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Hi everyone,


Ive been reading these post for a couple of weeks now, along with Shelia Rogersbook.

My daughter now 13 has tics. It's mild now but I still want to research and find out more things.

Im not good at writing. Here the order of whats been going on.

age 11- she tells me sometimes she cant see for about 10-15 second , everything goes black.

Shes see a neurologist, mri comes out fine. Also, orthomologist , did not pass peripheral vison test. then eeg did not come normal. Then, cardiologist tells me she does not drink enough water and needs salt in her diet. Blood pressure was low. Re took eeg and eye test came out fine.

Everything fine for a year. Then, she starts which I now know is a tic with her neck and shoulders.

I did not know it was a tic and told her to stop because shes going to hurt her self. She pretty much did stop I saw it a few times after that. Now being twelve her eyes starts ticing, couple months later her arms then a few months later her leg. Shes see a neorolgist, who asked her not me if it bothers her enough to be on medication. My daughter tics the most after a concert , she plays the flute. She also tics when she has gummy bears. I took her off artificial flavors.

She remind me sometimes she cheats just to see if im right and nothing happens. I always remind her of the gummy bears, thats one thing she admits to. Well right now the only person that notices her tics are me. She tics with her arm thats it. Very mild to. But, she is always complaining shes nausea. She told me that she has been nausea in the morning for the past two years. Different part of her legs hurt . The neourolgist has not given me a recent mri or eeg. I'm going to acam doctor next week(wellness doctor). Well any way thats my story.

I went to the vitimin shop twice. I only bought omega 3. I get so confused what to buy.

I have ocd. Well I guess I do, I hate germs, recheck everything before I go out. One time my daughter was watching a show on tv and she said mom that you, they where talking about ocd.

Well any way I learned so much on this sight. I would apprecate any advice thank you


If she hasn't shown any symptoms untill recent it is most likely not Tourettes. It still could be but there are other reason she could be having these tics. You should research tic disorders and she which one best explaines your daughter. I wish you the best of luck and remember to always follow your gut. No one knows your child better than you!

If she hasn't shown any symptoms untill recent it is most likely not Tourettes. It still could be but there are other reason she could be having these tics. You should research tic disorders and she which one best explaines your daughter. I wish you the best of luck and remember to always follow your gut. No one knows your child better than you!

Thank you thats what im trying to do. I left out she sometimes has the clearing throat sound but I have not heard that in awile.

Can you get PANDA if you never had strep throat. I always get strp throat. My daughter never did. Thanks again

Hi everyone,


Ive been reading these post for a couple of weeks now, along with Shelia Rogersbook.

My daughter now 13 has tics. It's mild now but I still want to research and find out more things.

Im not good at writing. Here the order of whats been going on.

age 11- she tells me sometimes she cant see for about 10-15 second , everything goes black.

Shes see a neurologist, mri comes out fine. Also, orthomologist , did not pass peripheral vison test. then eeg did not come normal. Then, cardiologist tells me she does not drink enough water and needs salt in her diet. Blood pressure was low. Re took eeg and eye test came out fine.

Everything fine for a year. Then, she starts which I now know is a tic with her neck and shoulders.

I did not know it was a tic and told her to stop because shes going to hurt her self. She pretty much did stop I saw it a few times after that. Now being twelve her eyes starts ticing, couple months later her arms then a few months later her leg. Shes see a neorolgist, who asked her not me if it bothers her enough to be on medication. My daughter tics the most after a concert , she plays the flute. She also tics when she has gummy bears. I took her off artificial flavors.

She remind me sometimes she cheats just to see if im right and nothing happens. I always remind her of the gummy bears, thats one thing she admits to. Well right now the only person that notices her tics are me. She tics with her arm thats it. Very mild to. But, she is always complaining shes nausea. She told me that she has been nausea in the morning for the past two years. Different part of her legs hurt . The neourolgist has not given me a recent mri or eeg. I'm going to acam doctor next week(wellness doctor). Well any way thats my story.

I went to the vitimin shop twice. I only bought omega 3. I get so confused what to buy.

I have ocd. Well I guess I do, I hate germs, recheck everything before I go out. One time my daughter was watching a show on tv and she said mom that you, they where talking about ocd.

Well any way I learned so much on this sight. I would apprecate any advice thank you


Hi, Maryanne,

I can REALLY sympathize. I posted my daughters story who is now 12 under ticks/childs ticks. This is also so very new for us. I am beyond scared, frustrated with all the tests, doctors and really do not know who to go to next and how to help her to go back to where she was just 2 months ago. I ordered Sheila’s book last Fri and am anxiously waiting for it to arrive. Our ticking started at the end of August and due to the constant twitching in her shoulders, the pain has also been severe. All the tests were negative. In the past 2 months, we tried physical therapy, biofeedback, acupuncture, massage (still doing it) and I will also take her to the chiropractor since now her neck is out of whack with all this muscle twitching. She is devastated because the kids are asking all the time what is this twitching. She started Middle School this year. On Sat, I started my daughter on liquid magnesium, tourette vitamin, coromega and good multi from the health store. No significant results yet; just she is not so much in pain anymore, which could be a result of acupuncture and massage. How do you find a wellness doctor, under what category? We live very close to NY City, in a highly populated area yet I am unable to find a doctor who can look at the whole picture. Also, how long have her tics lasted?

Thank you.


Hi everyone,


Ive been reading these post for a couple of weeks now, along with Shelia Rogersbook.

My daughter now 13 has tics. It's mild now but I still want to research and find out more things.

Im not good at writing. Here the order of whats been going on.

age 11- she tells me sometimes she cant see for about 10-15 second , everything goes black.

Shes see a neurologist, mri comes out fine. Also, orthomologist , did not pass peripheral vison test. then eeg did not come normal. Then, cardiologist tells me she does not drink enough water and needs salt in her diet. Blood pressure was low. Re took eeg and eye test came out fine.

Everything fine for a year. Then, she starts which I now know is a tic with her neck and shoulders.

I did not know it was a tic and told her to stop because shes going to hurt her self. She pretty much did stop I saw it a few times after that. Now being twelve her eyes starts ticing, couple months later her arms then a few months later her leg. Shes see a neorolgist, who asked her not me if it bothers her enough to be on medication. My daughter tics the most after a concert , she plays the flute. She also tics when she has gummy bears. I took her off artificial flavors.

She remind me sometimes she cheats just to see if im right and nothing happens. I always remind her of the gummy bears, thats one thing she admits to. Well right now the only person that notices her tics are me. She tics with her arm thats it. Very mild to. But, she is always complaining shes nausea. She told me that she has been nausea in the morning for the past two years. Different part of her legs hurt . The neourolgist has not given me a recent mri or eeg. I'm going to acam doctor next week(wellness doctor). Well any way thats my story.

I went to the vitimin shop twice. I only bought omega 3. I get so confused what to buy.

I have ocd. Well I guess I do, I hate germs, recheck everything before I go out. One time my daughter was watching a show on tv and she said mom that you, they where talking about ocd.

Well any way I learned so much on this sight. I would apprecate any advice thank you


Hi, Maryanne,

I can REALLY sympathize. I posted my daughters story who is now 12 under ticks/childs ticks. This is also so very new for us. I am beyond scared, frustrated with all the tests, doctors and really do not know who to go to next and how to help her to go back to where she was just 2 months ago. I ordered Sheila’s book last Fri and am anxiously waiting for it to arrive. Our ticking started at the end of August and due to the constant twitching in her shoulders, the pain has also been severe. All the tests were negative. In the past 2 months, we tried physical therapy, biofeedback, acupuncture, massage (still doing it) and I will also take her to the chiropractor since now her neck is out of whack with all this muscle twitching. She is devastated because the kids are asking all the time what is this twitching. She started Middle School this year. On Sat, I started my daughter on liquid magnesium, tourette vitamin, coromega and good multi from the health store. No significant results yet; just she is not so much in pain anymore, which could be a result of acupuncture and massage. How do you find a wellness doctor, under what category? We live very close to NY City, in a highly populated area yet I am unable to find a doctor who can look at the whole picture. Also, how long have her tics lasted?

Thank you.


Hi everyone,


Ive been reading these post for a couple of weeks now, along with Shelia Rogersbook.

My daughter now 13 has tics. It's mild now but I still want to research and find out more things.

Im not good at writing. Here the order of whats been going on.

age 11- she tells me sometimes she cant see for about 10-15 second , everything goes black.

Shes see a neurologist, mri comes out fine. Also, orthomologist , did not pass peripheral vison test. then eeg did not come normal. Then, cardiologist tells me she does not drink enough water and needs salt in her diet. Blood pressure was low. Re took eeg and eye test came out fine.

Everything fine for a year. Then, she starts which I now know is a tic with her neck and shoulders.

I did not know it was a tic and told her to stop because shes going to hurt her self. She pretty much did stop I saw it a few times after that. Now being twelve her eyes starts ticing, couple months later her arms then a few months later her leg. Shes see a neorolgist, who asked her not me if it bothers her enough to be on medication. My daughter tics the most after a concert , she plays the flute. She also tics when she has gummy bears. I took her off artificial flavors.

She remind me sometimes she cheats just to see if im right and nothing happens. I always remind her of the gummy bears, thats one thing she admits to. Well right now the only person that notices her tics are me. She tics with her arm thats it. Very mild to. But, she is always complaining shes nausea. She told me that she has been nausea in the morning for the past two years. Different part of her legs hurt . The neourolgist has not given me a recent mri or eeg. I'm going to acam doctor next week(wellness doctor). Well any way thats my story.

I went to the vitimin shop twice. I only bought omega 3. I get so confused what to buy.

I have ocd. Well I guess I do, I hate germs, recheck everything before I go out. One time my daughter was watching a show on tv and she said mom that you, they where talking about ocd.

Well any way I learned so much on this sight. I would apprecate any advice thank you


Hi, Maryanne,

I can REALLY sympathize. I posted my daughters story who is now 12 under ticks/childs ticks. This is also so very new for us. I am beyond scared, frustrated with all the tests, doctors and really do not know who to go to next and how to help her to go back to where she was just 2 months ago. I ordered Sheila’s book last Fri and am anxiously waiting for it to arrive. Our ticking started at the end of August and due to the constant twitching in her shoulders, the pain has also been severe. All the tests were negative. In the past 2 months, we tried physical therapy, biofeedback, acupuncture, massage (still doing it) and I will also take her to the chiropractor since now her neck is out of whack with all this muscle twitching. She is devastated because the kids are asking all the time what is this twitching. She started Middle School this year. On Sat, I started my daughter on liquid magnesium, tourette vitamin, coromega and good multi from the health store. No significant results yet; just she is not so much in pain anymore, which could be a result of acupuncture and massage. How do you find a wellness doctor, under what category? We live very close to NY City, in a highly populated area yet I am unable to find a doctor who can look at the whole picture. Also, how long have her tics lasted?

Thank you.



Hi Anna,


I feel what your going threw . You hate when your kids are in pain, sometimes you just want to scream somebody help me! Im new at this so im not going to give advice im more like you looking for advice. I understand about the shoulders, my daughters wing bone use to get stuck all the time.

I also unerstand your frustration with the doctors. I think Shelia's book is going to help you alot.

I'll give my neurologist credit he did tell me about the artificial flavors. I changed my daughters diet.

I know artificial flavors had alot to do with it. Even though my daughter cheats sometime. There are certain things she eats and it's instant. My daughters arm tics all the time. Very mild but I notice it. Things have gotten better. Everybody tells me to leave this alone. But, She is always complaining something hurts. She nausea in the morning. She gets aches and pains. I think it's all connected and I want to find out what it is. The sight I went to for the doctor is www.acam.org.

I think Icalled it a wellness doctor because on the doctor that im going to that's what he has.

I got the site from Shelia's book it stands for The american college for advancement in Medicine's.

I wish you and your daughter well, and Shelia's book is going to give you hope. Hope to speak you again Maryann




Sorry to hear about your daughter's pain. I highly recommend you using a magnesium creme from Kirkman Lab on line. It helped my son ALOT when he had his head nodding tic. Just applied the creme in the trouble area few times a day. Also, soaking in epsom bath 2X a day for 20 minutes with a wet towel on the trouble spot. I also find Kids Calm helps alot.


Have you look into Craniolsacrol therapy? It is noninvasive and works. Just make sure you find someone who is knowledgeable in treating tics using CST. I have gone thru 2 CST, our current ND treats tics with CST and I can see a decrease in my son's symptoms.


Thru this process, i learned if you don't see much improvement in about 2/3 mos or about 8 - 10 appts., it is probably time to move on to someone or something else. Once you find someone who is good at what they do., you can get results pretty quickly.


Good luck!




welcome MaryAnn ^_^


so glad you are reading Sheila's book and seeking alternative answers to help your daughter.


I just did want to mention re the pains and the nausea....this is not unusual in teenagers, with very real "growing pains" and hormonal changes


Forgive me if you have already mentioned this but have you tested for food allergies other than just removing the artificial additives.


Often nausea and pains can be related to specific food allergies, like gluten/casein. It is also often a symptom of Candida overgrowth (yeast infection) in the gut, and again we have lots of threads here discussing that


It's good that you have her on Omega 3 (fish oil is best unless she is sensitive to that, in which case flaxseed oil is next best)


If you can get her on a good pure multivitamin/multimineral as well and add extra magnesium that would be a really good base to start, while you try to find more pieces of her specific health puzzle.


I cannot say often enough how soothing epsom salts baths can be, and, as Patty has found, the cream seems to be very helpful too





Sorry to hear about your daughter's pain. I highly recommend you using a magnesium creme from Kirkman Lab on line. It helped my son ALOT when he had his head nodding tic. Just applied the creme in the trouble area few times a day. Also, soaking in epsom bath 2X a day for 20 minutes with a wet towel on the trouble spot. I also find Kids Calm helps alot.


Have you look into Craniolsacrol therapy? It is noninvasive and works. Just make sure you find someone who is knowledgeable in treating tics using CST. I have gone thru 2 CST, our current ND treats tics with CST and I can see a decrease in my son's symptoms.


Thru this process, i learned if you don't see much improvement in about 2/3 mos or about 8 - 10 appts., it is probably time to move on to someone or something else. Once you find someone who is good at what they do., you can get results pretty quickly.


Good luck!



Hi Pat,

I went to the vitamin shop last week and they never heard of kids calm. I'm sure I can find it on line.

Is that calcium and Magnesium. I was confused what to buy because then I read about taurine, and how thats good for you. I end up getting nothing. I was so happy when you you wrote to Anna.

Im new at this and you gave great information. I never heard of CST, Thank you also

because a couple of months ago my daughter had the tics in both her shoulders. Her back was hurting and she was in pain. Itook her to pediatric orthopedic. I was so upset when I left their,

they did nothing. It was like what do you want me to do. Thank you Maryann

welcome MaryAnn ^_^


so glad you are reading Sheila's book and seeking alternative answers to help your daughter.


I just did want to mention re the pains and the nausea....this is not unusual in teenagers, with very real "growing pains" and hormonal changes


Forgive me if you have already mentioned this but have you tested for food allergies other than just removing the artificial additives.


Often nausea and pains can be related to specific food allergies, like gluten/casein. It is also often a symptom of Candida overgrowth (yeast infection) in the gut, and again we have lots of threads here discussing that


It's good that you have her on Omega 3 (fish oil is best unless she is sensitive to that, in which case flaxseed oil is next best)


If you can get her on a good pure multivitamin/multimineral as well and add extra magnesium that would be a really good base to start, while you try to find more pieces of her specific health puzzle.


I cannot say often enough how soothing epsom salts baths can be, and, as Patty has found, the cream seems to be very helpful too



Hi Chemar.

I have not had her tested for food allergies yet. I figured I would go to this doctor first and he can make recommendations. I will get it done. I also thought of Candida, Im going to get that done.I have her on the fish oil. When Iwent to the viatim shop and asked for her with the mult-viatim. She asked for her weight which is 100 lbs. She was confused which way to go on that child/adult.

I wanted pure like you said. She was unsure, I left there saying ill do more research.

I hope its just the hormone changes. I spoke to my brother recently and he said mabey you should leave this alone. He said I had things happen to me when I was young. He told me for two years he had to stretch out his eyes and he could not stop. He said everybody use to ask him what areyou doing. I asked my brother at what age was this and he told me when he started taken the bus. Which would be 12. My day told me he did the clearing of thehroat sould for 3 weeks. He does not remember what age. The only reason he remembers is because he went to the movies and everybody told him to shut up. I don't no why I just told you all that I guess I'm just trying to figure out is this a heritery thing. I have to goget ready for work . Thank you so much for all the information. One more thing should I ger her tested for PANDA?


Dear Maryann,

I went to the health food store and the Nature's plus, Source of Life Animal Parade.

What seems to help her pain a lot is a massage therapist who actually told me that she thinks my daughter's muscles in her neck are a problem, that they are so tied up in her neck and upper shoulders, and as a result, she thinks I am seeing the movement in her shoulders. I also started her on coromega (plus calcium magneseum liquid by Bonnet), but I read such conflicting comments, that Omega 3 sometimes increases ticks- that I am sonfused- to give her Coromega or not...so far I gave it to her 3 times, every other day.... should I now give it every day, one packet per day? The therapist suggested we see a chorporactor also. Any thoughts?

Also, silly question.. to find out food intolerance, etc - do you go to the allergist? I spoke to my son's allergist who told me that food allergies can not cause tics.


Thank you all, this site has been a godsend.




re your mentioning of your brother and dad describing some childhood habits--I think what you shoud take from that is comfort that yes, some family members had a few tics, but obviously they were shortlived and have not lasted or gotten worse into adulthood. So your brother's advice is sound, he means don't worry too much, it was not such a big deal for him and it probably won't be for your child. I am glad you mentioned that, it gives me hope and eases my worry too. My son has tics, probably TS, he is eight now, and I can tell you and I've mentioned here several times that I know for a fact I had some childhood habits. I don't remember them ever being any problem and my mother does not even remember! I too have to just think well, this is a phase and he will turn out just fine in the end, Godwilling.


You asked about the Kids Calm, I believe the correct name is Natural Calm - "Kids" formula. It is a magnesium powder that dissolves in hot water and comes in a tall canister. "Natural Calm" is just the adult version. It certainly can't hurt to try some supplements, especially the ones known for calming.


Anna, about the food intolerance, I hate when a professional makes such a point blank statement like that--food intolerances may not be the "cause" of the tics, but it is certainly possible for it to be an irritant to the system which in turn causes system imbalances, etc. and thus has an effect on tics and once those intolerances are removed, tics may be calmed. Many here have found this to be so, and myself included. Its not a proven true fact, but it certainly cannot hurt to try. Regualr allergiests probably won't do this type of testing, you'll have to see a naturopath or environmental allergist, or someone who is into alternative medicine. Google the "Alcat" test and it could explain some things.


Good luck



Anna & Maryanne,


You can get Kid's Calm made by Peter Gillham's thru iherb.com and Magnesium creme from kirkmanlabs.com on-line as well. Kid's Calm is mainly magnesium citrate with some vit C & zinc.


We have also seek chiropractic care for my son's head nodding tic, not for tic reduction but to alleviate the neck pain & headaches from doing the head nods. It did not initially reduce his head tics but months later, the chiropractic adjustment actually help alleviate his head tics.


IMO, i think when one takes a comprehensive approach to healing once the body's nervous system calms down, the body is much more responsive to alternative treatments.


One of the first things you can do right now is to eliminate any MSG, food colorings, additives and preservatives, corn syrup and artificial sweetners, as some of these chemicals are excitotoxins and can cause irratations in the nervous system. As you get into food intolerance testings (IGg), then you can slowly eliminate the offending foods. If you do everything at one time, it is very overwhelming for you & your child.


You know what helps us alot is using NAET. We did the food avoidance initially, then we treated the offending food items and we were able to add these food back into my son's diet. The only thing we try to avoid whenever possible are the ones that i listed above since they are not good for you anyways. Even tho we treated the food that my son were sensitive to, i still give it to him in moderation. But having that option to be able to eat it w/o recourse is a blessing!


Another thing you can do easily is start eating organic meat & produce. That's another way to get more nutrients into the body and keep the pesticides, hormone, antibiotic .... from taxing the body. Good places to start are Whold Foods, Trader Joes, your local farmer's market, healthfood stores, and even Safeway is starting to carry more organic items. When buying organic goods, i stay away from anything made or packaged outside of the USA as their standards may be differ and more pesticides are allowed in other countries.


There is much more to be done, but there is only so much time in a day. But if you slowly changing your eating & shopping habits, it just becomes a way of life. It is a process, but you will get there.


Good luck!




We are doing the Bonnies vitamin as well as a bit of Kids Calm. We have had 4 sessions of NAET and are still skeptical. Time will tell if the expensive procedure works. The IgG test certainly showed up some interesting things, the prick test showed nothing. I will probably get him tested next year again with IgG and see if it the results are different. For now, he is doing great.


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