an infection connection (PANS/PANDAS etc) should also be investigated
  7. Hi Jennifer did you mean for this to be on the Tourette forum? or was it intended for PANDAS or Lyme perhaps? We have always liked NOW brand OLE and also their Oregano Oil and get ours at iherb.com
  8. It is not just about the thimerosal guy It is what the vaccination itself does in terms of the immune system ..... along with other adjuvant effects as well
  9. Rooibos comes from South Africa, where it grows wild, and has been used there since ancient times as a curative/restorative for many ailments. Also known as Bossie or Red Bush Tea there. As that is where I am from too...I grew up drinking a lot of it and still use it. I love the taste which is very different from regular black tea IMHO. It comes from a bush that is unrelated to the tea bush...it's actually a member of the legume family. You can buy it at many regular supermarkets now in the US, and it is not expensive, although here in the USA we have found the Alvita brand to be the best. It has actually been available in the US for quite some time. It benefits from a long brew time. Traditionally, it is actually boiled with the leaves/stalks in the pot to make a very strong brew http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rooibos
  10. http://www.webmd.com/news/20121003/4-dead-tainted-spinal-steroids
  11. Based on my own research, and the many reports here of adverse reactions following flu shots, I would not go near them!
  12. Hi you had posted this on our Tourette forum and so I have moved it to our PANDAS forum for you as you will get more responses here
  13. Hi Jim and welcome I just want to add a note of caution here about Cimetidene/Tagamet as ,although my son did not take it for PANDAS/PANS, he was on it for a while for Crohn's Disease reflux symptoms (also an autoimmune illness) and during that period began to have horrendous hallucinatory "nightmares" that occurred nightly in a half sleep state ie either just as he was falling asleep or during semi waking phases of sleep. He felt as though what was happening in the "dreams" was very real yet could not physically move or cry out and we would find him in a state of total panic, bathed in sweat and terrified! At the time we did not know what was causing these hallucinations until our savvy naturopath mentioned that there were reports of this happening with Tagamet. On further investigation, we decided to take him off it and instantly the hallucinatory half-sleep nightmares stopped!
  14. One of our longtime forum members, Caryn Talty, has lots of healthy GFCF recipes. She has a number of different websites that she is associated with but here is one that has a bunch of recipes http://healthy-famil...rn-free-recipes
  15. Hi and welcome good that you are going to read Sheila's book as it really does help to form a solid foundation as you seek ways to help with the tics. Having an Integrative or Environmental doctor (MD or DO) to work with really works well as they have a more holistic approach, whereas many conventional doctors just want to prescribe a pill to mask symptoms rather than find root causes and effective treatments. I would suggest you read our Helpful Threads as there may be pointers there to help you move forward: http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2459 Also, on a personal note, I have a family member with TS who had a very very bad reaction to clonidine, even in low dose, so although it may work for some, it can have very adverse reactions in others.
  16. Hi and welcome The best kind of doctor is one who recognizes the importance of the many things that can trigger tics and the value of correct diet and supplementation. Sadly many conventional doctors dismiss it as "quack stuff" and tell you to do nothing or prescribe meds An Integrative Physician is always my first choice as they are fully qualified MD or DOs who have gone on to specialize in alternative aka complimentary medicine and so have a balanced holistic approach. Environmental doctors are often in this category, as are DAN doctors, some naturopaths etc Do encourage your grandson that for many people, tics can diminish or even disappear with either the right treatment or with time. It depends on whether the tics are caused by something defined or whether they are a result of genetic inherited Tourette Syndrome. In the former, finding the cause and treating it can bring remission. In the latter, many things can help reduce the frequency and severity of the TS tics and they usually become mild to negligible after the teen years are over I would suggest you take a look at our "Helpful Threads" section http://www.latitudes...?showtopic=2459 and highly recommend the book by Sheila Rogers http://www.latitudes...?showtopic=1314 It is also always wise to look into a possible infection connection to the tics, which is most often strep related, leading to a condition known as PANDAS, although sometimes other infections can be involved. We have a PANDAS forum here, and here is a helpful website to learn about it http://www.pandasnetwork.org I would also like to repost something a dear friend of mine, Lara, shared with me when my son was first diagnosed with TS
  17. Just a reminder for anyone who has not seen the notice at the top of the page.....
  18. Just a reminder for anyone who has not seen the notice at the top of the page.....
  19. Just a reminder for anyone who has not seen the notice at the top of the page.....
  20. Hi there are so many possible triggers for tics that you may benefit from keeping a journal to document when the tic is most prevalent .... many people tic due to allergies & sensitivities to environmental or food allergens so that is worth investigating. and yes, PANDAS or PITAND conditions can manifest with tics caused by strep or other infections but honestly, simple tics are not usually the only symptom there, with OCD very prevalent. Is there any history of tics or tourettes in your family? we have an interesting article on Tic Triggers that may be helpful http://www.latitudes...ng_triggers.htm You may also want to look at our compiled Helpful Threads info http://www.latitudes...?showtopic=2459
  21. It really depends on the individual, so it is trila and error. fruit sugars are not in the same group as the refined and artificial sugars are. My son always did fine with honey and *pure* maple syrup as well as many fruits. He also did fine with pure turbinado cane sugar Avoid anything though that is sweetened with high fructose corn syrup! Some people are salicylate sensitive and so cannot eat fruits that are high in those. Others have varied sensitivities to other fruits....so again it really is a case of try and note reaction. Eliminate and note....then re-introduce and note. You should see a clear pattern if any fruit is specifically a problem tic trigger
  22. LOTS of salt is unhealthy nomatter what diet you are on! There is a big difference between using salt in a healthy manner and using too much of it in an unhealthy way!
  23. too much oral mag is not good...just the recommended daily dose is best but technodad it appears to be fine to do the epsom baths every night or as needed.
  24. i guess you would have to discover that for yourself as different people have different reactions to chlorine we play it safe and avoid most chlorine in any form because whether in pools, water, bleach, household cleaners etc it seems to tigger more tics for my son
  25. Hi to all of our members this thread is primarily for posting links to important topics here at Latitudes/ACN, whether link to a thread (copy and paste the URL in your browsers address and then paste here) or link to a specific post within any thread (if u look top right of the post there is a number eg #1...just click that and the post is brought up so u can copy and paste that URL) Any links for *other* sites, where you feel they would be beneficial to the members, are welcome, but it would be a good idea to really limit those, so that what is truly clear INFO 101 threads by our own members are grouped here, allowing all members, and especially newcomers, to be able to easily find them. We also have to be careful of the perception of "endorsing" research, products, physicians etc. If in doubt as to whether a link here is suitable, just PM me and we will check it for you What we want to do is try to only use this thread to minimize confusion and provide a comprehensive database of info that has primarily been gathered here for anyone searching for answers Please NO DISCUSSION on this thread. Feel free to start a new thread below on any topic here for discussion thanks for your help in putting this valuable resource together
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